Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Angles for perspective tool:

  • 14.05 degrees Vertical adjustment for W-S scenery
  • -37 Vertical, 155% W for N-S

Random facts[]

  • Fallout engine ticks: 10 ticks per second need to confirm

Random notes[]


{158}{}{Son, there's nothing like a battle between a fish and a man.}
{143}{}{What about the battle between a Rad Scorpion and a man?}

{159}{}{Son, did I ever tell you about the time I caught the giant eel . . .}
{144}{}{Only about twelve times . . .}

{160}{}{Son, don't talk back to your father!}
{145}{}{Uh, yes sir.}

{161}{}{Maybe this time I'll catch that three-eyed catfish.}
{146}{}{I think this time I'll catch a cold . . .}

{162}{}{Dinner's coming right up!}
{147}{}{Hurry up! I'm starving!}

{163}{}{There's nothing like the taste of a juicy fish on an open fire.}
{148}{}{It's been so long since you caught anything, I've forgotten what
 it tastes like.}

{164}{}{Quiet son, you're scaring away the fish.}
{149}{}{Dad, did you hear something . . .}


  namespace = File
  category  = Concept art by Nemanja Dojkic
  count	    = 
  format    = <gallery>,%PAGE%|[[%PAGE%{{!}}Concept art]]\n,,</gallery>

MUST USE FULL NAME, subst: or magic words don't do their magic

Refs for RC[]








  1. Lone Wanderer: "Setting the record straight is exactly my goal."
    Pinkerton: "For that, you have to go all the way back to when remnants of the Naval Research Institute cleared the Mirelurks off this wreck about 40 years ago. We were looking for new lab-space, and this bucket of bolts just happened to have a well-preserved science bay on it. Everything else just grew up around that lab once we got it up and running. The science team was led by one "H. Pinkerton.""
  2. Lone Wanderer: "You were on the City Council? That's hard to believe."
    Pinkerton: "Well, start believing or start walking! Remnants of the Naval Research Institute cleared the Mirelurks off this wreck about 40 years ago. We were looking for new lab-space, and this bucket of bolts just happened to have a well-preserved science bay on it. Everything else just grew up around that lab once we got it up and running. The science team was led by one "H. Pinkerton.""
  3. Lone Wanderer: "So, you used to be in charge? How did you end up here?"
    Pinkerton: "That lasted until 'bout 18 years ago, when those ambitious backbiters like Li and her little team showed up. She came in with her big "Purity Project" pipe dream, and my whole staff started working with her, those traitors! She even took my seat on the council. By then, I was glad to leave it behind. But hell if I'm leaving the city I made great!"
  4. Lone Wanderer: "If that's so, why are you stuck down here?"
    Pinkerton: "About 18 years ago, Li and her ambitious little team of backbiters showed up. Ruined everything around here, they did! She came in with her big "Purity Project" pipe dream, and my whole staff started working with her, those traitors! She even took my seat on the council. By then, I was glad to leave it behind. But hell if I'm leaving the city I made great!"
  5. Lone Wanderer: "Do you have any hard evidence of all this?"
    Pinkerton: "Of course I do! A good scientist always keeps track of their data! Here! They probably don't even remember, but I kept the records of that first council meeting. Take them, if it'll put them in their place!"
  6. Lone Wanderer: "I can't imagine why she'd be more popular. Even assuming this is all true."
    Pinkerton: "What're you suggesting, you little brat? I may not be on the science team anymore, but I still know how to keep records! Here! They probably don't even remember, but I kept the records of that first council meeting. Take them, if it'll put them in their place!"