Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Bot of User:Scratchy1024

Previous bot actions[]

  • Updating Fallout 4 and 76 weapon mod links - 2/4/24
  • Updating math for armor penetration mods on Fallout 76 weapons - 2/5/24
  • Updating Tag's plan dump, Live plans - 2/12/24
  • Adding new Fallout 76 Weapon Mod template parameters - 3/3/24
  • Removing erroneous newlines introduced in the previous bot action - 3/4/24
  • Updating Civil Engineer and Mothman Equinox plans - 4/2/24
  • Updated Prime receiver effects - 4/3/24
  • Added Meat Week Plans - 5/22/24
  • Added Dangerous Pastimes plans - 6/23/24
  • Added new Fasnacht plans - 6/25/24
  • Added Neurological Warfare plans - 6/26/24
  • Added new faction vendor gold bullion plans - 6/30/24
  • Removed erroneous "introduced" from recently added plans - 6/30/24
  • Added new quest plans - 7/2/2024