Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

USA Flag Pre-WarThis user is an American.
BoxartThis user is knowledgeable about the Fallout series and can (probably) answer any questions you have.
DremoraThis user is secretly a Dremora lord!
Those who forget history are damned to repeat it.— George Santayana
Raul: thanks for the infinite wisdom, old men in dresses

WastedWarrior: it's called a Utilikilt, i will have you know.

it's got all these pockets, and cargo pockets, and recesses for knives and pens and flashlights and stuff. hardcore.

Just your friendly neighborhood ghoul here! I am also a collector of junk.

The Junk Throne[]

Junk throne

My majestic Junk Throne.

Misc Stuff[]

Ping Ping Phrases: RaulTheGhoul, Raul, Zombie, Other Zombie, Ghoul

There should have been a list of this user's edit counts here, but the edit counts feature is no longer available.


