Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I got my name from famed Murder Incorporated hitman Harry "Pittsburgh Phil" Strauss He has no connections to the pitt per se( except maybe for some murders he commited in the area. All unconfirmed, of course) I just liked his cool nick name, so I took it as my own.


I do in fact live in Pittsburgh, it is less gloomy and less crowded in real life compared to the game, but they did get the atmosphere right. In fact that's what the city looked liked up until 1947, but I am sure you really don't care about that.

So, A little about myself, I wasn't born in Pittsburgh, I was born In a much smaller town in central part of the state. So what brought my to Pittsburgh you ask? Well would you beleive video games, yes, videogames brought me to Pittsburgh,specifically game design. I go to college for game design, and am currently in my last year of schooling.


Video Games[]

This is a short list of games/ series I enjoy playing

  • The Metal Gear Series
  • The Elder Scroll Series
  • The GTA Series
  • UFC-Undisputed
  • The God of War Series
  • The Assasins Creed Series
  • Blade Runner
  • The Fallout Series
  • Modern Warfare
  • Blade Runner
  • Gran Tourismo Series
  • Burnout series
  • FFIX, and FFVII
  • Crusader No Remorse
  • Sim City

Other Stuff[]

Into the PittThis User Lives in The Pitt.
USA Flag Pre-WarThis user is an American.
44 Data MinerThis user has made 142 edits.
37 Scourge of HumanityThis user is Pure Evil. No, really! Don't trust them.
Gametitle-FO3This user is knowledgeable about Fallout 3.
