Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I am a fan of the Fallout series and enjoy this website because of its large wealth of knowledge. I have to admit, I first played Fallout 3 but the became intrigued when reading about the original games. It is my goal to track down and buy the first 2 fallout games(including Tactics).

I am somewhat of a goodguy in Fallout 3, I try to do everything the most peaceful way( but I do enjoy doing somethings the violent way). I completed everyquest in the game, except that one slaver quest. I completed the Pitt and sided with Ashur. I side with the Brotherhood more than the Outcasts because I think the Outcasts are too overzealous about their duty. I beleive they would do better together but each group acting as a seperate unit. I'm a fan of the T-51b and wish the amor could be reapired with other items and was more durable. I hunt down Supermutants and Raiders for fun. I hunted down all the Behomeths and destroyed Raven Rock(by accident). I also have a high end amory of weapons , supplies, ammo, and armors. I have around 20 suits if regular power armor in perfect condition. 11 Tesla suits in pc(Perfect Condition), 7 Enclave armor in pc, 3 Outcast Armors, and helmets to match. I hope Bestheda make a co-op DLC so I can share my knoledge and armory with freinds and other comrades.

Current Profile:[]

Name: Eden, (male)[]

Weapons: Assault Rifle, Double Barrel(for some racial clensing)

Armor: T-51b

Aid: 411 Stimpacks, 75 Med-X, 104 Rad-X, 124 RadAway

Misc: Lucky 8 Ball, Lump of Brain

Ammo: 14000 5.56mm Rounds 18000 5mm rounds

Quests: None




Big Guns:100

Energy Weapons:100




Melee Weapons:43







Star Paladin Cross

Armor: Winterized T-5lb Weapon: Assault Rifle, Axe
