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Fallout 3 and NV :  I am new to Wikia []

I would not refer to myself as an expert, since the term should be reserved for PC users with the ability to look into the game not just interact with it through the in-game GUI. Regardless of on PS3 or Xbox 360, the only thing I can do is to play it continuously (Most hours on a single functional save is 800 on Xbox 360 for FO3 with DLCs, 700 for FONV, 900 for PS3 without DLCs, 270 for GOTY, FONV not yet tested on PS3.)

How to keep your save running[]

Turn off auto-save

Avoid wearing faction armor. 1st Recon, T-51b, Remnant, Rebreather, NCR Ranger Helmet aren't a disguise.

Do not steal anything except skill books.

Don't buy any caravan cards other than 10, K, and 6.

Don't sell anything other than to, Maze, Vendoron, and Gibson whose supply never fail to replenish (or simply go away)

Buy only what you need; e.g. Stimpaks instead of components to make a stimpak...

Rely on chems, it's the only way to complete it or not die. Hidden Valley Virus, Legendary Deathclaw attack. Stack up on Fixer and Antivenum, use Party Mentats, Mentats, Buffout often.

Never run, the game can't load that fast. So wear a Power Armor and carry a two handed weapon if you want to run.

Do Jury Rigg, baseball bats turn into 100 CND Super Sledge. Hardly any legitimate merchant sell low CND weapon. Sometimes reaching them is harder than paying the high commision to Gun Runner. Repair Kits can be purchased in Nellis but be sure to not buy anything else, FT with 200 Repair kits from Nellis to Novac; nothing will attack you. Repair your Power Armor with Metal armor varient guanteed to be in stock at Gunrunner. Medium armor requires, buying a recon armor or killing NCR, or raiding the Fort. Exploiting merchant transactions will sure to corrupt your save in no time.

If you don't really care, don't offer your assistance. Do not activate subquests that its reward do not match the risk, resource and consequence. E.g. White Wash, Raul's companion quest, Veronica's, Cass', Boone's. And do not offer to help collect NCR irradiated dogtags. It's the Tennpenny Tower of FONV; you were told to stay away, you insisted you could help. Result; always bad. Reward; none or worthless.

Do not explore places for fun. E.g. Camp Guardian

Think twice about killing the Kahns for Moore. Afterwards there is no way to trade with them; faction armor is "neutral" so, absolutely no way but to rob them and take their stuff.

Nobody will steal things from your Novac motel room, and various other locations where you alone have been given the key. So no mines should be placed inside. VIP suites; great, but useless as your weapons are confiscated.

Do not use Energy Weapons against "Fking Cazadors" as you would no longer be able to drag it else where.

Know the difference between, sneak kills and silent kills. Sneak kills are premptive hostile action while silent kills are cazador poisoning of some sort; a natural death due to toxic eviroment or illness highly common in FONV.

Self-defense is always justifiable; e.g. defense against violent behavior caused by PC attempting to access personal database, or personal container. Basically the logic behind why one gains karma for killing Fiends armed with a knife smoking a cigartte in "Fiend's territory" wearing impenetrable power armor equipped with 50MG sniper who likes to hunt. Because they would attempt to kill anyone without a warning or justifiable reason; and hunting them is crime prevention.

Spoilers and Personal Opinion[]

Certain NCR outposts or camps do not show the player reputation. This is most likely due to the fact that it was abandoned by NCR, a camp for those "unfit" for active service, openly against NCR expansion, off-limits, or unofficial (safehouse)

Goodsprings is a retired scavenger settlement and Doc Mitchel lost/forced out of his home; vault 21 by Mr. House and "his wife to illness" and "reason to continue his journey." Basically it's not possible to help him. Killing Mr. House would destroy the precious information for mankind which is medical technology thus wouldn't make the Doc happy, and NCR would impose high taxes thus prospector saloon is forced out of business, Leigion would kill everyone, so no point in trying.

Novac is similiar but its occupants are highly diverse. Great Kahn sympatheizer, Retired NCR with crazy plans, Retired Ranger, Scientist, Doctor who isn't legit, Enclave pilot, wastelander, Repconn scientists. People with dirty secrets and past who want to be left alone.

Primm is actually the courier's official base of operations yet, sadly there is nothing there. Vance's 9mm SMG cannot be returned since it belongs to the courier. The courier is neutral without a disguise as he/she is an offical member of the community. But it's significance is close to that of Nipton... If you can't gamble anymore, why visit? Nash's dialog never updates beyond "my kind of town" and no other jobs avaiable.

NCR is Oliver's BOS wannabee army, McCarran is Hszu's general safety camp, Hoover Dam is Moore's kill em all task force, Strip Embassy's Crocker's MP who are crooks, Boyd's MP task force consisting of a complete stranger and herself. Helios One station who woudn't stand a chance against anything. Ranger stations do nothing at all; Camp Golf is waiting for a Mirelurk invasion. Why as with FO3; the PC is turned into a God is unknown; "NCR Emergency Supply drop and Ranger backup cannot be given to C.F.Hope. 1st Recon serves no purpose whatsoever. And doesn't even attempt to defend the camp.. At least in FO3, the Outcasts were doing something, fighting against Enclave near Fort Constantine. Oh the Enclave are also hiding in disguise. Wow... where is the actual combat? So I need to disarm the C4 which upon FT to vault 3 kills all the Fiends and punch them with my bare fist? Fatman and L/B mod. Ok, where is the ammo? And why do I need 10 of the launchers? I buy them so none can use it. You could literally wear Formal Wear and no risk of being killed... Black Mountain is the most dangerous place to loot. But they don't go out on hunts so poses no danger whatsoever so, why kill them if they respawn? I've ran out of containers to store caps, and 100 skill weapons, and AP ammo of all types..

Consider the reason why nobody asks you to kill Ceaser. Without Ceaser, NCR cannot justify their military presence and an excuse; to safe guard the towns from Raiders (non-existent), Fiends (Drug addicts with nowhere else to go) and Securitrons (NCR will be wiped out) won't work. Thus they leave Powder Gang alone; but what they want is complete take over and taxes. Problem is that regular NCR soldiers don't know anything so they no longer see any reason to remain there. With the NCR Veteren Soldiers removed from the front; (after Hanlon) Legade are the only ones left alive and NCR is preventing PC from entering and wiping them out. Rescue NCR hostages? You mean "deserters." There are weapons and food inside the cells. Odd...

Waiting for DLCs; unable to proceed any further. E.g. blow up Hidden Valley. Got most achievements, just need to go punch some books. 700 hours (could get it all back in a day if needed; usually required for a major add-on.) but I can't make any more characters... I bare fisted 5 Nightkin Masters but it didn't count since I didn't have an "unarmed weapon" equipped. Come on! It took like 3 hours... Hurry up Bethesada...

Highly complex society as a whole however, when it comes down to it; nothing else matters when your saves are gone. So, for me personally, it's a shame that the game could offer so much if, it weren't for the 95 percent of all the bugs listed I can personally confirm; and Kahns, BOS as well as the Followers being "minor factions" with little influence. How in the world would one get to Great Kahns with the "Fking Cazadors" blocking the path? And for what? Gunner and Silver Rush has almost everything for none-Ninja characters...

I cannot help but to believe, the courier was better off rotting in the grave next to Doc Mitchel's wife. PS3demon 02:09, February 20, 2011 (UTC)

Clean up is needed obviously, but the game itself needs it more than my rubbish.PS3demon 02:09, February 20, 2011 (UTC)
