Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

All the world's a stage, the men and women merely players...Shakespeare

Greetings, my name is Overseer X, or you may also know me as Mystic from the Nukapedia discord. I am a former Chat & Discussions Moderator on Nukapedia, and a Community Council Member down at fandom. Some of you may know me as the crazy man who started a witch hunt back in 2019, and after all that drama, I decided to quietly go into a hiatus. However, I'm here to tell you that I'm still alive and kicking!

Now a little bit about myself irl, because I trust I've hidden my tracks well enough. I'm your typical nosey private investigator in a small country that you'd probably never heard of. I'm somewhat of a politician myself, but many people call me a madman for my radical views, yet again, probably tells you why I love fallout so much (yeah, its because of the crazy vault experiments and the nukes).

So if you need me, call me. The name's X. Overseer X.

Discord Contact[]

For urgent enquiries, please drop me a DM message at Mystic#7640. Please feel free to drop me a DM if you leave a talk page message as well, to ensure my prompt response.
