Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


The purpose of this page is to list various character types and the tag/favored skills they use, and the traits and perks they should take; more than three skills indicate favored non-tagged skills. Registered users may make changes but I reserve the right to have the final say on any edits. --Kris User Hola

Character types


A lone adventurer armed with a traditional firearm rather than an energy weapon. Skills:

  • Guns (naturally)
  • Survival
  • Repair

Traits To be written Perks: To be written

23rd Century Gunslinger

A lone adventurer armed with an energy weapon rather than a traditional firearm. Skills:

  • Energy Weapons (naturally)
  • Survival
  • Repair

Traits To be written Perks: To be written


A character that can get in and out of places, usually unseen but sometimes with deception instead. Skills

  • Sneak
  • Lockpick
  • Science
  • Speech

Traits To be written Perks Silent Running Light Step


Like the Infiltrator, the Ninja can get in and out of places unseen. Typically doesn't do any deception or computer hacking Skills

  • Sneak
  • Melee
  • Lockpick

Traits To be written Perks Ninja


Wearing heavy armor and wielding a big stick, the Juggernaut takes what he wants by means of physical force. Skills

  • Melee
  • Repair
  • Explosives

Traits To be written 'Perks


Wearing heavy armor and wielding a firearm or energy weapon, this character is all about modern weapon types. Skills

  • Guns
  • Energy Weapons
  • Explosives

Traits To be written 'Perks


The sniper is adept at remaining unseen and killing from a distance. Skills

  • Sneak
  • Guns
  • Energy Weapons

Traits To be written 'Perks

More to come, feel free to add some yourself!
