Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

<badge user="CarlOnFire"/>

{{Infobox character |name=CarlOnFire |game=Fallout 3 |image=SpaceCowboy.jpg |desc=Gonna Kill us all with insanity |race=Space Cowboy |affiliation=ADAA, Space Cowboys |role=Barrel |location=Megaton, Rivet City, Citadel, Space! |quests=We Dont Need No Stinkin' Badges! |appearances =Fallout 3 [[[http://www.kingdomofloathing.com%7CThe Kingdom Of Loathing |actor=CarlOnFire }} Fallout Player and all out british person.


UK FlagThis user is from the United Kingdom.

FO76 BoS spray logo whiteThis user is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Gametitle-FO3This user is knowledgeable about Fallout 3.

Windows LogoThis user plays on a PC.

XBoxLogoThis user plays on the Xbox 360.

Apple Logo This user would not use a Mac if he was paid in PCs.