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Fallout Wiki


Character Creation[]


There is a total of 58 skill points in Fallout 3 including:

  • 40 you assign at the beginning of the game
  • 7 bobbleheads
  • 10 Intense Training perks
  • 1 to either Strength or Perception from the sidequest "those!"

The following is a good all-round example of how to assign these points because all character types need high Strength to carry loot, High Endurance is needed for HP & rad resistance and high Intelegence is good to have from the beginning so that you can ensure you have plenty of skill points to distribute each level up. (Also note that you may want to adjust this plan to suit the armor you will use. eg. Power Armor: +2 Strength -2 Agility):

  • S- start of game(6)+ Bobblehead(1)+ Intense Training(3) =10
  • P- start of game(5)+ Bobblehead(1)+ Ant Sight(1) =7
  • E- start of game(5)+ Bobblehead(1)+ Intense Training(4) =10
  • C- start of game(5)+ Bobblehead(1)+ Intense Training(1) =7
  • I- start of game(9)+ Bobblehead(1) =10
  • A- start of game(5)+ Bobblehead(1)+ Intense Training(1) =7
  • L- start of game(5)+ Bobblehead(1)+ Intense Training(1)+ Lucky Eight Ball(1) =8


There are over 1500 possible skill points in Fallout 3 and only 13 skills, so each skill should have well over enough to end up with 100 each. This should include 15 each to start with (depending on your S.P.E.C.I.A.L.), 130 From the 13 bobbleheads, roughly 600 from skill books and 350-370 from level up points. The following shows skill points in more detail:

  • Barter- Start(15)+ Bobblehead(10)+ Skill Books(48) -27 needed
  • Big Guns- Start(15)+ Bobblehead(10)+ Skill Books(50) -25 needed
  • Energy Weapons- Start(15)+ Bobblehead(10)+ Skill Books(50) -25 needed
  • Explosives- Start(15)+ Bobblehead(10)+ Skill Books(50) -25 needed
  • Lockpick- Start(15)+ Bobblehead(10)+ Skill Books(50) -25 needed
  • Medicine- Start(23)+ Bobblehead(10)+ Skill Books(50) -25 needed
  • Melee Weapons- Start(17)+ Bobblehead(10)+ Skill Books(50) -25 needed
  • Repair- Start(23)+ Bobblehead(10)+ Skill Books(50) -25 needed
  • Science- Start(23)+ Bobblehead(10)+ Skill Books(50) -25 needed
  • Small Guns- Start(15)+ Bobblehead(10)+ Skill Books(50) -25 needed
  • Sneak- Start(15)+ Bobblehead(10)+ Skill Books(50) -25 needed
  • Speech- Start(15)+ Bobblehead(10)+ Skill Books(52) -25 needed
  • Unarmed- Start(15)+ Bobblehead(10)+ Skill Books(50) -25 needed

The minimum needed to be distributed on level up will change depending on which skills you tag and which perks you choose.

Also I highly recommend taking the Educated & Comprehension perks as early as possible because Educated will give you 3 more skill points to distribute each level up and Comprehension will double the points you get from skill books.


If you plan on putting as much into your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes as possible, I recommend taking all 10 Intense Training perks. With the remaining 9 level ups the most useful perks include: Educated, Comprehension, Strong Back, Tag, Sniper, Concentrated Fire and Cyborg.

Here is an example of a plan for perks:

  • L2-Intense Training
  • L3-Intense Training
  • L4-Educated
  • L5-Comprehension
  • L6-Intense Training
  • L7-Intense Training
  • L8-Strong Back
  • L9-Intense Training
  • L10-Intense Training
  • L11-Intense Training
  • L12-Sniper
  • L13-Silent Running
  • L14-Cyborg
  • L15-Intense Training
  • L16-Finesse
  • L17-Intense Training
  • L18-Adamantium skeleton
  • L19-Intense Training
  • L20-Explorer