Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Weapon Slot Mod Gun Nut Description Base ID
Pipe Rifle (.38) Receiver Standard receiver Standard. ????????
Light frame receiver Lighter weight. Reduced damage. ????????
Heavy frame receiver Heavier weight. Improved damage. ????????
Calibrated receiver Better critical shot damage. ????????
Hardened receiver Better damage. ????????
Automatic receiver Improved rate of fire. Inferior damage and range. ????????
Armor piercing automatic receiver Star Improved rate of fire and armor penetration. Reduced range. Inferior damage. ????????
Hair trigger receiver Star More sensitive trigger. Better rate of fire. ????????
Powerful receiver Star Superior damage. ????????
Hardened automatic receiver Star Improved rate of fire. Reduced damage. Inferior range. ????????
Rapid automatic receiver Star2 Superior rate of fire. Inferior range. Inferior damage. ????????
Calibrated powerful receiver Star2 Superior damage. Better critical shot damage and accuracy. ????????
Hardened piercing auto receiver Star2 Improved rate of fire and armor penetration. Reduced damage and range. ????????
Powerful automatic receiver Star2 Improved damage and rate of fire. Inferior range. ????????
.45 receiver Star2 Exceptional damage. Changes ammo type to .45 Caliber. More sensitive trigger. Better rate of fire. ????????
Barrel Short barrel ????????
Long barrel +25% Better range, improved damage, sighted accuracy and recoil. Reduced ammo capacity. Poor hip-fire accuracy. ????????
Automatic barrel +45% Improved rate of fire, range and sighted accuracy. Worse recoil. Reduced ammo capacity. Poor hip-fire accuracy. ????????
Sniper barrel +55% Superior damage and range. Worse recoil. Poor ammo capacity and hip-fire accuracy. ????????
Improved short barrel ????????
Improved long barrel +25% Better damage and range. Improved sighted accuracy and recoil. Reduced ammo capacity. Poor hip-fire accuracy. ????????
Improved automatic barrel +45% Superior rate of fire. Improved damage, range and sighted accuracy. Worse recoil. Reduced ammo capacity. Poor hip-fire accuracy. ????????
Improved sniper barrel +55% Exceptional damage. Superior range. Worse recoil. Poor ammo capacity and hip-fire accuracy. ????????
Grip Standard grip Standard. ????????
Comfort grip Improved recoil and hip-fire accuracy. ????????
Short stock +15% Exceptional sighted accuracy. Better recoil and aim with scopes. Improved bash. ????????
Sharpshooter's grip -5% Better recoil and hip-fire accuracy. ????????
Full stock +45% Exceptional sighted accuracy. Better recoil and aim with scopes. Improved bash. ????????
Marksman's stock +45% Exceptional sighted accuracy. Superior recoil and aim with scopes. Improved bash. ????????
Recoil compensating stock +45% Exceptional sighted accuracy and recoil. Better aim with scopes. Improved bash. ????????
Sights Standard sights Standard. ????????
Improved sights -5% Improved focus and sighted accuracy. ????????
Short scope +40% Improved magnification. Superior sighted accuracy. ????????
Reflex sight -15% Better focus and sighted accuracy. ????????
Medium scope +50% Better magnification. Superior sighted accuracy ????????
Long scope +65% Superior magnification and sighted accuracy. ????????
Short night vision scope +40% Night vision. Improved magnification. Superior sighted accuracy ????????
Medium night vision scope +50% Night vision. Better magnification. Superior sighted accuracy. ????????
Long night vision scope +65% Night vision. Superior magnification and sighted accuracy. ????????
Short recon scope Tracks targets. Improved magnification. Superior sighted accuracy. ????????
Long recon scope Tracks targets. Superior magnification and sighted accuracy. ????????
Muzzle No muzzle Standard
Beam splitter Splits beam into multiple projectiles covering a wider area. Poor accuracy and range. ????????
Beam focuser Better range, accuracy, and recoil. ????????
Gyro compensating lens Superior recoil. Reduced range. ????????
Amplified beam splitter Splits beam into multiple projectiles covering a wider area. Reduced accuracy. Poor range. ????????
Fine-tuned beam focuser Super range and accuracy. Better recoil. ????????
Quantum gyro compensating lens Exceptional recoil. Reduced range. ????????