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Fallout Wiki

The University Point terminal entries are entries found on terminals at University Point in Fallout 4.

Mayor's terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located outside, on the desk of the third floor of the University Credit Union.


:: Property of Mass. Bay University ::


= <User "Mayor [[Bert Strickland]]" signed in> =

Town Council Logs[]


= Town Council Logs =


> Accessing Logs...



* Special session brought to order
* Mayor addresses the town regarding visitor
** Visitor claims to be agent of the Institute
** claims the settlement is in possession of valuable prewar tech
** heard that it was found by a girl, Jacqueline Spencer?
* Floor opened for discussion
** Gladys Maxwell asks how we can be sure this isn't a trick
** Pete Owens suggests that Jacqueline be given up to spare the town
** Gerald Spencer threatens Pete, minor fight breaks out, quicky quelled
* Mayor regains order
** Issue to be brought to vote tomorrow night
* Meeting Adjourned


> Loading Meeting Minutes...


Note: Accessing this entry adds Gerald's vault password to the Sole Survivor's inventory.


* Meeting brought to order
* Council votes on crop export limits
** Export limits capped at 20% of yeald
* Cody Cole found playing in credit union vault
** Council votes to forgo punishment at this time
** Council votes to change vault password
** New Password: Mirelurkcakes
* Meeting Adjourned


> Loading Meeting Minutes...



* Meeting brought to order
* Discusses funding for an additional generator
** Funding appr0vmwajgj0 jgi0wj03h90

            ::: System Error:::

          File corruption detected.


> Loading Meeting Minutes...

University Mail Relay[]


= University Mail Relay =
<= <User "BStrickland" signed in> =


> Accessing University Network...

[MLawson] - Giving up our kids?[]


2285.8.12.17:42 Sender:[MLawson]
>> Giving up our kids?

Mayor Strickland,
Betty said that Martha told her you've been having secret meetings with agents from the Institute and agreed to give them our children. Then Will told me he heard that the Institute have a nuke planted somewhere and they are going to detontate it if we don't give them the whole harvest. What is going on??

- Martin Lawson


> Loading Mail...

[CCole] - Sorry about Martha[]


2285.8.12.17:42 Sender:[CCole]
>> Sorry about Martha

Mayor Strickland,
I asked Martha to wait and see what you and the Council figure out rather than going on rumors, but well, you know how she is. I'm sure you got an earful, I know I have. Look it's not my place to say really, but I think you'd better try to get ahead of this. Martha and Perry are spreading rumors pretty fast so you'd probably better call a town meeting.

- Cody Cole


> Loading Mail...

[MCole] - The Institute!?[]


2285.8.12.17:42 Sender:[MCole]
>> The Institute!?

Mayor Strickland,
What is all this I've been hearing about how the Institute is going to attack if we don't give them Jacqueline? I understand that your children are grown and moved away, but I have children here. How dare you keep information like this from us!? We have a right to know about threats to our safety.

- Martha Cole


> Loading Mail...

[GSpencer]- Jacqueline[]


2285.8.12.17:42 Sender:[GSpencer]
>> Jacqueline

I wish you had come to me about this first. My daughter is a smart girl and you know that. Heck she's the one who figured out how to wire into the old University Mail Relay in the first place! What proof do we have that this guy was from the Institute anyway? If she told some trader she had some valuable data, that guy might be working with your visitor. This is probably just a con, but now you've got Perry involved and he is going to be out for blood.

- Gerald


> Loading Mail...

[POwens] - The girl has to go[]


2285.8.12.17:42 Sender:[POwens]
>> The girl has to go

Godammit Bert, I can't believe you are hiding behind the "Council Charter" at a time like this. That damned Spencer girl is the one who brought the Institute down on us and if we can't give them what they want they will wipe us off the map. These kids may not believe in them, but I know your sister was killed by Synths. If she doesn't give over the data they want, I say give her to them. They can take it out of her hide instead of ours.

- Perry


> Loading Mail...

Play Tape[]

Note: Accessing this command activates the holotape University Point council meeting.


> Loading holotape. Please wait...

Stop Tape[]

Note: Accessing this command deactivates the holotape playback.


Note: This wall terminal is located outside, next to the University Credit Union's back entrance. It has a Novice lock.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Note: This is the default header for the remote door program.


Remote Door Control Interface
STATUS: Locked

Note: This is the header once the door is unlocked.


Remote Door Control Interface
STATUS: Unlocked

Unlock Door[]

Note: Accessing this command opens the nearby door to the Credit Union.


Unlocking door...


> Accessing Door...

Lock Door[]


Locking door...


> Initializing Door...
