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The United States Army Rangers was an elite airborne[1] regiment of the United States Army,[2] organized as the 75th Ranger Regiment.[3] Taggerdy's Thunder was one of the most notable units, as Lt. Elizabeth Taggerdy went on to establish the first regional branch of the Brotherhood of Steel, the Appalachian Brotherhood of Steel.[4] The unit began training a new generation of Army Rangers shortly after the winter of 2077, improvising a training regimen based on Ranger training adapted to the needs of the post-nuclear wasteland, continuing Ranger traditions until the foundation of the Brotherhood under Roger Maxson's leadership.[1]


The United States Army Rangers are mentioned only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

The 75th Ranger Regiment appears to be based on the real-world Army Rangers who share the exact same name. This group is formally known as the 75th Ranger Regiment, matching the "75" that appears on Taggerdy's Thunder's Distinctive Unit Insignia, as well as the Thunder's U.S. Army Ranger heritage. The Ranger's Distinctive Unit Insignia does not share the Chinese flag's sun symbol that appears on the 75th Ranger Regiment's insignia - a symbol meant to represent "the unit's close cooperation with the Chinese forces" in its early history, when it was known as the jungle warfare unit "Merrill's Marauders." Insignia



  1. 1.0 1.1 Camp Venture terminal entries: "Duty Log THNDR8107A
    It's been 29 days since Taggerdy ordered Camp Venture online to fill out our ranks, and I'm honored to report that we're fully operational. Had to improvise the regimen without any airborne component, but everything else has been adapted.
    To ensure our survival, Taggerdy needs true soldiers. Not mercenaries, not weekend warriors, but cold-blooded killing machines bursting at the seams with efficiency, determination and grit. That's what I intend to give her - the best of the best."
  2. War game orders
  3. Taggerdy's Thunder insignia
  4. See Taggerdy's Thunder for details.