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The Union of Atomic Workers was a post-War faction that was wiped out around 2151.[1]


The Union was a group of technological specialists similar to the Brotherhood of Steel, except significantly more isolationist. Its strict hierarchy and desire to keep to themselves resulted in the shunning of the outside world. However, those who did not agree with the organization's policies were free to leave. The knowledge of machining and weapons technology imparted to its members allowed the few former members to find a lucrative niche in weapons trade, as was the case with one Jacob in the Hub circa 2161. Their weapons rivaled those made by the Brotherhood.[Non-game 1] Unfortunately for commercial diversity and competition, the Union was wiped out by mutants around 2151.[1]


The Union of Atomic Workers is mentioned in Fallout and Fallout Bible 8.

Behind the scenes[]

According to the Scott Bennie in Fallout Bible 8, the organization was written as an alternate example of how wastelanders could acquire weapons aside from the Brotherhood of Steel. This allowed for more world building with a failed organization, making the world messier.[Non-game 1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Vault Dweller: "{117}{}{Tell me about yourself.}"
    Jacob: "{118}{}{Well, I've been around. Used to be with the Union of Atomic Workers. Sort of like the Brotherhood, but less friendly. They wanted to keep to themselves, and I... well, I wanted to see the world and be my own boss, so I left.}"
    "{162}{}{The mutants wiped 'em out about ten years ago, so I guess I made the right decision. I eventually settled down here. The cops don't like my trade and I've been rousted more than once, but I'm a helluva lot more honest than most of the merchants here.}"


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout Bible 8: "I figured that for every successful organization that made it in the Wasteland, there'd be ten that failed, and so I came up with some organization for Jake that explained where he got his weapons that wasn't "I used to be in the Brotherhood"... it's a throwaway bit intended to make the world a little messier; it's more believable if everything doesn't tie together neatly."