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This is a transcript for dialogue with Union guide.


Mister Handy[]

# Scene Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 TW009JoinUnion 0034A46E Welcome to the Union forces defending Prickett's Fort.
2 While the battle for Prickett's Fort never happened, we will be running a re-enactment of what such a battle may have been like.
3 Today you will be playing the part of Union Soldiers in their desperate last stand against the Confederate attackers.
4 Stand upon the battlements like Union soldiers might have in a real battle.
5 Mow down Confederate soldiers as they charge the hill.
6 Defend Prickett's Fort to keep it in Union hands.
7 TW009UnionGuideFinale 0034A473 That's it? No blood and gore? No oil and shrapnel? I'm deeply disappointed in the Union forces today.
8 0034A474 The fort remains in Union hands! Well done soldiers. You repelled the Confederate attack despite overwhelming odds.
9 Well, maybe not overwhelming odds, but definitely odds of some sort.
10 0034A475 The fort has fallen. General Grant would be ashamed to call you soldiers. Now go out there and shake hands with the enemy.
11 0034A476 A tie? A tie!? I suppose it's better than losing. But just barely. Better luck next time.
12 0034A47A Everyone is invited to spend as much as they want at the gift shop.


# Scene Form ID Response Text Script Notes
13 0015DE97 Confederate soldiers have dumb coats!
14 0015DE99 Confederates will rue the Union blue!
15 0015DE9A Nuka-cola, the drink that quenches.
16 0015DE9C Confederate guns are bent and weak. Union guns are straight and chic.
17 0015DE9D Goooo Union!
18 0015DE9E Union soldiers, fight, fight, fight!
19 0015DE9F Let's go Union!
20 004F69DC Whenever I fight Union soldiers, I drink Nuka-cola. Why not go get yourself one right now?
21 004F69DD Union soldiers drink Nuka-cola. Get yourself a refreshing Nuka-cola now.