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This is a transcript for dialogue with Uncle Roe.


CCDirCaravan Where do the caravans set up? Happy 10 When they're in town, you can find the caravan trader out front of the town. 1
Happy 50 They say it's a good way to catch a visitor's eye. 2
CCDirExit That's all I need to know. Happy 50 Enjoy! 3
CCDirFood Where can I get some food? Happy 25 You'll want to talk with Joe Porter, over in Dot's Diner. 4
Happy 50 I don't know who Dot was, but I'm sure Porter's food does her memory proud! 5
CCDirections Can I get some directions around town? Happy 50 Glad to help, glad to help! 6
CCFirstMeeting1A Business. My business. So mind your own. Surprise 50 Understood, understood. A man doesn't get to be my age without learning when not to pry. 7
Happy 25 Long as your business doesn't hurt ours, you're welcome to stay. Otherwise... Well, there's no need to get into unpleasantness, is there? 8
I'm all business. What types have you got to offer? Happy 50 Damn near all of 'em, depending on which caravan's in town! Guns, armor, food, junk, pretty much everyone swings by the old circle, eventually. 9
Happy 10 Everyone but Slavers, that is. It's a hassle to transport their wares, as they say. Just as well, eh? Anything else I can do to welcome you to town? {Not entirely unsympathetic to the slavers} 10
CCFirstMeeting1B Pleasure's hard to come by out here. What's on tap? Happy 50 Most of the caravans that come through, their fondest desire is to spend a few days off the road and to get a full stomach. 11
Happy 10 We've got good food in the diner, and we try to keep it nice and peaceful here. When that's an option, of course. {Frustrated that it's not always an option.} 12
CCFirstMeeting1C My business and pleasure are the same. And you're not going to like either. Anger 35 In that case, perhaps you ought to leave town, stranger. 13
Anger 25 That'd save Dom the cost of ammo, and it'd save you the cost of being dead. Now, good day. {Projecting a tough facade.} 14
Neither. Just wandering through, Roe. Happy 50 In that case, I'm sure you'll find it was providence that brought you here! 15
Happy 50 Why, have a talk with any trader in town, and I'm sure you'll find just the thing you didn't even realize you needed! 16
CCTownHistory1 What can you tell me about Canterbury Commons? Happy 50 Hah! Damn near everything, I suspect! I founded the place myself, and I'm the reason this place stays fat and happy. {Bursting with pride} 17
CCTownHistory2A Why do the traders come here? Happy 50 Because I asked them to, I suspect. I grew up in these trade caravans; known most of them my whole life. 18
Happy 25 I founded this place with my sister Daisy, back in the day. Perfect stop along the caravan circuit. 19
CCTownHistory2C How organized are the traders? Happy 25 They're just small caravans that make rounds through the Wastes, hawking their wares from Paradise Falls to Rivet City. 20
Happy 10 They won't trade with anyone who's hit their friends, but that's about as organized as they get. 21
How organized are the traders? Happy 25 Quite organized, now. Thanks to your guidance, of course! They still travel independently, but I keep track of their investments and such. 22
Happy 50 They make more profits, and supplies get to those that need them most, so everyone wins. Such is the magic of economics! 23
CCTownHistory2D I think I get the picture. Happy 25 Anytime, my friend. I could talk about my little Canterbury 'till doomsday. 24
Happy 50 Course that came and went already, didn't it? {Jovial and joking} 25
CCTrade Anything to trade around here? Happy 50 You can usually find one of the trade caravans at the entrance to town. They come through every day or two. 26
Happy 25 Other than them, Porter's always got food for sale down at the diner. 27
CCTradeArmor1 Let's talk about armor. Fear 15 I'm afraid I haven't heard from Crow for a while, now. I'm afraid he may have fallen victim to foul play. 28
Let's talk about armor. Happy 25 Our man Crow handles most armor and clothing out on the trail. 29
Happy 50 He grew up a tribal, but he traded in his loincloth for much snappier apparel long ago. 30
Let's talk about armor. Happy 25 What sort of clothing and armor would you like to see from Crow? 31
He should expand his inventory. Neutral 50 It takes a fair amount of capital to expand into higher quality material, you know. 32
Neutral 50 Improving Crow's wardrobe would require a one-time investment of, say, 200 caps. 33
He should expand his inventory. Happy 25 Crow's armor is already rather extensive, but I'm sure it could be even more impressive... for a one time investment of 500 caps. 34
He should expand his inventory. Happy 25 At this point, the merchandise of our man Crow is the best in the Wasteland. I fear it's beyond improvement with further investments. 35
CCTradeArmorInvest2A Take my advice it can be done with only 100 caps. Happy 25 Well, your financial advice has never steered us wrong before. Done! 36
That's a good investment. Here's 200 caps. Happy 25 Excellent! I'll send word to Crow right away. 37
That's a good investment. Sad 5 Yes, it is. But if you don't have the capital, it'll have to wait, I'm afraid. 38
With my guidance, it can be done with only 250 caps. Happy 25 Hmm. I suspect you're right. Done! 39
That's a good investment. Here's 500 caps. Happy 25 Isn't it, though? I'll send this right along to Crow. 40
That's a good investment. Sad 5 Pricey, but worth it. Perhaps you can do so later, when you have the proper funds on hand. 41
CCTradeArmorInvest2B Not worth it. I'll pass. Sad 5 If you insist. 42
Let's talk about food and chems. Fear 15 I'm afraid the good doctor hasn't reported in for quite a while. Quite unfortunate, really. 43
Let's talk about food and chems. Happy 25 Ah, then you'll be wanting Doc Hoff. Or "the good doctor," as he prefers. 44
Happy 50 He prescribes everything from a good meal to stimpaks to things that'll make your brain get up and dance. 45
Let's talk about food and chems. Happy 25 What sort of better living would you like from the good doctor's chemistry? 46
He should expand his inventory. Neutral 50 The good doctor's lab equipment isn't cheap. It'll cost about 200 caps for him to offer higher quality material. 47
He should expand his inventory further. Happy 25 At this point, it would be hard to improve Doc's medicine cabinet without a significant investment. 48
Happy 45 Say, 500 caps should suffice for him to offer a whole cornucopia of pharmacopoeia. 49
He should expand his inventory. Sad 5 As much as it hurts me to say it, there's really only so much that money can buy. The good doctor's supply cannot be improved at this point. 50
CCTradeChemsInvest2A Take my advice, it can be done with only 100 caps. Happy 25 Well, your financial advice has never steered us wrong before. Done! 51
That's a good investment. Here's 200 caps. Happy 25 Excellent! I'll send word to the good doctor right away. 52
That's a good investment. Sad 5 Yes, it is. But if you don't have the capital, it'll have to wait, I'm afraid. 53
With my guidance, it can be done with only 250 caps. Happy 25 Hmm. I suspect you're right. Done! 54
That's a good investment. Here's 500 caps. Happy 25 Isn't it, though? I'll send this right along to him. 55
That's a good investment. Sad 5 Pricey, but worth it. Perhaps you can do so later, when you have the proper funds on hand. 56
CCTradeChemsInvest2B Not worth it. I'll pass. Sad 5 If you insist. 57
That's enough about the traders. Happy 50 All right, you're the boss! 58
Let's talk about odds and ends. Fear 15 No word from Crazy Wolfgang for some time now. With him, it could mean anything, but I don't have a good feeling about it. 59
Do you have any traders that deal with miscellaneous goods? Happy 25 That'd be Crazy Wolfgang: he does repairs and general supplies. But he prefers to call himself a "junk dealer." 60
Disgust 10 As he says, he's "overjoyed to assist those who have a deep need for his... junk." He's just like that. Says it catches people's attention. {Aware and mildly embarrassed by the innuendo.} 61
Let's talk about odds and ends. Happy 25 I'm sure Crazy Wolfgang would be just delighted to hear we're discussing his junk. 62
Can he offer a wider variety of junk? Happy 50 With an investment of about 200 caps, I'm sure he could improve the quality of his materials. Or at least, offer more of them. 63
He should offer even more junk. Happy 25 At this point, it would require another pack brahmin to carry his wares. But for 500 caps, I think he could offer more. 64
He should expand his wares further. Neutral 25 At the moment, Wolfgang's practically carrying an entire junkyard with him. 65
Happy 25 Anything more, and he'll have trouble with the "traveling" part of being a traveling salesman. 66
CCTradeJunkInvest2A Take my advice it can be done with only 100 caps. Happy 25 Well, your financial advice has never steered us wrong before. Done! 67
That's a good investment. Here's 200 caps. Happy 25 Excellent! I'll see to it right away. 68
That's a good investment. Sad 5 Yes, it is. But if you don't have the capital, it'll have to wait, I'm afraid. 69
With my guidance, it can be done with only 250 caps. Happy 25 Hmm. I suspect you're right. Done! 70
That's a good investment. Here's 500 caps. Happy 25 Isn't it, though? I'll inform Wolfgang immediately. 71
That's a good investment. Sad 5 Pricey, but worth it. Perhaps you can do so later, when you have the proper funds on hand. 72
CCTradeJunkInvest2B Not worth it. I'll pass. Sad 5 If you insist. 73
CCTradeRepair Can you repair something for me? Neutral 50 We used to have a better mechanic, but that didn't work out so well. I'll see what I can do. 74
Can you repair something for me? Happy 50 I can give it a look, sure. 75
Can you repair something for me? Happy 50 I'll see what I can do. 76
Enough about that. Happy 50 Sure thing. Interested in any of the other traders? 77
Let's talk about weapons. Fear 15 Lucky Harith kind of dropped off the map. Or, knowing his wares, he may have burnt a whole straight through it. 78
Let's talk about weapons. Happy 50 Then you'd be looking for Lucky Harith, adventurer, martial artist, and occasional collector of the most deadly items known to mankind. 79
Happy 25 He's a bit of an eccentric, but he deals in more weaponry than you can shake a sharp stick at. In fact, he's probably got a sharp stick, too. 80
Let's talk about weapons. Happy 25 What sort of death-dealing implements would you like to see from Harith? 81
He should expand his inventory. Neutral 50 Harith's got quite a lot of weapons, but I'm sure he could improve his stock. An investment of 200 caps should see to that nicely. 82
He should expand his inventory further. Happy 10 If Harith were a less-reputable man, I'm sure he could use his armory to collect even more weapons. 83
Happy 50 But he's a merchant, not a raider, so it's legitimate means only. Like a legitimate investment of 500 caps. 84
He should expand his inventory. Happy 25 That simply isn't feasible, I'm afraid. Harith's gear already rivals some mercenary armies - anything further would be asking for trouble. 85
CCTradeWeaponsInvest2A Take my advice it can be done with only 100 caps. Happy 25 Well, your financial advice has never steered us wrong before. Done! 86
That's a good investment. Here's 200 caps. Happy 25 Excellent! Harith will be delighted! He usually is by most things, really. 87
That's a good investment. Sad 5 Yes, it is. But if you don't have the capital, it'll have to wait, I'm afraid. 88
With my guidance, it can be done with only 250 caps. Happy 25 Hmm. I suspect you're right. Done! 89
That's a good investment. Here's 500 caps. Happy 25 An investment in weaponry is usually returned in short order, after all. I'll inform Harith. 90
That's a good investment. Sad 5 Pricey, but worth it. Perhaps you can do so later, when you have the proper funds on hand. 91
CCTradeWeaponsInvest2B Not worth it. I'll pass. Sad 5 If you insist. 92
Have you thought about organizing the traders into a unified group? Surprise 10 I had thought about it, but some of these Wasteland traders... well, they aren't exactly the organizational type. {Trying to be nice in his criticism, as a euphemism for "they're nuts"} 93
Fear 5 It'd take a pretty savvy businessman to make it worth their while to work together. Frankly, I'm not sure even I'm up to the task! 94
Let's talk about the trade caravans. Happy 50 Sure thing! Which one would you like to talk about? 95
Under my organization, they'd see better profits and more bargaining power. Surprise 50 My, my! When it comes to sales, I can see even I've got a few things I could learn from you! 96
Happy 25 Well, in that case, I can act as your representative to the caravans. They'll listen to me, and I'll listen to you. 97
Neutral 50 Just let me know what you suggest in the way of specialties, and I'll let them know to focus on that area. 98
Working together would allow specialization in sales, for more reliable profits. Surprise 25 Hmm... I think you're right. And the specialization might play to their eccentricities. It could work! 99
Happy 25 And I could act as their representative in this matter. Goodness knows, I've known them for years, so I should be able to speak for them. 100
Neutral 50 Just let me know what you suggest in the way of specialties, and I'll let them know to focus on that area. 101
Oh, I'm sure a charismatic fellow like you can get them to follow your lead. Surprise 50 Madam, you flatter me! I'm but a humble man of this small community. {Flustered and flattered} 102
Happy 50 But, since it's a trader community, I suppose I can call in a few favors with the caravans. I suppose I am rather persuasive in that way. 103
Neutral 50 So, you just let me know what you'd like to see from the caravans, and I'll let them know what to focus on. 104
That's a real shame. I have all these caps, and nowhere to spend them... Surprise 50 That... That certainly is quite a lot of caps. It really would be a shame for those to go to waste, wouldn't it? {Palpable greed} 105
Happy 50 I suppose I can call in a few favors with the caravans, talk with them about their inventory. Must keep the customers happy, right? {Palpable greed} 106
Neutral 50 So, you just let me know what you'd like to see from the caravans, and I'll let them know what to focus on. 107
Couldn't they make more money if they worked together? Fear 5 Maybe, but if they were more closely organized, the costs of organization might outweigh the benefits. 108
Neutral 50 The economics of this sort of trading operation can be rather more complex than your standard store in a settlement, sadly. 109
I suppose you're right. Best to let them stay independent. Happy 25 I agree wholeheartedly. I'd hate to unduly burden a dedicated entrepreneur. 110
GREETING GREETING Happy 50 Are you all right? You aren't hurt, are you? I'd like to apologize for the rude welcome. Those two have been a bit of a, um, problem lately. 111
Disgust 40 Name's Roe. Uncle Roe, to most. Welcome to Canterbury Commons... for what that's worth. { } 112
GREETING Surprise 50 Whew! You wouldn't believe how much trouble those two have caused in this town. We've been looking for someone to get rid of them for a long time. 113
Happy 50 But you just walked in and cleaned up the town, easy as you please! We're in your debt, that's for sure. 114
Happy 25 I'm mayor of Canterbury Commons, think of me as your own Uncle Roe. And take this, as our thanks for cleaning up the town. {Warm and hearty} 115
GREETING Surprise 50 Whew! You wouldn't believe how much trouble those two have caused in this town. We've been looking for someone to get rid of them for a long time. 116
Happy 50 But you just walked in, downed one, and drove off the other, easy as you please! That'll be the last we see of them, you can be sure of that! 117
Happy 25 I'm mayor of Canterbury Commons, think of me as your own Uncle Roe. And take this, as our thanks for cleaning up the town. {Warm and hearty} 118
GREETING Happy 50 Change your mind yet? You willing to help us deal with the AntAgonizer and Mechanist? {like a slick car sales man} 119
GREETING Happy 50 Ah, new in town? Welcome to Canterbury Commons, home of traders, home of caravaners, and most of all, home of excellent bargains! {A little like a ringleader of a circus} 120
Happy 25 I'm Ernest Roe, but feel free to think of me as your jolly old Uncle Roe. What brings you to my fine, little town? Here for business, or pleasure? 121
GREETING Happy 50 With all of that fighting, I never got to give you the official welcome to the town, did I? {A little like a ringleader of a circus} 122
Happy 75 Welcome to Canterbury Commons, home of traders, caravaners, and most of all, of excellent bargains! Here for business or pleasure? 123
GREETING Happy 25 What can old Uncle Roe do for you, today? 124
MS02AboutAntAgonizer What can you tell me about the AntAgonizer? Neutral 50 One day there was a crazy woman leading a bunch of ants into town. She said humanity was dead and the ants would inherit the Earth. Stuff like that. 125
Happy 25 Well, that gave Dom plenty of time to line up a shot or two on the ants. She ran away, but every once in a while, she'd stage an "attack" again. {"attack" said jokingly, like it's a silly show} 126
Happy 65 She wasn't much of a threat, then. In fact, she was sort of entertaining, at first. Gave everyone in town something to talk about. 127
Anger 35 But when the Mechanist started fighting her, things got bad. Ants are easy to shoot, but add robots with lasers, and it got real nasty. 128
MS02AboutMechanist What can you tell me about the Mechanist? Neutral 50 The Mechanist used to be our town mechanic. Scott Wollinksi, quiet guy, but plenty fierce with a wrench and some solder. 129
Disgust 50 Guy used to take care of a robot that protected the town... until it got torn up in one of the AntAgonizer's lame little attacks. {A little sympathetic to the Mechanist's loss.} 130
Sad 25 I guess he took it personal, because he made a mechanical suit and called himself the Mechanist. Said he would lead a robot army to fight her. {A little sympathetic to the Mechanist's loss.} 131
Neutral 50 Now he doesn't even respond to his name, and his "robot army" is more dangerous to the town than the ants ever were. 132
MS02AboutOther Know anything else that could help me stop them? Sad 10 My nephew Derek might know more about them. I swear, it's all I can do to keep him from running into the fight whenever they come out. {trying to be polite but is done talking about it} 133
Anger 50 He might know more about where you can find them, but don't encourage the poor boy. He's had enough close calls! {sternly trying to protect the boy from getting caught up in trouble} 134
Do you know anything about the AntAgonizer or the Mechanist?
Can I ask you more about the AntAgonizer and the Mechanist? Happy 10 If it'll help, I'm glad to. 135
MS02AboutSupersExit That's enough about them. Happy 50 I most heartily agree! 136
MS02Greeting0a What was all that about? Who were those people? Happy 50 The, um... Mechanist and the AntAgonizer. That's just what they call themselves. Ridiculous, I know... {A little embarrassed to say the names "Mechanist" and "AntAgonizer".} 137
Neutral 50 A while ago, we were attacked by the AntAgonizer - that woman with the ants, obviously. The Mechanist saved the town with his robots. 138
Anger 25 That was all well and good, but I swear their fights are getting bigger, and it's been driving off the merchants. They simply won't leave! 139
MS02Greeting0b You seem to be pretty calm, considering there was just war in your streets. Anger 25 That must be the twentieth time I've seen those two go at it. They're our problem citizens: the Mechanist and the AntAgonizer. {like a slick car salesman. A little embarrassed to say the names "Mechanist" and "AntAgonizer".} 140
Neutral 50 A while ago, we were attacked by the AntAgonizer that woman with the ants, obviously. The Mechanist saved the town with his robots. 141
Anger 25 That was all well and good, but I swear their fights are getting bigger, and it's been driving off the merchants. They simply won't leave! 142
MS02Greeting0c I'm just passing through. Don't bug me with your problems. Fear 50 Please, we really do need someone to stop the Mechanist and the AntAgonizer. We can pay! {A little desperate} 143
Fear 65 They've been using this town as their battlefield, and now some of the merchants are avoiding us! If something isn't done, the town will be ruined! 144
MS02Greeting1a I might be able to help. Happy 50 Oh that's terrific! I knew you'd help out. Knew it in my gut, and it's never steered me wrong on a deal, yet! {like a slick car salesman} 145
Neutral 50 Find where the AntAgonizer and the Mechanist hide, and convince them to stop or otherwise end their hostility, and you'll earn 200 caps. {like a slick car salesman} 146
Neutral 50 You only need to stop one of them, really. Nowadays, I think they only stay in Canterbury to fight each other. 147
MS02Greeting1b How much would a solution be worth to you? Happy 50 200 caps, if you can find where the AntAgonizer and the Mechanist hide, and convince them to stop their rivalry or otherwise stop fighting. {like a slick car salesman "otherwise" is suggesting to kill them} 148
Neutral 50 You only need to stop one of them, really. Nowadays, I think they only stay in Canterbury to fight each other. So, what do you say? 149
MS02Greeting1c I don't give a damn. I'm interested in finding supplies. Happy 10 Well, I suppose that's something. Canterbury Commons is known for its trading supplies. For now, at least. {covering up for his disappointment that the player won't help them} 150
Happy 25 Enjoy your stay. But if you find yourself low on caps, my offer still stands. 151
MS02Greeting2a Double that, and you've got yourself a deal. Surprise 50 Hmm. You drive a hard bargain friend. But seeing how we haven't been able to solve the problem ourselves, fine. You got a deal. But I expect results! 152
Happy 25 Oh, and please, do try to use some discretion. We already have plenty of would-be heroes starting wars in our streets. We don't need another. 153
MS02Greeting2b I'll do it. Happy 50 Great! I'm relieved to know the situation will be quickly resolved. Let me know if I can be of assistance to you. {like a slick car sales man} 154
Neutral 50 Oh, and please, do try to use some discretion. We already have plenty of would-be heroes starting wars in the streets. We don't need another. {like a slick car sales man} 155
MS02Greeting2c Maybe later. I've got things to attend to. Sad 10 Fine. You're a man who puts his own business before that of others. I can understand that. But, if you change your mind. You let me know. {like a slick car salesman} 156
MS02Job You still offering that job? Happy 50 I sure am. Two hundred caps, if you can find where the AntAgonizer and the Mechanist hide, and get them to end their pointless fighting in town. {like a slick car salesman} 157
Neutral 50 You only need to stop one of them, really. Nowadays, I think they only stay in Canterbury to fight each other. So, what do you say? 158
I took care of the Mechanist. There won't be any more fighting in the streets. Happy 50 Excellent! Without him, the AntAgonizer should be on her way, and Canterbury Commons is safe again! Relatively speaking, of course. {like a slick car salesman} 159
Happy 50 Now, I do believe this is our agreed upon payment for your fine services rendered. Thank you, once again! 160
I took care of the AntAgonizer. There won't be any more fighting in the streets. Happy 50 Excellent! Without her, the Mechanist should be on his way, and Canterbury Commons is safe again! Relatively speaking, of course. {like a slick car salesman} 161
Happy 50 Now, I do believe this is our agreed upon payment for your fine services rendered. Thank you, once again! 162
I took care of both of them. There won't be any more fighting in the streets. Happy 25 That's grand! I do believe it's fair to say you've saved Canterbury. And unlike that Mechanist, you did so with significantly less stress all around! 163
Happy 50 Now, I do believe this is our agreed upon payment for your fine services rendered. And a little bonus, as a special thank-you! 164
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Surprise 50 I'm afraid that won't do, friend. Are you sure you won't take the generous offer I've already made? {like a slick car salesman} 165


CCGuardTalk1 CCGuardTalk1 Happy 50 Good to hear it. I'm not giving up this whole "living" habit, not at my age. Keep it up. 166
CCGuardTalk1 Happy 50 Well, you be sure to let us know when we are, all right? 167
CCMentor2 CCMentor2 Happy 50 Well, have any big plans for the day? {A little desperate to get a response} 168
CCMentor2 Happy 50 You never know what the day may hold, eh boy? {A little desperate to get a response} 169
CCMentor2 Happy 50 Well, no worries. Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting, eh? But not too exciting, I hope! Ha! {A little desperate to get a response} 170
CCMentor2 Happy 50 Well, there's always tomorrow, isn't there? At least, one hopes, eh? Ha! {A little desperate to get a response} 171
GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Good luck with those two troublemakers. 172
I'll be on my way. Happy 50 Be back soon! And bring more caps! 173
I have to go now. Neutral 50 I suppose there's no chance for a nice conversation today, is there. {A little crestfallen} 174
I have to go now. Sad 5 Yes, well... I guess there's always tomorrow. {A little crestfallen} 175
I have to go now. Sad 5 Well... Good talking with you, boy, as always. {A little crestfallen} 176
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 Whatever you can do to help our town, we'd appreciate it. 177
HELLO Happy 50 Town's a lot safer now. Thanks. 178
HELLO Neutral 50 Business is always welcome in Canterbury Commons. Even business with people like you. 179
HELLO Anger 50 We take property crime very seriously around here. I don't want to hear about any more trouble from you. 180
HELLO Happy 50 Hello, there! {Jovial} 181
HELLO Happy 50 How do? {Jovial} 182
HELLO Happy 50 Morning, sleepyhead! Sleep well, boy? 183
HELLO Happy 50 Rise and shine! How was your night, my boy? 184
HELLO Happy 50 Day go well for you, my boy? 185
HELLO Happy 50 Evening! Get a lot of work done today, boy? 186
HELLO Fear 10 How're you doing, boy? Is everything all right? 187
HELLO Happy 50 Hello, Dom. Everyone behaving themselves? 188
HELLO Happy 25 Dom. Any news I should be worried about? 189