Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

UAF armor was a light armor in the cancelled Fallout 3 project, Van Buren.


UAF stands for Unamerican Activities Force. They were usually Federal agents who worked to ferret out Communist sympathizers in the American population. UAF armor was an advanced light armor with a small stealth bonus (the step up from it was Chinese Hei Gui/"Black Ghost" armor). Its complement was UAF helmet.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

UAF stands for Unamerican Activities Force. Basically they were federal (usually) undercover agents that worked to ferret out commie sympathizers in the American population. It was one of the "stealth armors" in VB. Light armor, but gave a small stealth bonus. The step up from it was Hei Gui/"Black Ghost" armor.
  • The above quote is from J.E. Sawyer.
  • The name is based on the real-life "House Unamerican Activities Committee" (HUAC) in the US Congress in the 1950s, created to investigate Communists in government and media.

