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The U.S. Center of Anti-American Activities was an organization operating in the United States of America before the Great War.


The center worked to vilify communism and any associated thought in the US. They paid for and directed the pre-War propaganda film, I Married a Maoist.[1]


The U.S. Center of Anti-American Activities is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Once in a Blue Moon update.

Behind the scenes[]


  1. ↑ Narrator: "Meet Lorraine, your average housewife. She loves democracy, her family, and the good old American way."
    Lorraine: "Hi Mary. I'd love to catch up, but I need to step out if I'm going to have enough time to pick up Junior from his baseball game. Oh, and then I need to also grab groceries and prepare a loving home cooked meal for when Robert gets home."
    Narrator: "Little did she know what returned home that evening was not her beloved..."
    Lorraine: "Welcome home, honey. Robert... what seems to be the matter?"
    Robert: "It's been a hell of a day. You remember John? He got tangled up in one of the machines at the factory today, and and he'll never walk again."
    Lorraine: "[gasp] That's terrible!"
    Narrator: "But the terror was just beginning."
    Robert: "It only happened because the boss had him pulling 80 hour weeks. The boys and I are thinking of talking with the higher-ups about our conditions. If they don't listen, then by golly I don't know what I'll do. Maybe we'll stop working!"
    Lorraine: "Robert, darling, that sounds like... a protest!"
    Robert: "Well, what if it is? I think a hardworking American is entitled to fair compensation for a fair day's work! If this system won't work, then maybe we just need to abolish it!"
    Lorraine: "I-I-I left the stove on. Give me a minute."
    Narrator: "Run... don't walk to your nearest theater to see every American's worst nightmare."
    Officer MacArthur: "Officer MacArthur speaking, what's your emergency?"
    Lorraine: "I think I... I married a Maoist!"
    Narrator: "Witness what happens when horror comes home! Fear communism like never before when you see the reds in full PanaLuxe color, only in: I Married a Maoist!"
    Narrator: "[quickly] Paid for and directed by the U.S. Center of Anti-American Activities."
    (Pirate Radio advertisements)