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This is a transcript for dialogue with Trish.


1-{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Grrargh!
2{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Aggghh!
3{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Nyyarrggh!
4{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Rrarggh!
5{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Yearrgh!
6{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Hyargh!
7{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Hunh!
8{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Gah!
9{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Yah!
10{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Rargh!
11{Afraid} Don't shoot! I surrender!
12{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} *heavy breathing* *cough cough*
13{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Oof! *heavy breathing*
14{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Agh! *cough* *wheeze*
15{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Gah!
16{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nargh!
17{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Unf!
18{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Grrh!
19{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nnh!
20{InPain} Agh.
21{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Argh!
22{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Weergh!
23{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Yeagh!
24{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Nargh!
25{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Oof!
26{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Agh!
27{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Aaaayyyaarrrrgghh!
28{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Yyyaaaarrgghh!
29{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Rrrraaaaarrggghhhh!
30{Angry} You're dead, Cooke!
31{Angry} Marowski's going to hunt you down for this!
32{Angry} What am I paying you for? Kill them!
33{Angry} This is Marowski's stash! He's going to kill you all for this!
34{Angry} I knew we shouldn't have waited around for Cooke!


35MS13CAmbushLooping{nervously / Nervous} Where the hell is Cooke? We can't sit here much longer.nelsonAtAmbush: Relax. I'm sure he'll be here any minute.A1a
36{nervously / Nervous} Come on, man. I'm starting to get seriously pissed off here.nelsonAtAmbush: Relax. I'm sure he'll be here any minute.A2a
37{nervously / Nervous} Marowski's not going to be happy about you guys jerking us around like this.nelsonAtAmbush: Relax. I'm sure he'll be here any minute.A3a
38{nervously / Nervous} We're sitting ducks out here. Just asking for some Gunners or something to come strolling in.nelsonAtAmbush: Relax. I'm sure he'll be here any minute.A4a
39{nervously / Nervous} Man, we gotta go.nelsonAtAmbush: Relax. I'm sure he'll be here any minute.A5a
40{nervously / Nervous} I can't wait much longer.nelsonAtAmbush: Relax. I'm sure he'll be here any minute.A6a
41{nervously / Nervous} If Cooke doesn't show soon, the deal's off.nelsonAtAmbush: Relax. I'm sure he'll be here any minute.A7a
42{nervously, angrily / Angry} I don't like people wasting my time.nelsonAtAmbush: Relax. I'm sure he'll be here any minute.A8a
43nelsonAtAmbush: Relax. I'm sure he'll be here any minute.{nervously / Worried} Yeah, well he better be. This is bullshit.A1a
44nelsonAtAmbush: Relax. I'm sure he'll be here any minute.{nervously / SinisterSmile} You do, huh? I'll keep that in mind.A2a
45nelsonAtAmbush: Relax. I'm sure he'll be here any minute.{nervously / Irritated} Sure, whatever.A3a
46nelsonAtAmbush: Relax. I'm sure he'll be here any minute.{pissed and scared / Worried} I'm nervous because we're sitting here with our asses hanging out thanks to your stupid partner.A4a
47MS13CAmbushNelsonIntro{Suspicious} Who the hell are you?NelsonLatimer: Let me deal with this fool.A
48NelsonLatimer: Cooke told you about this? Where the hell is Cooke anyway?{Suspicious} What is this, Nelson?Player Default: Cooke couldn't make it, so he sent me instead.A1a
49NelsonLatimer: Well, then you better keep right on walking, asshole. Now.{Stern} We don't want any trouble. Just get out of here.Player Default: Cooke couldn't make it, so he sent me instead.X1a
50MS13CAmbushTrishInterrogation{through gritted teeth - you're badly wounded / Pleading} So, we're good? I give up Marowski's lab, and I never saw you before in my life?Player Default: Keep talking.A
51Player Default: Okay, I'll let you go.{with huge relief / Relieved} You won't reget this. You can trust me. I swear.A1a
52Player Default: Sorry, I can't leave any witnesses.{Angry} You bastard!B1a
53Player Default: Sorry, but I don't believe you.{Angry} Screw you, then!X1a
54Player Default: What's your word worth? You were ready to give up Marowski's secret lab to save your skin.{Afraid} You already got everything you wanted! I swear, after I leave here, I've never heard of you in my life.Y1a
55{Pleading} I'll tell Marowski it was the Gunners. He'll never come looking for you, I promise.Player Default: Okay, I'll let you go.Y1b
56{Angry} Cooke, you bastard. Marowski's going to kill you for this!HenryCooke: I think you have more immediate problems.A1a
57HenryCooke: I think you have more immediate problems.{Pleading} Wait, I can help you! This here, this is nothing compared to what's at Marowski's chem lab.Player Default: Keep talking.A1a
58Player Default: Keep talking.{Conspiratorial} Where do you think these chems come from? We've got a lab, right here in the Commonwealth.A1a
59{Defiant} But you'll never find it on your own. Not without my help.Player Default: You've got a deal.A1b
60Player Default: Sorry, no witnesses.{Afraid} No! No!Player Default: You've got a deal.B1a
61Player Default: What's at this chem lab?{Pleading} More chems than you can imagine. Marowski's entire stash!Y1a
62{Defiant} But you'll never find it without my help.Player Default: You've got a deal.Y1b
63Player Default: You've got a deal.{Worried} Okay. I guess I have to trust you.Trish: The lab is in the old Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant, on the waterfront in South Boston.A1a
64Player Default: Tell me what you know first.{Worried} Well... okay. I'm trusting you, right?Trish: The lab is in the old Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant, on the waterfront in South Boston.X1a
65Player Default: Tell me what you know first.{Defiant} You're just going to kill me anyway.Trish: The lab is in the old Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant, on the waterfront in South Boston.X2a
66Player Default: Why do I need your help to find this lab?{Defiant} Because first, you don't know where it is.Y1a
67{Defiant} Second, even if you did know where it was, it's heavily protected.Y1b
68{Confident} Third, even if you can get past the security, you won't be able to get into the lab without my password.Y1c
69{Conspiratorial} But I'll tell you everything you need to know if you promise to let me go.Player Default: You've got a deal.Y1d
70Player Default: Okay. I guess I have to trust you.{Nervous} The lab is in the old Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant, on the waterfront in South Boston.Player Default: Oh that place? I already cleaned it out.A1a
71Player Default: Oh that place? I already cleaned it out.{Surprised} What? Shit!A1a
72{Pleading} But... you still don't need to kill me! I swear I won't tell Marowski anything about this. You've got my word.Player Default: Pretty slick. But I assume that's not the end of it.A1b
73Player Default: Easy access by boat. Smart.{Defiant} Right. My idea, by the way.A2a
74{even now, you can't help bragging / Confident} As was putting it in an area overrun by feral ghouls, and then recruiting an all-ghoul crew to run it.Player Default: Pretty slick. But I assume that's not the end of it.A2b
75Player Default: Turns out it wasn't so secret, since I already cleaned it out.{Defiant} Oh yeah? What about if the place is overrun by feral ghouls - which don't even look twice at my all-ghoul crew.Player Default: Pretty slick. But I assume that's not the end of it.B2a
76Player Default: Your information is useless. I've already cleaned that place out.{even now you can't help bragging about your brilliant idea / Defiant} The place is overrun with feral ghouls. Which don't even look twice at my crew, 'cause they're all ghouls like me. My idea, by the way.Player Default: Pretty slick. But I assume that's not the end of it.X2a
77Player Default: Pretty slick. But I assume that's not the end of it.{Confident} You assume right.Trish: The real security is a system of tripwires that have to be triggered in exactly the right order to open the door to the lab.A1a
78Player Default: Feral ghouls, pfft.{even with a gun to your head, you can't resist / Defiant} The ferals are just for cover, tough guy.Trish: The real security is a system of tripwires that have to be triggered in exactly the right order to open the door to the lab.B1a
79Player Default: Why wouldn't the feral ghouls bother you and your crew?{Surprised} What, you don't know? Ferals don't bother us normal ghouls, I don't know why. Maybe we taste bad or something.Y1a
80{Defiant} But they're just for cover anyway.Trish: The real security is a system of tripwires that have to be triggered in exactly the right order to open the door to the lab.Y1b
81Player Default: You assume right.{Defiant} The real security is a system of tripwires that have to be triggered in exactly the right order to open the door to the lab.A1a
82{bragging (stupidly) / Confident} You'd never even know the lab was there when the door is closed.Player Default: Sounds like a pretty secure operation.A1b
83Player Default: Sounds like a pretty secure operation.{Defiant} You better believe it.A1a
84{Angry} And if Cooke hadn't been such a backstabbing son-of-a-bitch, nobody would have ever cracked it.HenryCooke: Sticks and stones...A1b
85Player Default: But now I do know the lab is there.{Defiant} Yeah, well you still won't get past the door without the password.Trish: So... I have your promise, right? If I give you the password, you let me walk?B1a
86Player Default: You seem awfully proud of this lab.{Defiant} Yeah, I am. Marowski's operation wouldn't be nothing without me.Trish: There's a terminal that will bypass the tripwires and open the door to the lab. And I have the password.X1a
87Player Default: So how do I get in without hitting all the tripwires?{Conspiratorial} With the password. Which I can give you. There's a terminal that will bypass the tripwires and open the door to the lab.Trish: So... I have your promise, right? If I give you the password, you let me walk?Y1a
88Trish: There's a terminal that will bypass the tripwires and open the door to the lab. And I have the password.{Worried} So... I have your promise, right? If I give you the password, you let me walk?Player Default: I promise.A1a
89HenryCooke: Sticks and stones...{Conspiratorial} There's a terminal that will bypass the tripwires and open the door to the lab. And I have the password.Trish: So... I have your promise, right? If I give you the password, you let me walk?A1a
90Player Default: I promise.{reluctantly / Nervous} Well... alright.Trish: The password is "Applejack".A1a
91Player Default: I promise.{fearfully / Defiant} You're full of it. I've already given you more than enough. I'm out of here.Trish: The password is "Applejack".A2a
92Player Default: No, I changed my mind. I don't need the password.{Disgust} You lying bastard! You're no better than Cooke!Trish: The password is "Applejack".B1a
93Player Default: I'll definitely kill you if you don't tell me.{Disgust} You bastard.X1a
94{Depressed} I guess I got to trust you.Trish: The password is "Applejack".X1b
95Player Default: I'll definitely kill you if you don't tell me.{Defiant} No. I've given you enough. I'm out of here.Trish: The password is "Applejack".X2a
96Player Default: And you promise to not tell Marowski that I had anything to do with this?{enthusiastically / Relieved} Yeah, yeah, of course! I already told you, after I leave here, I've never heard of you in my life.Trish: The password is "Applejack".Y1a
97Player Default: And you promise to not tell Marowski that I had anything to do with this?{nervously / Nervous} Screw you. I already gave you more than enough. I'm out of here.Trish: The password is "Applejack".Y2a
98Player Default: Well... alright.{Nervous} The password is "Applejack".A1a
99{Depressed} There. Now you've got everything. And I'm completely screwed forever.A1b
100{Depressed} I hope you can live with that.Player Default: Okay, I'll let you go.A1c
101MS13CAmbushTrishInterrogationPlayer{through gritted teeth - you're badly wounded / InPain} You don't have to kill me. I won't talk, I swear!Player Default: Give me a reason not to kill you.A
102HenryCooke: I don't need a better reason than to shut her up.{desperately trying to save your skin / Pleading} I'll tell Marowski it was Gunners, okay? You can trust me!A1a
103{Pleading} And, and... I'll give up Marowski's chem lab! This here, this is nothing compared to what he's got stashed there!A1b
104Player Default: You won't talk when you're dead.{Pleading} Wait! I can tell you how to find Marowski's chem lab! You can get his whole stash!B1a