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Tommy Martin is a disgraced Brotherhood of Steel scribe in the Fully Operational supplement of Fallout: The Roleplaying Game, who discovered the location of an undiscovered West Tek facility within the confines of a radioactive hot zone.


A former scribe, Martin was kicked out of the Brotherhood due to his alcoholism several months prior to his discovery of the WARHORSE facility. Afterwards, he sought to return to the Brotherhood by travelling the wasteland until he was able to find a discovery that would guarantee his return to the group. This discovery came in the form of a holotape he found with the location of a lost West-Tek facility on it,[RPG 1] which he kept on his person in the breast pocket of his scribe uniform.[RPG 2] After finding the holotape, he went to the Red Rocket Taphouse, celebrating his discovery by drinking significant amounts of the alcoholic Fission Fizz beverage the taphouse was known for.[RPG 3]

Should Tommy be convinced of an offering of services to journey with him to the facility, he is able to offer 40% of any profits found at the facility, up to 50% with successful negotiation, though he does warn of the area's dangerous amounts of radiation.[RPG 4] During the expedition, a ghoul named Lee Winters, former head of security at the facility, is met, who asks the group to assist him in destroying the WARHORSE AI power armor contained at the facility. Tommy objects to this, determined to return to the Brotherhood by recovering the armor, and may turn against his team should they side with Winters.[RPG 5]

Regardless if Tommy was present at the facility or not, he will seek ownership of the WARHORSE power armor, though he will pay anyone he hired before heading off. Should the player characters attempt to keep the armor, or the armor be given free will and freedom, Tommy demands ownership, though he will not actively fight them, instead opting to seek Brotherhood aid in tracking down the armor.[RPG 6]


  • If WARHORSE joins the player characters or claims its freedom, Tommy reunites with the Brotherhood of Steel to reclaim what he sees as his discovery with the full might of the Brotherhood at his back.[RPG 7]


  • Unarmed Strike: STR + Unarmed (TN 6), 2d6 Physical Damage.
  • Tommy’s Sharpshooter’s Focused Tactical Laser Pistol: PER + Energy Weapons (TN 12), 6d6 Piercing 2 Energy damage, Range C, Fire Rate 2, Close Quarters.

Special abilities[]

  • Pre-War Expertise: Tommy's years as a scribe give him a bonus d20 when making tests to examine, identify, or use pre-War technology.
  • Let Rip: Once per combat, Tommy may "let rip" with a volley from his laser pistol. This adds the weapon's Fire Rate of 2 to the weapon’s damage for a single attack (for 9d6 total).
  • Laser Commando: Tommy's been practicing. He adds 2 CD to the damage of any energy weapon he uses (included in stat block).


Apparel Weapon Other items
Brotherhood Scribe's Armor Tommy's Sharpshooter's Focused Tactical Laser Pistol 2d20 Fusion Cells
West-Tek Confidential Holotape
BlamCo Brand Mac and Cheese
Fission Fizz
Wealth 4


Tommy Martin appears only in Fully Operational.


Fallout: The Roleplaying Game

  1. Fully Operational p. 5: "He is reticent to explain why, though the PCs can coax him to reveal his hidden treasure with a successful CHA + Speech skill check with a difficulty of 2. Tommy’s treasure is a holotape with the location of an old West-Tek facility, lost to time and possibly completely undiscovered."
  2. Fully Operational p. 6: "Steal: Tommy keeps the holotape hidden in the breast pocket of his uniform, making it awkward at best to pick his pocket. A PC can attempt an AGI + Sneak opposed test to take it without him noticing."
  3. Fully Operational p. 5: "Besides the normal patrons and the players, an ex-Scribe named Tommy Martin sits at the end of the bar, sequestered between several bottles of Fission Fizz. When the PCs speak to Tommy, he reveals he was kicked out of the Brotherhood of Steel several months ago due to his alcoholic tendencies. He took to the Wastes, hunting down a discovery big enough to admit him back into the Brotherhood. Despite all appearances, he’s currently celebrating such a discovery."
  4. Fully Operational p. 6: "Helping Hand: The PCs may offer their services to Tommy, such as protection for the journey, their expertise in ruin diving, or something else altogether. A PC can make a CHA + Speech test with a difficulty of 3 to convince Tommy that their aid is invaluable. He offers to bring the PCs on the job for a 40% cut of any profits. Depending on the PC’s arguments, an additional CHA + Barter test can raise the cut to as high as 50%. Tommy explains they’re heading into a known rad-zone that’s “Bad enough to make your skin crawl off of your body, grow legs, and clear out”."
  5. Fully Operational p. 20: "Tommy's Thoughts
    If Tommy has joined the group, he’ll push for the PCs to side with WARHORSE, as he’s set on reclaiming the technology to secure his return to the Brotherhood. If the PCs side with Lee and leave, Tommy stands against them in ''A Price to be Paid''"
  6. Fully Operational p. 23: "Tommy's Thoughts
    If Tommy survives the quest, he’ll actively seek ownership of WARHORSE, regardless of the AI or armor’s condition. If Tommy hired the PCs, he pays them before heading off to pursue his own agenda.

    If the PCs attempt to keep WARHORSE, regardless of its state, Tommy aggressively demands they honor their side of the deal. He won’t actively engage with the PCs unless he controls the armor itself, instead electing to return to the Brotherhood to convince them to track down the PCs in the future."
  7. Fully Operational p. 23: "If WARHORSE joins the PCs or claims its freedom, Tommy reunites with the Brotherhood of Steel to reclaim what he sees as his discovery with the full might of the Brotherhood at his back."