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This is a transcript for dialogue with Tommy Lonegan.


1CZ_PostBattleCaitTommy_Scene{Nervous. Things are quieting down after a gun fight. First line is to a pal. The second line is slightly raised voice. Third line is to yourself. / Question} You think they're done out there? We don't want any trouble! Not any more, at least.Cait: Oh just peek your head up, ya damn coward.A1a
2{A bit nervous and a little irritated. Slightly projected. / Irritated} You finished tearin' the place up now?Cait: Oh just peek your head up, ya damn coward.A3a
3{A bit nervous and a little irritated. Slightly projected. / Irritated} Why don't you come over here, show us you don't mean no harm?Cait: Oh just peek your head up, ya damn coward.A4a
4{A bit nervous and a little irritated. Slightly projected. / Irritated} Hey. You all done killin' each other?Cait: Oh just peek your head up, ya damn coward.A5a
5{A bit nervous and a little irritated. Slightly projected. / Question} So, you wanna talk this out like civilized folk? Or you just gonna bash up my theater some more?Cait: Oh just peek your head up, ya damn coward.A6a
6{A bit nervous and a little irritated. Slightly projected. / Neutral} Look, whoever's out there, we were rootin' for you the whole time.Cait: Oh just peek your head up, ya damn coward.A7a
7Cait: Oh just peek your head up, ya damn coward.{You've just been chastised by a friend for hiding in the corner during a gunfight. You don't care. / Neutral} To heck with that. I'm too pretty to go out like this.A1a
8CZ_Scene_PostBattleScene{You just watched someone shoot up your bar. You're not thrilled. / Irritated} I guess that could've gone worse.Cait: Heh. I dunno. Seemed quite the performance from where I was standin'.A
9{Question} Well, look who's back. Never did mention what you thought of Cait's work.Player Default: She's clearly talented.A
10{Question} So, what do ya say? Do me a favor and take Cait with ya?Player Default: Sure. I could use someone watching my back.A
11{You just watched someone shoot up your bar. You're not thrilled. / Irritated} Is it over? Well, that could've gone worse.Cait: Heh. I dunno. Seemed quite the performance from where I was standin'.A1a
12{You just watched someone shoot up your bar. You're not thrilled. / Irritated} Well, that could've gone worse.Cait: Heh. I dunno. Seemed quite the performance from where I was standin'.A2a
13Cait: See. Least someone knows skill when they see it.{Neutral} It ain't your fightin' skills I'm concerned with.Tommy: So here's my predicament. I suddenly got no audience. No audience means I got no caps coming in.A1a
14Cait: Yeah, Tommy? Just why the hell you trying to get rid of me?{Question} You'd still be game, wouldn't ya, little bird?Cait: If it means not havin' to put up with you.A1a
15Tommy: It ain't your fightin' skills I'm concerned with.{Neutral} So here's my predicament. I suddenly got no audience. No audience means I got no caps coming in.Tommy: And if you ain't bringing in caps, little bird, you ain't an asset. You're a liability. To me... and to yourself.A1a
16Tommy: And if you ain't bringing in caps, little bird, you ain't an asset. You're a liability. To me... and to yourself.{You're just coming off a bit of an emotional line, but you catch yourself here and snap back to business mode. / Neutral} So... here's what I'm thinkin'.A1a
17{Neutral} What say I let you take over her contract? She goes with you, watches your back...A1b
18{Neutral} ...look you'd be doin' me a favor while I try to get the place back in order. What do ya say?Cait: Me? And him?A1c
19Tommy: So here's my predicament. I suddenly got no audience. No audience means I got no caps coming in.{You're initially stern, but more tender as you reach the end of the line. You really want this woman to leave so she doesn't kill herself. / Neutral} And if you ain't bringing in caps, little bird, you ain't an asset. You're a liability. To me... and to yourself.Tommy: So... here's what I'm thinkin'.A1a
20Cait: Don't I get a say in all this?{Stern} That ain't how a contract works. Besides, you really wanna to stay here? No audience. No caps. No one to talk to but yours truly.Cait: Jesus. Point taken.A1a
21Cait: Jesus. Point taken.{Glad that your friend has agreed to your idea. / Question} That a girl. So, she's on board. Now what about you?Player Default: Sure. I could use someone watching my back.A1a
22Cait: Heh. I dunno. Seemed quite the performance from where I was standin'.{Irritated by your friend's nonchalance about your bar being wrecked. / Irritated} Are you fucking high or something? Why am I asking, of course you are.Cait: Still won the fight, didn't I?A1a
23Cait: Still won the fight, didn't I?{Irritated} Yeah and you looked about one slip away from falling onto your own knife.Tommy: Course, I suppose you ain't got to worry about that now. Seems this one just put us out of business.A2a
24Tommy: You're strung out and getting sloppy is what you are.{Stern} Course, I suppose you ain't got to worry about that now. Seems this one just put us out of business.A1a
25{Stern} I'm not sure if I should kiss you or have my little bird here feed you your own entrails.Cait: I told you to quit callin' me that!A1b
26Player Default: I'm sorry? It just seemed like you guys might be in trouble.{Neutral} Trouble? Nah. But keeping those idiots entertained was what kept the lights on. Not exactly sure what we're gonna do now.Cait: To hell with 'em. More'll come. Just need a quick breather and I'll be ready to go.A1a
27Player Default: I saved your lives. You should be grateful.{Irritated} Grateful? For killing our meal ticket? Excuse me if I don't rush to embrace our savior.B1a
28{Neutral} They weren't the friendliest bunch but keeping those idiots entertained at least kept the lights on.Cait: To hell with 'em. More'll come. Just need a quick breather and I'll be ready to go.B1b
29Player Default: Out of business? What do you mean?{Irritated} Not the entrepreneurial sort, are ya? Keeping those idiots entertained was what kept us in caps.X1a
30{Irritated} Now just what the hell are we supposed to do?Cait: To hell with 'em. More'll come. Just need a quick breather and I'll be ready to go.X1b
31Player Default: What is this place?{Neutral} Not from around here, huh? This is the Combat Zone. Finest arena in the Commonwealth. Cait here's the headliner. Hundred plus matches, undefeated.Y1a
32{Neutral} We used to serve a more legit clientele, but about two years ago a gang of Raiders rolled in and we became a more... exclusive establishment...Y1b
33{Neutral} Up until you took our entire client base out of the gene pool and put us out of business, that is.Player Default: I'm sorry? It just seemed like you guys might be in trouble.Y1c
34Cait: To hell with 'em. More'll come. Just need a quick breather and I'll be ready to go.{Irritated} A breather? What? So you can slam more of that junk into your arm? No, no. You know what? I think this was a blessing in disguise.Tommy: You caught the end of that bout. What'd ya think of Cait's work?A1a
35Tommy: A breather? What? So you can slam more of that junk into your arm? No, no. You know what? I think this was a blessing in disguise.{Question} You caught the end of that bout. What'd ya think of Cait's work?Player Default: She's clearly talented.A1a
36Player Default: Not sure. I didn't catch the whole thing.{Impressed} Yeah, I guess you were pretty busy cleaning house. Impressive work. Makes me think you're good enough to do me a favor.Tommy: So here's my predicament. I suddenly got no audience. No audience means I got no caps coming in.X1a
37Player Default: Why do you ask?{Question} Consider it professional curiosity. Now what'd ya think of the fight?Player Default: She's clearly talented.Y1a
38Cait: Ha! Like hell you have.{You're genuinely impressed by this person's candor. / Impressed} And while she's still armed and within closing distance? You are a brave one, ain't ya?Tommy: So here's my predicament. I suddenly got no audience. No audience means I got no caps coming in.B1a
39Player Default: Sure. I could use someone watching my back.{Happy} Good. It's settled then.A1a
40{Amused} And here. Take this. It's the purse from the last fight. Exterminator's fee.Cait: Now wait just a second. What exactly are you gonna do without me here?A1b
41Player Default: Not interested.{Neutral} Hmm. Shame. I usually got a pretty good sense for matchups. How about we say you'll think about it?B1a
42{Amused} You change your mind, we'll be here.Tommy: You'd still be game, wouldn't ya, little bird?B1b
43Player Default: Why would you want her to go with me?{Placeholder. / Neutral}Cait: Yeah, Tommy? Just why the hell you trying to get rid of me?Y1a
44Cait: Yeah, Tommy? Just why the hell you trying to get rid of me?{Sighs before beginning. You're confessing to a friend that you don't want to watch them kill themselves. / Concerned} Look, truth is, all that junk, it's been making you careless. And I don't want to be the one doing color commentary when you finally hit the floor.Y1a
45{Concerned} Alright? So just do me this favor. Both of you. Please.Player Default: Sure. I could use someone watching my back.Y1b
46Cait: Yeah, Tommy? Just why the hell you trying to get rid of me?{Evasive. / Neutral} Maybe I just think you deserve some time off. Maybe I like this one's face. I don't know. I usually got a good sense about this sorta thing.Y2a
47{Amused} So what do ya say?Player Default: Sure. I could use someone watching my back.Y2b
48Cait: He can't come back soon enough.{Neutral} Good. Then it's settled. You decide you want to be paired with the best, you're welcome anytime.A1a
49{Neutral} Maybe we'll have the place cleaned up by then. Bring in a less bloodthirsty clientele.A1b
50{Friendly} And here. The purse from the last fight. Consider it a retainer.Cait: Now wait just a second. What exactly are you gonna do without me here?A1c
51Cait: Now wait just a second. What exactly are you gonna do without me here?{Hopeful. / Neutral} You don't need to worry about me. I'll get this place set up right, maybe find a less bloodsoaked clientele. Now get the hell out of here.A1a
52{Warmly. You're saying goodbye to someone who means a lot to you. / Neutral} You ain't welcome anymore, little bird.Cait: You're a real son of a bitch, you know that, Tommy?A1b
53Cait: You're a real son of a bitch, you know that, Tommy?{Warmly. You're parting ways with someone you care about. / Amused} You don't have to tell me.A1a
54CZ_Scene_TommyIntroTommy: Come on down where we can see you.{Initially puzzled, then concerned for the person you're speaking to. You are warning someone that a fight is about to start. / Pleading} Wait, who let you... buddy, I'd find some cover. Quick!Tommy: Hello... what's this? We have some new blood, folks!A1a
55Tommy: Come on down where we can see you.{Initially puzzled, then concerned for the person you're speaking to. You are warning someone that a fight is about to start. / Pleading} Wait-- who let you... lady, I'd find some cover. Quick!Tommy: Hello... what's this? We have some new blood, folks!A2a
56Tommy: Come on down where we can see you.{Initially like you're presenting to a crowd, but then switching to concerned. You are warning someone that a fight is about to start. / Pleading} Well, w-- wait. You ain't supposed to be here. Buddy, I'd find some cover. Quick!Tommy: Hello... what's this? We have some new blood, folks!A3a
57Tommy: Come on down where we can see you.{Initially like you're presenting to a crowd, but then switching to concerned. You are warning someone that a fight is about to start. / Pleading} Well, w-- wait. You ain't supposed to be here. Lady, I'd find some cover. Quick!Tommy: Hello... what's this? We have some new blood, folks!A4a
58Tommy: And that concludes this round. Cait is the undisputed winner!{Speaking to a crowd. / Confident} And who's this?Tommy: Come on down where we can see you.A1a
59{in front of crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. [other guy was decapitated] / Impressed} And that concludes this round. Cait is the undisputed winner!Tommy: And who's this?A1a
60Tommy: Wait, who let you... buddy, I'd find some cover. Quick!{(seeing player come in) to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. / Amused} Hello... what's this? We have some new blood, folks!Tommy: Come on down, new blood! Let's get a good look at you!A1a
61Tommy: Come on down, new blood! Let's get a good look at you!{(seeing player come with his weapons out) -- to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. } And it looks like he wants to fight!Tommy: What do you say? Shall we put him in the cage?A1a
62Tommy: Come on down, new blood! Let's get a good look at you!{(seeing player come with his weapons out) -- to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. } And it looks like she wants to fight!Tommy: What do you say? Shall we put him in the cage?A2a
63Tommy: And it looks like he wants to fight!{(seeing player come in) -- to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. } What do you say? Shall we put him in the cage?A1a
64Tommy: And it looks like he wants to fight!{(seeing player come in) -- to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. } What do you say? Shall we put her in the cage?A2a
65Tommy: Hello... what's this? We have some new blood, folks!{(looking at player but playing to crowd) to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. / Friendly} Come on down, new blood! Let's get a good look at you!Tommy: And it looks like he wants to fight!A1a
66Tommy: Hello... what's this? We have some new blood, folks!{(looking at player but playing to crowd) to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. / Friendly} Come on over here, new blood! Let's get a good look at you!Tommy: And it looks like he wants to fight!A2a
67Tommy: And who's this?{(goading player) to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. / Amused} Come on down where we can see you.Tommy: Wait, who let you... buddy, I'd find some cover. Quick!A1a
68Tommy: And who's this?{(goading player) to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. / Sarcastic} Let's give the new comer some encouragement, shall we?Tommy: Wait, who let you... buddy, I'd find some cover. Quick!A3a
69Tommy: And who's this?{(goading player) to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. / Amused} Don't be nervous. We just want to meet you!Tommy: Wait, who let you... buddy, I'd find some cover. Quick!A4a
70Tommy: And who's this?{(goading player) to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. / Amused} Come on. I don't bite. Well... not usually.Tommy: Wait, who let you... buddy, I'd find some cover. Quick!A5a
71Tommy: And who's this?{(goading player) to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. / Amused} Come on over here.Tommy: Wait, who let you... buddy, I'd find some cover. Quick!A6a
72Tommy: And who's this?{(goading player) to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. / Amused} I think he's shy!Tommy: Wait, who let you... buddy, I'd find some cover. Quick!A7a
73Tommy: And who's this?{(goading player) to crowd on microphone at cage match fighting arena you own -- more showman, less sports caster. / Amused} I think she's shy!Tommy: Wait, who let you... buddy, I'd find some cover. Quick!A8a
74CZ_Scene_TommyRunsIntoCage{A fight just broken out. You're running away. / Afraid} Shit shit shit.A1a
75OBSOLTETE_CZ _Arena_PlayerMatch Cut contentThink you can handle yourself in the cage?Player Default: Sign me up for the next fight.A
76You've lasted longer than I thought. You here for another go in the cage?Player Default: Sign me up for the next fight.A
77You want a round in the cage?Player Default: Sign me up for the next fight.A
78Player Default: Sign me up for the next fight.Good. Let's do it now then.A1a
79The usual prize. Upon winning of course.Player Default: I'll do it.A1b
80Player Default: Not interested.Scared, huh? Well, your secret's safe with me.Player Default: I'll do it.B1a
81Player Default: Maybe. If it pays.Oh, it most definitely pays.X1a
82If you win, that is.X1b
83You manning up, or wussing out?Player Default: I'll do it.X1c
84Player Default: Maybe. If it pays.Oh it pays.X2a
85If you win, that is.X2b
86You got what it takes? Or are you wussing out?Player Default: I'll do it.X2c
87Player Default: The cage?That big metal thing on the stage where the meat heads cut each other for the amusement of the locals.Y1a
88You think you got what it takes?Player Default: I'll do it.Y1b
89Player Default: I'll do it.Head downstairs to the lift. I'll warm up the crowd.A1a
90Player Default: Not today.You wouldn't have lasted long anyway.B1a
91Player Default: Not today.Well, if you change your mind let me know.B2a
92Player Default: Yeah. Sure. Why not?A bit blasé about the whole life and death thing, aren't ya?X1a
93Well, so long as you put on a good show, what the hell do I care?X1b
94The lift into the cage is in the basement.X1c
95Player Default: Yeah. Sure. Why not?I see you can barely contain the excitement. Well, to the lift with you. And you better give me a good show!X2a
96Player Default: What's the prize?The prize will go up in size as you go up in rank.Y1a
97An unknown like you? 100 caps and a warm fuzzy feeling.Player Default: I'll do it.Y1b
98Player Default: What's the prize?The crowd is starting to take notice. Which is good for business.Y2a
99{a statement, not a question} I'll put you up against tougher fighters. Stay alive and earn yourself 200 caps. Die and earn the other guy the same.Player Default: I'll do it.Y2b
100Player Default: What's the prize?A regular up and comer, you are. Folks like to bet more on your matches. That's good for me. And good for you.Y3a
101{a statement, not a question} 300 caps.Player Default: I'll do it.Y3b
102OBSOLTETE_CZ_Scene _TommyCaitIntro Cut content{calling out, pleasantly - you have a proposition for the player} Heh, heh, heh. Nice work. Get over here. Tommy: You too, Bird.A1a
103Tommy: Heh, heh, heh. Nice work. Get over here.{calling out, part of the same thought as previous line.} You too, Bird.Cait: I told you to quit callin' me that.A1a
104Cait: I told you to quit callin' me that.{as in, did you like fighting?} So, New Blood, what'd you think of that?Player Default: It was a good fight. She's not a bad fighter.A1a
105Cait: That's cute. You and I both know I'm just tired as hell from me last few fights.{simmering parental anger (through a forced smile) / Irritated} You're strung out and getting sloppy is what you are.Cait: I'm not your "darlin'."A1a
106Cait: Too easy, eh? How about we have a little rematch when I'm not all worn out from fightin' the idiots that stumbled into the arena before you?{simmering parental anger (through a forced smile)} You lost that all on your own. You're strung out and getting sloppy. You need to curb the chems, darling.Cait: I'm not your "darlin'."B1a
107Cait: Don't let our little tussle get to that big head. I was tired from fightin' all the other idiots who stumbled into the arena before you.{simmering parental anger (through a forced smile)} You didn't lose to him, you lost to that jet pipe. It's making you sloppy. You need to curb the chems, darling.Cait: I'm not your "darlin'."X1a
108Cait: Yeah, Tommy. Did we do it for you? I know you get off on it.{simmering parental anger (through a forced smile)} I would have preferred you putting up more of a fight. You're strung out and getting sloppy. You need to curb the chems, darling.Cait: I'm not your "darlin'."Y1a
109Cait: I'm not your "darlin'."{annoyed but smiling (Director: next line is part of the same thought)} Don't mind her.Tommy: She hates losing.A1a
110Tommy: Don't mind her.{subtext: I hate it when she loses (Director: continued from previous as single thought)} She hates losing.Tommy: But you - you weren't half bad in there.A1a
111Tommy: She hates losing.{getting back into the hustling smiley happy face} But you - you weren't half bad in there.A1a
112{$$ in your eyes (this guy could make you a ton of money if he keeps fighting)} You want to make this a regular thing?Player Default: Sure, I could do that. It was fun.A1b
113Player Default: Sure, I could do that. It was fun.{amused - you know this guy wants to get paid} No one fights in there for fun.Tommy: Here. Take this.A1a
114Player Default: Afraid this was a one time thing.{enticingly - about to toss him a purse of money} One time, eh? I bet you'll change your mind.Tommy: Here. Take this.B1a
115Player Default: Not unless you're gonna pay me.{smiling, sincere - you like dealing with straight shooters} I knew I'd like you.Tommy: Here. Take this.X1a
116Player Default: Depends. What's in it for me?{smiling slyly} You mean beyond the adoring fans?Tommy: Here. Take this.Y1a
117Player Default: No one fights in there for fun.{tossing the player a purse of money} Here. Take this.A1a
118There's more where that came from.A1b
119{with a sly smile, a challenge} If you keep fighting. And living of course.Player Default: Thank you.A1c
120Player Default: Thank you.{slyly} No, thank you, sir!Tommy: You'll get more the more you do this.A1a
121Player Default: Thank you.{slyly} No, thank you, ma'am!Tommy: You'll get more the more you do this.A2a
122Player Default: You're a bit stingy with the caps. Especially since I just risked my life for the amusement of your patrons.{making a joke to cover your anger at the slight} What can I say? Their amusement comes cheap. Same as their tastes in liquor.Tommy: You'll get more the more you do this.B1a
123Player Default: Not enough. Surely you can do better than that.I must be sick. I'm feeling a tad generous today.X1a
124Here. We'll call this a one time signing bonus.Tommy: You'll get more the more you do this.X1b
125Player Default: Not enough. Surely you can do better than that.{as in "don't press your luck further, buddy"} Nice try.Tommy: You'll get more the more you do this.X2a
126Player Default: This the standard pay?{evading with a smile} Let's call it a first time trial run commission and leave it at that.Tommy: You'll get more the more you do this.Y1a
127Player Default: No, thank you, sir!You'll get more the more you do this.Tommy: If you need a place to stay, you can crash with the other fighters back stage, though, something tells me you won't be calling this place home.A1a
128Tommy: You'll get more the more you do this.If you need a place to stay, you can crash with the other fighters back stage, though, something tells me you won't be calling this place home.Player Default: Thanks. I might take you up on that from time to time. But it won't be a permanent arrangement I'm afraid.A1a
129Player Default: You charge rent for that?Not if you keep fighting. You can crash downstairs. Free of charge.Cait: Hear that Tommy? Not everyone finds your "humble establishment" the dog's bollocks.Y1a
130Cait: Hear that Tommy? Not everyone finds your "humble establishment" the dog's bollocks.{sarcastically spiteful back to Cait} Lost some of the charm, has it?Cait: Whatever.A1a
131Cait: Whatever.{leveling with the player, a tinge of frustration at Cait (Director: next line is part of the same thought)} Perhaps you can do me a solid.Tommy: Our dear Cait here needs a change of scenery.A1a
132Tommy: Perhaps you can do me a solid.{forced smile and shooting her an icy glare} Our dear Cait here needs a change of scenery.Tommy: If you'd take her with you, when you - go on whatever adventures it is you go on out there - I'd appreciate it.A1a
133Tommy: Our dear Cait here needs a change of scenery.{being sincere, but acting more like this a business transaction} If you'd take her with you, when you - go on whatever adventures it is you go on out there - I'd appreciate it.Cait: Now wait a second...A1a
134Cait: Now wait a second...{ignoring the interruption, but adding a little zing} What do you say? Would you help an old man by keeping an eye on his pet?Cait: Damn it, Tommy. I'm no man's pet!A1a
135Player Default: Great. I'll be in the toilet fixing my makeup.{pleasant fading into seriousness} Listen friend, you're doing me a favor. But let me make this perfectly clear to you.A1a
136{a deadly serious threat. you have done to that to people before.} Should any harm come to her, I'll gut you from testicles to eyeballs.A1b
137{deadly serious} Do you understand me?Player Default: Perfectly.A1c
138Player Default: If you want me watchin' your back, fine. If not, it's your funeral.{friendly} Listen friend. If you did this for me, you'd be doing me a favor.B1a
139If not, fine.B1b
140{getting serious} But if you change your mind and do take her out with you, I need to be perfectly clear.B1c
141{deadly serious (you've done that to people before)} Should any harm come to her, I'll gut you from testicles to eyeballs. You understand me?Player Default: Perfectly.B1d
142Player Default: If you want me watchin' your back, fine. If not, it's your funeral.{friendly} Listen friend. If you did this for me, you'd be doing me a favor. But let me make this clear.X1a
143{deadly serious (you've done that to people before)} Should any harm come to her, I'll gut you from testicles to eyeballs. You understand me?Player Default: Perfectly.X1b
144Player Default: Perfectly.{putting on the smiley face} Excellent!Tommy: Now head over to the bar and Stanley will pour you a glass of something special.A1a
145Player Default: I don't take kindly to threats.{matter of fact} I don't give threats. That was a promise.Tommy: Now head over to the bar and Stanley will pour you a glass of something special.B1a
146Player Default: Message received.{putting on the smiley face} Good.Tommy: Now head over to the bar and Stanley will pour you a glass of something special.X1a
147Player Default: Why so hostile?{growing annoyed} Not hostile, just serious. I trust we understand each other, yes?Tommy: Now head over to the bar and Stanley will pour you a glass of something special.Y1a
148Player Default: Excellent!{back to your charming self} Now head over to the bar and Stanley will pour you a glass of something special.Player Default: You bet.A1a
149Player Default: So what's the deal with you two, anyway?{showing a little vulnerability but not wanting to get into it} Let's just say I have a soft spot for that particular girl and leave it at that.Y1a
150{a pleasant but obvious brush off} Now unless you have any other burning questions, why don't you go grab that drink?Tommy: Ten minutes 'til the next fight. Place your bets now!Y1b
151Player Default: Now unless you have any other burning questions, why don't you go grab that drink?{shouting to crowd} Ten minutes 'til the next fight. Place your bets now!A1a
152OBSOLTETE_CZ_Scene _TommyIntro_PlayerDialogue Cut content{welcoming player - speaking directly to player but also on stage at microphone therefore talking to the crowd gather to watch the arena fighting too} Welcome to my humble establishment!Player Default: Nice place you got here.A
153Player Default: Nice place you got here.{half compliment, half condescending} A nice guy, eh? Don't find many of those around here.Tommy: Now, before we get too attached, how about you jump into that cage and show us what you're made of?A1a
154Player Default: This place is a dump.Hear that? He's too good for us!Tommy: Now, before we get too attached, how about you jump into that cage and show us what you're made of?B1a
155Player Default: This place is a dump.Hear that? She's too good for us!Tommy: Now, before we get too attached, how about you jump into that cage and show us what you're made of?B2a
156Player Default: I'm just passing through.Most the regulars were just passing through once, too. Weren't you boys?Tommy: Now, before we get too attached, how about you jump into that cage and show us what you're made of?X1a
157Player Default: So this is some kind of arena?Looks like we've got a regular Einstein here.Player Default: Nice place you got here.Y1a
158Player Default: A nice guy, eh? Don't find many of those around here.Now, before we get too attached, how about you jump into that cage and show us what you're made of?Player Default: Alright, I'll do it.A1a
159Player Default: Alright, I'll do it.I like your moxy.Tommy: There's a trap door under the stage. Head down the stairs to my right and up the lift.A1a
160Player Default: You're out of your mind.{a short disappointed sound} Hmm.Tommy: He's scared!B1a
161Player Default: What's in it for me?Heh. You're gonna fit in nicely.X1a
162I pay you a little something for each fight. The harder the fight, the bigger the pay.X1b
163{with a rakish smile} But, like I said, let's see how well you do against my little bird there before we sign any contracts.Player Default: Alright, I'll do it.X1c
164Player Default: Who's that I'll be fighting?Cait. She's one of the best. When her head's in the game. She won't kill you if I ask her nicely.Tommy: Isn't that right, Cait?Y1a
165Tommy: Cait. She's one of the best. When her head's in the game. She won't kill you if I ask her nicely.{Calling from a short distance} Isn't that right, Cait?Cait: I wouldn't be too sure of that.A1a
166Cait: I wouldn't be too sure of that.Never mind her. She'll do as she's told.A1a
167So, how about it? The crowd will love you for it.A1b
168{prodding the crowd} Won't you?Player Default: Alright, I'll do it.A1c
169Cait: I wouldn't be too sure of that.{to crowd} He's scared!Tommy: You sure?A1a
170Cait: I wouldn't be too sure of that.{to crowd} She's scared!Tommy: You sure?A2a
171Tommy: He's scared!You sure?A1a
172{quietly, as if conspiring, though still playing to the crowd} The natives get restless when they don't get the fight they're promised.Tommy: In case I'm not being clear. It's either fight in the cage or face the collective wrath of my disappointed patrons.A1b
173Tommy: The natives get restless when they don't get the fight they're promised.{ as if being pleasant, but the threat is very real} In case I'm not being clear. It's either fight in the cage or face the collective wrath of my disappointed patrons.Player Default: You haven't given me much choice... All right. I'll do it.A1a
174Player Default: You haven't given me much choice... All right. I'll do it.{slyly} I knew we'd convince you!Tommy: There's a trap door under the stage. Head down the stairs to my right and up the lift.A1a
175Player Default: You deaf? I said no, asshole.{about to start a fight} Well now you're just being rude.Tommy: Rule number one is temporarily lifted. Get him boys!B1a
176Player Default: Sure, why not? It's not like I have anything better to do.Heh.Tommy: There's a trap door under the stage. Head down the stairs to my right and up the lift.X1a
177Player Default: Really? You're giving me an ultimatum?{(said with evil smile) sarcastic false apology} Yep. Afraid so.Player Default: You haven't given me much choice... All right. I'll do it.Y1a
178Tommy: Well now you're just being rude.{angry, to crow} Rule number one is temporarily lifted. Get him boys!Tommy: There's a trap door under the stage. Head down the stairs to my right and up the lift.A1a
179Tommy: Well now you're just being rude.{angry, to crow} Rule number one is temporarily lifted. Get her boys!Tommy: There's a trap door under the stage. Head down the stairs to my right and up the lift.A2a
180Tommy: Rule number one is temporarily lifted. Get him boys!{Neutral} There's a trap door under the stage. Head down the stairs to my right and up the lift.A1a
181{stern rule / Stern} No guns! No Power Armor.Tommy: We have our fighter, ladies and gentlemen!A1b
182Tommy: No guns! No Power Armor.{to crowd} We have our fighter, ladies and gentlemen!Tommy: Go easy on him, alright? No finishing flourishes, capiche?A1a
183Tommy: We have our fighter, ladies and gentlemen!{calling a short distance} Go easy on him, alright? No finishing flourishes, capiche?Cait: Yeah, yeah. Quit showin' off and get him up here already.A1a
184-{There is a massive gun battle going on around you. / Afraid} Jesus!
185{There is a massive gun battle going on around you. / Afraid} How about deal with them, huh?!
186{There is a massive gun battle going on around you. / Afraid} Shit!
187{There is a massive gun battle going on around you. / Afraid} Buzz off! You're gonna get us both killed.
188{There is a massive gun battle going on around you. / Afraid} Think that last one clipped my suit.
189{There is a massive gun battle going on around you. / Afraid} It safe?
190{You're cowering in a corner to avoid getting caught in a crossfire. / Afraid} How's it lookin' out there?


Cut content

191CZ_Arena_Combat_Post_A{(to crowd) exaggerated shock to play to crowd} What's this? The New Blood bested our fair Cait!Combatant2: Quit standin' there and finish it already. The hell are you waitin' for?A1a
192Player Default: Everyone for themselves, eh? Fine.{(on mic to crowd) looking at combatants. A little worried the player might kill your favored fighter that you look after like a daughter} Alright. Fight's over. You two and come out now.A1a
193Through the gate in the cage.Combatant2: Alright. Let's go, hero. After you.A1b
194Combatant2: Alright. Let's go, hero. After you.{(on mic to crowd) looking at combatants. A little worried the player might kill your favored fighter that you look after like a daughter} That's enough now. Fight's over. Come on out.A2a
195Combatant2: Alright. Let's go, hero. After you.{(on mic to crowd) looking at combatants. A little worried the player might kill your favored fighter that you look after like a daughter} Through the gate in the cage.A3a
196Combatant2: Alright. Let's go, hero. After you.{(on mic to crowd) looking at combatants. A little worried the player might kill your favored fighter that you look after like a daughter} You get your brain rattled? Fight's done. Come on out.A4a
197Combatant2: Alright. Let's go, hero. After you.{(on mic to crowd) looking at combatants. A little worried the player might kill your favored fighter that you look after like a daughter} Not true bright, our New Blood, eh?A5a
198CZ_Arena_Combat_Post_BWhat a fight!Ringmaster: Some are richer, some are poorer. All were entertained. You savages!A1a
199Ringmaster: What a fight!Some are richer, some are poorer. All were entertained. You savages!Ringmaster: Winners - collect your winnings! Losers - better luck next time.A1a
200Ringmaster: Some are richer, some are poorer. All were entertained. You savages!Winners - collect your winnings! Losers - better luck next time.A1a
201CZ_Arena_Combat_Pre_BRingmaster: Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls. Direct your attention to center stage.Bets are now closed.A1a
202We'll let the beasts size each other up for a moment.A1b
203One staring into the eyes of death. The other into glory. But which is which? Let us find out!Ringmaster: In a few short moments, for your pleasure and short attention spans, two fearless fighters will beat each other to bloody pulps!A1c
204Ladies and Gentleman, I regret to inform you, we have a no-show. One of our combatants has chickened out.Ringmaster: Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls. Direct your attention to center stage.A1a
205Ringmaster: Ladies and Gentleman, I regret to inform you, we have a no-show. One of our combatants has chickened out.Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls. Direct your attention to center stage.Ringmaster: Bets are now closed.A1a
206Ringmaster: One staring into the eyes of death. The other into glory. But which is which? Let us find out!In a few short moments, for your pleasure and short attention spans, two fearless fighters will beat each other to bloody pulps!Ringmaster: Feeling lucky? Think you can size up the fight? Bet's are open. Step on over, make a wager.A1a
207Ringmaster: In a few short moments, for your pleasure and short attention spans, two fearless fighters will beat each other to bloody pulps!Feeling lucky? Think you can size up the fight? Bet's are open. Step on over, make a wager.Ringmaster: Come on up and make a wager!A1a
208Ringmaster: Feeling lucky? Think you can size up the fight? Bet's are open. Step on over, make a wager.Come on up and make a wager!Ringmaster: Last call for wagers!A1a
209Ringmaster: Come on up and make a wager!Last call for wagers!A1a
210CZ_Arena_Combat_StartFight_ARingmaster: I present to you...{dramatic flourish as spotlight turns on and points to combatant} Cait!Ringmaster: And the New Blood!A1a
211Ringmaster: Cait!{dramatic flourish as spotlight turns on and points to combatant} And the New Blood!Ringmaster: Listen, you two. Here's the deal. I want blood. But no one dies.A1a
212{(to crowd) announcing a fight} Ladies and gentlemen - and the rest of you ugly lot - for your amusement only...A1a
213I present to you...Ringmaster: Cait!A1b
214Ringmaster: And the New Blood!{Leveling with the fighters. (on stage, but off mic) turning around to address the combatants directly (one is daughter figure, the other is player)} Listen, you two. Here's the deal. I want blood. But no one dies.Ringmaster: I just want to size up the new guy, alright?A1a
215Ringmaster: Listen, you two. Here's the deal. I want blood. But no one dies.{(subtext: go easy on him, don't kill him) Leveling with the fighters. (on stage, but off mic) turning around to address the combatants directly} I just want to size up the new guy, alright?Ringmaster: On the count of three.A1a
216Ringmaster: I just want to size up the new guy, alright?{Leveling with the fighters. (on stage, but off mic) turning around to address the combatants directly (one is daughter figure, the other is player)} On the count of three.Ringmaster: You all know how this goes.A1a
217Ringmaster: On the count of three.{(to crowd with usual showmanship - counting down to fight start)} You all know how this goes.Ringmaster: One!A1a
218Ringmaster: You all know how this goes.{(counting up to 3 with crowd to start the cage match fight)} One!Ringmaster: Two!A1a
219Ringmaster: One!{(counting up to 3 with crowd to start the cage match fight)} Two!Ringmaster: Three!A1a
220Ringmaster: Two!{(counting up to 3 with crowd to start the cage match fight)} Three!Ringmaster: Fight!A1a
221Ringmaster: Three!{(counting up to 3 with crowd to start the cage match fight)} Fight!A1a
222{(to crowd) making chit chat with crowd, trying not to sound annoyed it's taking so long for the player to get on stage} We'll give the new guy a few moments to figure out where the stage door is.Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen - and the rest of you ugly lot - for your amusement only...A2a
223{(to crowd) making chit chat with crowd, trying not to sound annoyed it's taking so long for the player to get on stage} We'll give the new girl a few moments to figure out where the stage door is.Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen - and the rest of you ugly lot - for your amusement only...A3a
224{(to crowd) making chit chat with crowd, trying not to sound annoyed it's taking so long for the player to get on stage} A glorious fight is just moments away!Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen - and the rest of you ugly lot - for your amusement only...A4a
225{(to crowd) making chit chat with crowd, trying not to sound annoyed it's taking so long for the player to get on stage} I think he might have gotten lost.Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen - and the rest of you ugly lot - for your amusement only...A5a
226{(to crowd) making chit chat with crowd, trying not to sound annoyed it's taking so long for the player to get on stage} I think she might have gotten lost.Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen - and the rest of you ugly lot - for your amusement only...A6a
227{(to crowd) making chit chat with crowd, trying not to sound annoyed it's taking so long for the player to get on stage} Get a drink at the bar while you wait!Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen - and the rest of you ugly lot - for your amusement only...A7a
228{(to crowd) making chit chat with crowd, trying not to sound annoyed it's taking so long for the player to get on stage} Okay, come on already! It's not hard. Down the stairs and up the lift.Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen - and the rest of you ugly lot - for your amusement only...A8a
229{(to crowd) making chit chat with crowd, trying not to sound annoyed it's taking so long for the player to get on stage} New blood! Get on the stage now, or you'll soon regret it.Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen - and the rest of you ugly lot - for your amusement only...A9a
230{(to crowd) making chit chat with crowd, trying not to sound annoyed it's taking so long for the player to get on stage} Not so bright, our newcomer, eh boys?Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen - and the rest of you ugly lot - for your amusement only...A10a
231CZ_Arena_Combat_StartFight_BYour attention please!Ringmaster: Wagers are now closed. But fear not, there's always another fight just around the corner.A1a
232Ringmaster: Your attention please!Wagers are now closed. But fear not, there's always another fight just around the corner.Ringmaster: And may I remind you, the only blood allowed in the Combat Zone is in the ring!A1a
233Ringmaster: Wagers are now closed. But fear not, there's always another fight just around the corner.And may I remind you, the only blood allowed in the Combat Zone is in the ring!Ringmaster: Now, without further ado. Let the fighting.... BEGIN!A1a
234Ringmaster: And may I remind you, the only blood allowed in the Combat Zone is in the ring!Now, without further ado. Let the fighting.... BEGIN!A1a
235CZ_Arena_PlaceBetCare to place a wager?Player Default: That's why I'm here.A
236Player Default: That's why I'm here.How are you feeling about the left Fighter?Player Default: He's the one.A1a
237Player Default: Not interested.No need to fear, your caps are safe with me! You look like a smart one. You think you can pick the winner?Ringmaster: No need to fear, your caps are safe with me! You look like a smart one. You think you can pick the winner?B1a
238Player Default: Not interested.Alright.Player Default: He's the one.B2a
239Player Default: Maybe.I'll put you down for the left fighter then, how's that sound?Player Default: He's the one.X1a
240Player Default: What's the payout?Bet on the winner, double your money. Bet on the loser, double my money. What do you say?Ringmaster: Bet on the winner, double your money. Bet on the loser, double my money. What do you say?Y1a
241Player Default: He's the one.Smart man! What'll you bet? Max bid is 200 caps.A1a
242Player Default: He's the one.Smart woman! What'll you bet? Max bid is 200 caps.A2a
243Player Default: I'll go with the other one.Aha! A fine choice. What'll you bet? Max bid is 200 caps.B1a
244Player Default: It doesn't matter. You pick.I'll put you down for the left Fighter.X1a
245Player Default: What do you think?Oh no. Wouldn't be fair to the others were I to tell you my favorite. Though, I wonder how you'd size up the - left - fighter?Player Default: He's the one.Y1a
246-Good job. Here's the prize.
247Good pick. Here's the payout.


248-{Friendly} Gonna be pickin' human remains outta these seat cushions for the rest of my days thanks to you.
249{Concerned} Don't know how long it's gonna take to get butts back in these seats...
250{Neutral} So damn quiet in here now. Can almost hear myself think.
251{Neutral} Can't say I miss the crowds, but I sure miss their caps.
252{Concerned} Take care of Cait, all right?