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This is a transcript for dialogue with Tinker Tom.


1ConvRailroadGenericAnnouncementBoS_01Glory: I thought it was one of Tinker Tom's aliens.Aliens are real!Desdemona: Enough. The blimp is called the Prydwen, and it's operated by the Brotherhood of Steel.A1a


2ConvRailroadGenericTinkerTom01_01GenerciNPC_One: Since we got back online, I've tracked three packages. And they all start from the same place.Very good. Gotta keep your eyes open in this business. Your mind sharp.GenerciNPC_One: But why Bunker Hill every time?A1a
3GenerciNPC_One: But why Bunker Hill every time?Ah, man, that's the Nuka-Cola question right there. And I'd tell you if I could.GenerciNPC_One: You figure, a synth could run anywhere. So there's got to be a reason why they always go there.A1a
4GenerciNPC_One: You figure, a synth could run anywhere. So there's got to be a reason why they always go there.Oh, there is. And it's a doozy. But you can't play papa off mama. If Dez isn't talking, neither am I.A1a
5ConvRailroadGenericTinkerTom02_01All right. Now be careful with that gun. Real careful.GenericTerry: What? Why, Tinker?A1a
6GenericTerry: What? Why, Tinker?Cuz the ammo should have some real oomph to it. Me and the boys been working on it.TinkerTom: Tiny little package, but a hell of a big kick.A1a
7TinkerTom: Cuz the ammo should have some real oomph to it. Me and the boys been working on it.Tiny little package, but a hell of a big kick.GenericTerry: Is it safe?A1a
8GenericTerry: Is it safe?You say safe? Yeah, man. Well, probably. The math looks tight.TinkerTom: Woah! Terry... Where's Terry? Yeah, too much nitroglycerin. Back to the drawing board.A1a
9TinkerTom: You say safe? Yeah, man. Well, probably. The math looks tight.Woah! Terry... Where's Terry? Yeah, too much nitroglycerin. Back to the drawing board.A1a


10TinkerTomGreetSceneThe sensor sweep says you're clean. Hurray, we're bug free.Player Default: I'm relieved, actually.A
11Player Default: I'm relieved, actually.Woah, woah, woah. Not so fast.TinkerTom: OK, have you eaten anything out there? Because if you have they got you!A1a
12Player Default: You scanned me without my consent?It doesn't matter. Those conventional tests are garbage.TinkerTom: OK, have you eaten anything out there? Because if you have they got you!B1a
13Player Default: Yeah, that's great.Not so fast, man.TinkerTom: OK, have you eaten anything out there? Because if you have they got you!X1a
14Player Default: I went through a sensor sweep?Every test Dez would let me run. Full EMF scan, biological sniffers, and our other "state of the art" security.Y1a
15So the sweep says the Institute isn't watching you - or us - but the tests lie, man.TinkerTom: OK, have you eaten anything out there? Because if you have they got you!Y1b
16Player Default: Woah, woah, woah. Not so fast.{Stern} OK, have you eaten anything out there? Because if you have they got you!Player Default: Yeah, I've eaten food.A1a
17Player Default: Yeah, I've eaten food.Oh, oh, oh. I knew it.TinkerTom: The Institute has these tiny microscopic robots in the food, man. And they report back.A1a
18Player Default: No, I never eat anything.{Friendly} You see, that's smart. That's smart, man. S M A R T. But you got to be careful.TinkerTom: The Institute has these tiny microscopic robots in the food, man. And they report back.B1a
19Player Default: Are you seriously asking do I eat food?{Confident} The "food" out there is dangerous. It's contaminated. That's why I grow my own food.Y1a
20{Neutral} Reclaimed pure water. Local nutrients. Nothing goes in me that I don't see. That. That's how you stay safe.TinkerTom: The Institute has these tiny microscopic robots in the food, man. And they report back.Y1b
21Player Default: Oh, oh, oh. I knew it.The Institute has these tiny microscopic robots in the food, man. And they report back.Carrington: Tom, that's rubbish.A1a
22Carrington: Tom, that's rubbish.{Irritated} You just don't get it, Carrington. The Institute is in your blood!Player Default: If true that's terrifying.A1a
23Player Default: If he had a shred of evidence for any of it, agreed. Quite terrifying.{Conspiratorial} OK, OK. If you want to really be safe, let me give you a little shot. Dez - Desdemona - says no one has to, but it will kill those little robots.Carrington: There's battery acid in that serum of yours.A1a
24Carrington: There's battery acid in that serum of yours.You can't nuke an omelet without irradiating some eggs. You ready to shoot up?Player Default: Hit me, Tom.A1a
25Player Default: Hit me, Tom.{Friendly} Yeah, now you're talking.Carrington: Now you're encouraging him?A1a
26Player Default: There's no way in hell I'm letting you do that.{Irritated} Fine. Let them hear and see everything.TinkerTom: OK, OK. I hope you like your whole life being downloaded to the Institute's mainframe.B1a
27Player Default: I don't know.Fine. Let them hear and see everything.TinkerTom: OK, OK. I hope you like your whole life being downloaded to the Institute's mainframe.X1a
28Player Default: What's in the shot?We got algae, some yummy bacteria culture, and just a little bit of battery acid. But we got to burn those babies out of you.Y1a
29It's a hard reboot of your system, man.Player Default: Hit me, Tom.Y1b
30Carrington: Now you're encouraging him?{Friendly} You, you get it, man. I make things around here. You go and do - do whatever - and come back and I will set you up.Player Default: I'd appreciate the help.A1a
31Carrington: Now you're encouraging him?{Friendly} You, you get it, man. Listen, I know you aren't one of us, but I can hook you up with some of whatever we make here.Player Default: I'd appreciate the help.A2a
32Player Default: I'd appreciate the help.Someone needs to talk some sense into Dez. We need someone like you working with us, man.TinkerTom: Now, I got all these ideas in my head. So building time.A1a
33Player Default: I'd appreciate the help.{Friendly} You and me, we will team up. And kick those sons of bitches out of here.TinkerTom: Now, I got all these ideas in my head. So building time.A2a
34Player Default: Maybe later.That feeling is the price of freedom, man. Live free.TinkerTom: Now, I got all these ideas in my head. So building time.B1a
35Player Default: Let's see what you got.Make yourself comfortable and prepare to be astounded.TinkerTom: Now, I got all these ideas in my head. So building time.X1a
36Player Default: What do you make?{Confident} All the custom toys you field agents use - my boys and I make. We're thinking outside the box, man.Y1a
37{Confident} Gotta get real creative, real wacky to stay ahead of those Institute eggheads. Don't even get me started on all their secret projects.TinkerTom: Now, I got all these ideas in my head. So building time.Y1b
38Player Default: What do you make?{Confident} All the custom toys our field agents use - my boys and I make. We're thinking outside the box, man.Y2a
39{Confident} Gotta get real creative, real wacky to stay ahead of those Institute eggheads. Don't even get me started on their secret projects.TinkerTom: Now, I got all these ideas in my head. So building time.Y2b
40Player Default: Someone needs to talk some sense into Dez. We need someone like you working with us, man.Now, I got all these ideas in my head. So building time.TinkerTom: OK, OK. I hope you like your whole life being downloaded to the Institute's mainframe.A1a
41TinkerTom: Now, I got all these ideas in my head. So building time.OK, OK. I hope you like your whole life being downloaded to the Institute's mainframe.Player Default: Actually, I dose myself with radiation to kill the blood... robots.A1a
42Player Default: Actually, I dose myself with radiation to kill the blood... robots.{Friendly} I read you, man. Smart. I'd rather have some hair loss than let the Institute win.TinkerTom: You, you get it, man. I make things around here. You go and do - do whatever - and come back and I will set you up.A1a
43Player Default: Actually, I dose myself with radiation to kill the blood... robots.Radiation? That wouldn't do shit, man. Anyway.TinkerTom: I gotta get back to making gadgets. Don't let your guard down out there.A2a
44Player Default: That will really keep me up at night.It really should, man.TinkerTom: I gotta get back to making gadgets. Don't let your guard down out there.B1a
45Player Default: I don't want to get into this.{Apologetic} Oh, man, I went too far again, didn't I? I'm sorry.TinkerTom: I gotta get back to making gadgets. Don't let your guard down out there.X1a
46Player Default: Do you have any proof?{Irritated} Proof? You. And Carrington. Peas in a pod.TinkerTom: I gotta get back to making gadgets. Don't let your guard down out there.Y1a
47Player Default: Radiation? That wouldn't do shit, man. Anyway.I gotta get back to making gadgets. Don't let your guard down out there.TinkerTom: And that doesn't get you the least bit suspicious? The results were too perfect. Too expected. And that's how they fool you.A1a
48TinkerTom: I gotta get back to making gadgets. Don't let your guard down out there.{Conspiratorial} And that doesn't get you the least bit suspicious? The results were too perfect. Too expected. And that's how they fool you.Player Default: I try and keep an open mind.A1a
49Player Default: I try and keep an open mind.There we go. Thank you.A1a
50Player Default: There's no proof.If we waited for proof for every psycho Institute experiment, we'd all be worm food, man.B1a
51Player Default: I don't know what to think.I can work with that.X1a
52Player Default: Could the Institute really do that?Everyone says, "Tinker Tom is crazy!" Until I'm right. You gotta understand those Institute scientists have centuries on us.Y1a
53Just working like crazy little bees dreaming up the most messed up stuff you can imagine. Remember: in the blood.Y1b
54TinkerTomMerchantSceneThe DIA. Shit, man. That cache you found had some serious high tech.TinkerTom: But the creme de la creme is ballistic polymer weave.A
55I was power napping and whammo, it hit me. Got some ideas on how to kit out Deliverer.TinkerTom: But the creme de la creme is ballistic polymer weave.A
56The boys have been working on some new toys. Want to take a look?Player Default: Show me what you got.A
57Hey, I got everything you field agent types need. Even a few Tinker Tom specialities. Hahaha.Player Default: Show me what you got.A
58You need anything?Player Default: Show me what you got.A
59Player Default: Show me what you got.I will set you up, my friend.A1a
60Player Default: Show me what you got.Here's what I got.A2a
61Player Default: Show me what you got.Made a new batch of what-nots for you.A3a
62Player Default: Show me what you got.Take a look.A4a
63Player Default: I don't need anything, Tom.Well, if you do need something later - don't be a stranger.B1a
64Player Default: I don't need anything, Tom.You got it. You got it.B2a
65Player Default: I don't need anything, Tom.Aww, man. Later, then.B3a
66Player Default: I don't need anything, Tom.Then you go back to doing what you do.B4a
67Player Default: Maybe later.Sure, man.X1a
68Player Default: Maybe later.Whatever. We good.X2a
69Player Default: Maybe later.You keep on keeping on.X3a
70Player Default: Maybe later.Next time.X4a
71Player Default: What do you have in stock?It changes depending on what's on hand. We lost everything when the Switchboard went lights out.Y1a
72Hopefully our agents score more supplies in the field. So me and my boys can make even more toys. Want to see what we got?Player Default: Show me what you got.Y1b
73NPCMTinkerTom: The DIA. Shit, man. That cache you found had some serious high tech.But the creme de la creme is ballistic polymer weave.A1a
74Light weight, serious stopping power, and it looks just like normal clothing.A1b
75I got some in stock now, but, oh, give me time. I got all sorts of ideas.Player Default: Show me what you got.A1c
76NPCMTinkerTom: The DIA. Shit, man. That cache you found had some serious high tech.Make your super-bad-ass gun even more... well, more. So check out my stock.Player Default: Show me what you got.A2a
77TinkerTomMILASceneHey, you placed another one of my babies. Bring in that yummy data.TinkerTom: We got the Commonwealth wired up, my friend.A
78With that latest one, MILAs got good coverage of the Commonwealth.TinkerTom: We got the Commonwealth wired up, my friend.A
79The latest atmospheric readings from the new MILA are still inconclusive. But we'll catch the Institute.TinkerTom: We got the Commonwealth wired up, my friend.A
80Another MILA placed and even more data.TinkerTom: We got the Commonwealth wired up, my friend.A
81Hey, you keep placing MILAs and I'll keep paying you.TinkerTom: We got the Commonwealth wired up, my friend.A
82You must not be afraid of heights with all the work on the MILA project.TinkerTom: We got the Commonwealth wired up, my friend.A
83{Happy} We got the Commonwealth wired up, my friend.A1a
84{Thinking} I'm big enough to admit it - so the Institute terraforming the planet theory didn't pan out.A1b
85{Happy} But with a few modifications I can see if someone's messing with the tectonic stability of the Commonwealth.TinkerTom: You got the time, I got another site we could place another of my babies.A1c
86TinkerTom: But with a few modifications I can see if someone's messing with the tectonic stability of the Commonwealth.{Conspiratorial} You got the time, I got another site we could place another of my babies.TinkerTom: Or we could just do some shopping.A1a
87TinkerTom: But with a few modifications I can see if someone's messing with the tectonic stability of the Commonwealth.{Conspiratorial} I know another building that could use a MILA.TinkerTom: Or we could just do some shopping.A2a
88TinkerTom: But with a few modifications I can see if someone's messing with the tectonic stability of the Commonwealth.{Conspiratorial} Could always use more MILAs placed, if you're interested.TinkerTom: Or we could just do some shopping.A3a
89TinkerTom: But with a few modifications I can see if someone's messing with the tectonic stability of the Commonwealth.{Conspiratorial} Got a lead on another vantage spot. If you got the time.TinkerTom: Or we could just do some shopping.A4a
90TinkerTom: You got the time, I got another site we could place another of my babies.{Friendly} Or we could just do some shopping.Player Default: Let's see what you got.A1a
91TinkerTom: You got the time, I got another site we could place another of my babies.{Friendly} Or we can do some business.Player Default: Let's see what you got.A2a
92TinkerTom: You got the time, I got another site we could place another of my babies.{Friendly} But if you're here to check out the latest and greatest, that's good.Player Default: Let's see what you got.A3a
93TinkerTom: You got the time, I got another site we could place another of my babies.{Friendly} If you need something for the road, the shop's open.Player Default: Let's see what you got.A4a
94Player Default: Let's see what you got.You got it.A1a
95Player Default: I got to go.Right you are.B1a
96Player Default: Maybe later.Whatever you say, my friend.X1a
97Player Default: Anything new from MILA?PAM's like a glowing one in a crater, soaking up all the data from MILAs' cameras.Y1a
98The atmospheric sensors haven't picked up anything... yet. But give it time.Player Default: Let's see what you got.Y1b
99-That's supposed to stay on the inside.
100Only a matter of time...
101Ouch. I've been hit.
102Ow. I'm hit. Ow.
103Just stay away from me.
104Breathe. Got to breathe.
105We made it. We did make it, right?
106Let's see what I got in my bag of tricks.
107Adrenaline. Woah.
108I say, I says, "huh"? Huh? Did you say something?
109Are you OK? Did the Institute do something to you?
110If you're experiencing lost time: tinfoil hats, man.
111You open the eyes of everyone, and then, and THEN you can change the world. Case and point: Minutemen.
112Don't be fooled. A lot of your so-called "friends" in the Minutemen, they'd flat our execute a synth.
113You really think we killed the Institute, man? No way.
114There's a chance all we blew up was a facade. The real Institute's still out there.
115Dez says it's safe to go up to the surface. But me, I'm not taking any chances.
116Even if the Institute's gone, aliens, man. Got to worry about aliens.
117Stay away from me.
118You got to be careful, man. The Institute is everywhere.
119There's more going on than you know. Trust me.
120Everyone's all, "You're been hitting the chems way too hard." But I got my eyes wide open, I see.


121-{Self-recriminating, really hurt} I thought I got him out safely, but the teleporter room was so crazy.


122MQ206_003_DesAndTomDesdemona: Tom, we got a Courser Chip.{surprised, excited / Happy} Whoa? For real? Oh man, it's been ages.A1a
123Desdemona: Fortunately, we have the right man for the job.{Question} Hey, Dez. You need something?Desdemona: Tom, we got a Courser Chip.A1a
124MQ206_005_TinkerTomDecodeTinkerTom: All right, little Courser Chip. Let's have the circuit analyzer take a crack at you.We're in. Chip accessed. Just poke the analog connectors a little. TinkerTom: What? Oh, man. Don't crash. Hold it together.A1a
125TinkerTom: C'mon, baby, show me that pattern. Where is it?Wait... They're using the same logarithmic function as the key generator. Oh man, we got lucky.TinkerTom: I got you, you Institute bastard. I got you.A1a
126TinkerTom: Wait... They're using the same logarithmic function as the key generator. Oh man, we got lucky.I got you, you Institute bastard. I got you.TinkerTom: Solve for N. Come on, show me that sweet base number. And we got it! We got the code! Hahaha. Let me load that onto a holotape for ya.A1a
127TinkerTom: What? Oh, man. Don't crash. Hold it together.{slight "phew" at the beginning} Memory hiccup.TinkerTom: Here it comes. Encryption algorithms. All right. We're still running.A1a
128TinkerTom: We're in. Chip accessed. Just poke the analog connectors a little.What? Oh, man. Don't crash. Hold it together.TinkerTom: Memory hiccup.A1a
129TinkerTom: Memory hiccup.Here it comes. Encryption algorithms. All right. We're still running.TinkerTom: Oh, man. They've added more decimals to the last cipher. This is gonna be...A1a
130TinkerTom: Here it comes. Encryption algorithms. All right. We're still running.Oh, man. They've added more decimals to the last cipher. This is gonna be...TinkerTom: C'mon, baby, show me that pattern. Where is it?A1a
131TinkerTom: Oh, man. They've added more decimals to the last cipher. This is gonna be...C'mon, baby, show me that pattern. Where is it?TinkerTom: Wait... They're using the same logarithmic function as the key generator. Oh man, we got lucky.A1a
132All right, little Courser Chip. Let's have the circuit analyzer take a crack at you.TinkerTom: We're in. Chip accessed. Just poke the analog connectors a little.A1a
133TinkerTom: I got you, you Institute bastard. I got you.Solve for N. Come on, show me that sweet base number. And we got it! We got the code! Hahaha. Let me load that onto a holotape for ya.A1a
134MQ206_006_FinishedDecodeDesdemona: Good work, Tom.Not sure our luck will hold up next time, Dez.Desdemona: And, agent, I hope that helps you as much as you've helped us. Good work.A1a


135MQ206RR_003_TinkerTomIntroSo the Institute's using teleporters, man? I told them, but it was all, "it violates the laws of physics."TinkerTom: The plans cover all the high-end egghead shit, but they're missing a ton of engineering details. Filling in the gaps will take time.A
136So you got plans for a device from You-Know-Who? Hand her over. Let's see how they're breaking the laws of physics this time.Player Default: Here you go. Let's see what we need.A
137Ready to hand over the plans? This is the big one.Player Default: Here you go. Let's see what we need.A
138Player Default: Yeah, yeah, all right, all right.The plans cover all the high-end egghead shit, but they're missing a ton of engineering details. Filling in the gaps will take time.A1a
139This bit here. The "Stabilized Reflector Platform." Just needs some high-grade metal. Easy.A1b
140{Confident} By the time you finish that, I'll have the rest done.Player Default: Nice work, Tom. Glad you're on our side.A1c
141Player Default: Nice work, Tom. Glad you're on our side.Hey, tell that to Carrington, though.TinkerTom: We can scrounge up the Platform components you need. No problem.A1a
142Player Default: You'd better figure the rest out, Tom.{Confident} I've done a whole lot more with a whole lot less, my friend.TinkerTom: We can scrounge up the Platform components you need. No problem.B1a
143Player Default: Hey, tell that to Carrington, though.{Confident} We can scrounge up the Platform components you need. No problem.A1a
144{Wondering aloud} But where to build it? It's going to need some serious space. This baby's big.TinkerTom: I know PAM was running numbers on a good site for a new safehouse. It's got a workshop, good location, and the full blessings of her predictive algorithms.A1b
145TinkerTom: But where to build it? It's going to need some serious space. This baby's big.I know PAM was running numbers on a good site for a new safehouse. It's got a workshop, good location, and the full blessings of her predictive algorithms.A1a
146Once you set up the safehouse, we'll drop off the materials there.A1b
147Or you could build your own platform somewhere else, I guess. Your call.A1c
148TinkerTom: But where to build it? It's going to need some serious space. This baby's big.I heard you and PAM were cooking up a new safehouse, Mercer, right? You might want to move on that. It's got a workshop, good location, and the full blessing of her predictive algorithms.A2a
149Once you set up the safehouse, we'll drop off the materials there.A2b
150Or you could build your own platform somewhere else, I guess. Your call.A2c
151TinkerTom: But where to build it? It's going to need some serious space. This baby's big.It should fit over at Mercer Safehouse. PAM's already given that place her full blessing.A3a
152I'll flag some runners to deliver the components there.A3b
153{Happy} Just goes to show you, people have to listen to good ol' Tom. So hand over the plans and let's see what we got.Player Default: Here you go. Let's see what we need.A1a
154Player Default: Not now.{Somber} All right, but Dez wants this done ASAP. If this can get us into the Institute, it'll be a real game changer.TinkerTom: Whoa. Who wrote this? Some kid with a crayon? Shit, must've been a really big kid.B1a
155Player Default: Do you think you can decipher them?I won't know until I get a look see.Player Default: Here you go. Let's see what we need.Y1a
156Player Default: All right, but Dez wants this done ASAP. If this can get us into the Institute, it'll be a real game changer.{Surprised} Whoa. Who wrote this? Some kid with a crayon? Shit, must've been a really big kid.A1a
157{Surprised} Oh man! Molecular transmission via encrypted RF waves? Those Institute eggheads are crazy.A1b
158{Happy} And you can divert the signal using a heavily modified relay interception. Like a... pirate broadcast, you know? That's intense.Player Default: I knew you could figure it out, Tom.A1c
159Player Default: A lot is riding on this, Tom.Yeah, yeah, all right, all right.TinkerTom: The plans cover all the high-end egghead shit, but they're missing a ton of engineering details. Filling in the gaps will take time.X1a
160MQ206RR_004_TinkerTomPlatformBuilt{Nervous} You got the platform built yet? Tick tock, tick tock. I'm waiting for the good news.Player Default: I did it. The platform's constructed.A
161Player Default: I did it. The platform's constructed.{Happy} And I filled in the blanks on the blueprints. We can actually build this crazy thing.TinkerTom: The science of this monstrosity is wow. But fortunate for us, the ingredients - pretty common.A1a
162Player Default: No, still working on it.I hear you. Once you do, check back with me. I'll fill you in on what I noodled out.TinkerTom: The science of this monstrosity is wow. But fortunate for us, the ingredients - pretty common.B1a
163Player Default: I'll get it to it later.No worries. Gives me more time to work the blueprints.TinkerTom: The science of this monstrosity is wow. But fortunate for us, the ingredients - pretty common.X1a
164Player Default: You figure out the rest of the plans?Oh yeah, man. I squared away the science with the engineering. We should be in business. But I want to run the numbers again just to be sure.Y1a
165You finish the platform?TinkerTom: The science of this monstrosity is wow. But fortunate for us, the ingredients - pretty common.Y1b
166Player Default: And I filled in the blanks on the blueprints. We can actually build this crazy thing.The science of this monstrosity is wow. But fortunate for us, the ingredients - pretty common.A1a
167But there's three speciality items that I can't just grab from our safehouses.A1b
168You find those and we'll knock down the gates of Hell.Player Default: Thanks, Tom. I'll find them.A1c
169Player Default: Thanks, Tom. I'll find them.I don't doubt it for a minute.TinkerTom: After you get the get-tables, meet me at the build site.A1a
170Player Default: I don't have time for a scavenger hunt.There's only so far my miraculous ingenuity can go, my friend. I got needs.TinkerTom: After you get the get-tables, meet me at the build site.B1a
171Player Default: I'll get started.Yeah, the sooner the better.TinkerTom: After you get the get-tables, meet me at the build site.X1a
172Player Default: How's the interceptor actually work?{Happy} Then let me impart some science to you. We got four main parts.Y1a
173Need a Control Console to input the code and process your biological information. No problem. Easy.Y1b
174Second up: a Relay Dish. That's the bit that intercepts the teleporter signal, man.Y1c
175{Nervous} A Molecular Beam Emitter to, umm, scramble your molecules up for the transmission. *nervous cough*Y1d
176After that, just wire everything together on the same power grid and boom. This thing's gonna suck up juice like a Bloodbug on a Brahmin.Player Default: Thanks, Tom. I'll find them.Y1e
177Player Default: I don't doubt it for a minute.After you get the get-tables, meet me at the build site.A1a
178MQ206RR_004a_TinkerTomPartsHey, man, need help with the Signal Interceptor? This thing is going to be huge. We'll finally learn about what the Institute's really up to, man.Player Default: Could use your help finding parts for the Beam Emitter.A
179Player Default: Could use your help finding parts for the Beam Emitter.We need some high tech shit for that. A military-grade circuit board.A1a
180Hit up any army base. That should get you in business.A1b
181Player Default: Not sure how we're going to build this Relay Dish.That one's not bad. Old radio stations got those. You know, communication equipment.X1a
182So radio stations, radar arrays, those types of places.X1b
183Player Default: How are we going to build this Control Console?Every last one of your atoms and molecules needs to be categorized then translated into a pure digital feed.Y1a
184That's a crazy mashed-up combo of biology and computer science. Genius, right?Y1b
185Hopsitals got the equipment you need.Y1c
186MQ206RR_006_InterceptorCompleteNPCFDesdemona: Status report.{Nervous} We got activity, Dez. Not sure how long before it peaks.Desdemona: What I'm about to tell you is the most closely guarded secret the Railroad has. It's time you learn about Patriot.A1a
187MQ206RR_006a_TinkerBarkBooting up the scan sequence.TinkerTom: This frequency is only going to work once. You-Know-Who doesn't make the same mistake twice.A1a
188TinkerTom: Booting up the scan sequence.{project voice for entire scene, the machine is running and you're talking over it (roughly the sound of a loud truck engine) / Nervous} This frequency is only going to work once. You-Know-Who doesn't make the same mistake twice.A1a
189TinkerTom: Booting up the scan sequence.{Nervous} Going to have to cut a few corners with the scan.A2a
190TinkerTom: Booting up the scan sequence.{Nervous} The signal's still intensifying.A3a
191TinkerTom: Booting up the scan sequence.Ready when you are.A4a
192TinkerTom: Booting up the scan sequence.Just stand on the platform. I'll take it from there.A5a
193MQ206RR_007_TeleportationScene{project voice for entire scene, the machine is running and you're talking over it (roughly the sound of a loud truck engine) / Nervous} So, stand still. Gotta lock in all those molecules of yours. Hopefully we won't miss any... There's only, you know, 60 trillion of them...TinkerTom: All right, feeding our baby some juice. Let's see what she's got.A1a
194TinkerTom: So, stand still. Gotta lock in all those molecules of yours. Hopefully we won't miss any... There's only, you know, 60 trillion of them...All right, feeding our baby some juice. Let's see what she's got.Desdemona: Take this holotape. You need it to contact Patriot.A1a
195Desdemona: Take this holotape. You need it to contact Patriot.{Nervous} Oh, man. Don't worry. That's... all part of the plan.Desdemona: Tom! Do whatever you can to gain their trust. Lie, tell them what they want to hear. Make up a cover story and sell it.A1a
196Desdemona: Tom! Do whatever you can to gain their trust. Lie, tell them what they want to hear. Make up a cover story and sell it.{Happy} C'mon. I think I got it. Establishing lock on the Institute signal.Desdemona: Just get all the information you can. About synths. About the Institute's plans.A1a
197Desdemona: You jack that holotape into any terminal, and Patriot will make contact. He has to.{Happy} Got the RF. We got it.Desdemona: Find a way to save them. Nobody else can.A1a
198Desdemona: Find a way to save them. Nobody else can.{Happy} NOW!!A1a
199MQ206RR_008_TeleportationWalkAwayCome back when you can.A1a
200MQ206RRTeleportFail{Disappointed, distracted} It's gone dead. Sorry. Got to get her operational again.A1a
201-And we are in business.A
202We need a metric ton of power to get this to work.A
203The beam emitter's alignment with the platform has to be perfect. Otherwise we're just making art here.A
204Everything's got to be on the same power grid, otherwise the machine won't work.A
205Once you build all the buildables, makes sure they're all on the same power grid.A


206MQ302RR_Desdemona_Arrival_TomRelayDesdemona: You'll need to pull us out once we're done with the reactor, and send out anyone that's unarmed, Institute personnel included.{Nervous, trying to sound confident} You got it, boss.Desdemona: All right, let's move.A1a
207MQ302RR_Desdemona_Tom_KidDesdemona: We're all done, Tom. Let's get out of here while we can.{Fast, things coming together} I'm with ya, boss, but... this kid showed up.TinkerTom: He says he's Bullseye's son.A1a
208TinkerTom: I'm with ya, boss, but... this kid showed up.{Still getting over being shocked} He says he's Bullseye's son.A1a
209TinkerTom: I'm with ya, boss, but... this kid showed up.He says he's Charmer's son.A2a
210TinkerTom: I'm with ya, boss, but... this kid showed up.He says he's Fixer's son.A3a
211TinkerTom: I'm with ya, boss, but... this kid showed up.He says he's the Professor's son.A4a
212TinkerTom: I'm with ya, boss, but... this kid showed up.He says he's Wanderer's son.A5a
213TinkerTom: I'm with ya, boss, but... this kid showed up.He says he's Whisper's son.A6a
214MQ302RR_Tom_ConcourseFight01{Punch "Advanced Systems Lab" - quest objective} If you can hear me, I got the floor plan. Advanced Systems Lab... that's where the reactor is and where you got to go.A1a
215{Apologetic} But the doors are locked, and I can't override from here.TinkerTom: That command has to come from the Director's personal terminal. You understand? You've gotta do that part yourself.A1b
216TinkerTom: But the doors are locked, and I can't override from here.{Stressing here - more quest objectives} That command has to come from the Director's personal terminal. You understand? You've gotta do that part yourself.A1a
217MQ302RR_Tom_PAHacked{Glee} Helloooo Institute! Hacked your PA system, and it's only a matter of time before I get into the rest of your network!TinkerTom: Dez, I'll track your progress best I can and help out if I'm able!A1a
218TinkerTom: Helloooo Institute! Hacked your PA system, and it's only a matter of time before I get into the rest of your network!{Getting in the groove} Dez, I'll track your progress best I can and help out if I'm able!A1a
219MQ302RR_Tom_PathCleared{Excited, pat on the back player} Hell yeah. Access granted! Should be able to reach the reactor!TinkerTom: Synths are pouring through up here. But we won't leave without you.A1a
220TinkerTom: Hell yeah. Access granted! Should be able to reach the reactor!{Excited, edge of triumph} Synths are pouring through up here. But we won't leave without you.A1a
221MQ302RR_Tom_RelayOutTinkerTom: You got it!We're set, right? You're ready to get out of here?Player Default: Yes, absolutely. Let's get the hell out of here.A1a
222Player Default: Yes, absolutely. Let's get the hell out of here.Don't have to tell me twice!TinkerTom: It's all set to take you and Des to the detonation site, then I'll rig it to send me and the kid here back to HQ right after.A1a
223Player Default: No, not yet.{Startled, bomb clock ticking} Uhh, what?TinkerTom: It's all set to take you and Des to the detonation site, then I'll rig it to send me and the kid here back to HQ right after.B1a
224Player Default: I just need a minute, okay?{Urgent - bomb clock ticking} Okay, I guess, but we're kind of on the clock here.TinkerTom: It's all set to take you and Des to the detonation site, then I'll rig it to send me and the kid here back to HQ right after.X1a
225Player Default: You sure you know what you're doing? This thing isn't going to zap me into space, or vaporize me or anything, is it?{Confident, but urgent (bomb clock ticking)} This baby is bona fide Institute tech. Mind-blowing shit. It's going to work. Are you ready?Player Default: Yes, absolutely. Let's get the hell out of here.Y1a
226TinkerTom: Look, I can't stand by and not do something. I'll make sure the kid gets somewhere safe, okay?You got it!TinkerTom: We're set, right? You're ready to get out of here?A1a
227Player Default: Don't have to tell me twice!{Worried} It's all set to take you and Des to the detonation site, then I'll rig it to send me and the kid here back to HQ right after.A1a
228Don't worry, we'll look after him. Get him some better clothes, too. Yikes.TinkerTom: Let's go before this whole place goes thermonuclear.A1b
229TinkerTom: Don't worry, we'll look after him. Get him some better clothes, too. Yikes.{Excited, and urgent} Let's go before this whole place goes thermonuclear.A1a
230PlayerVoiceFemale01: All right, Tom. Fire it up.{Disbelief} Wait, what? But... the kid. You're not even going to talk to him? Sure he's Institute, but you can't just leave him...Player Default: He's not my son, Tom. He's a synth.A1a
231PlayerVoiceFemale01: All right, Tom. Fire it up.{Disbelief} You're just gonna leave the kid here? Are you nuts?Player Default: He's not my son, Tom. He's a synth.A2a
232Player Default: Ohhh... wow, did not see that coming. Still, though... we can't leave him.{Worried} Look, I can't stand by and not do something. I'll make sure the kid gets somewhere safe, okay?TinkerTom: You got it!A1a
233Player Default: He's not my son, Tom. He's a synth.{Disgust} Ohhh... wow, did not see that coming. Still, though... we can't leave him.TinkerTom: Look, I can't stand by and not do something. I'll make sure the kid gets somewhere safe, okay?A1a
234Player Default: It's none of your damned business, Tom. Get this thing running.Okay, okay... geez.TinkerTom: Look, I can't stand by and not do something. I'll make sure the kid gets somewhere safe, okay?B1a
235Player Default: There's no time to argue, Tom. Get this thing running now.Okay, just doesn't seem right...TinkerTom: Look, I can't stand by and not do something. I'll make sure the kid gets somewhere safe, okay?X1a
236Player Default: Is there a problem, Tom?I just don't think we should be leaving anyone behind. It's not what we came here for.Player Default: He's not my son, Tom. He's a synth.Y1a
237-{Urgent} You got to get in the relay. Like yesterday.A
238I'll get all this tech stuff figured out. You just take care of the reactor.A
239You worry about the reactor, I'll worry about making sure this thing works when it's time to go.A


240RR201_0400_RailroadEntranceNPCFDesdemona: Oh. Thank. God.{Relieved, excited / Relieved} See, Dez, I told you the molecular stabilization matrix held.Desdemona: Funny. You didn't sound certain yesterday.A1a
241RR201_TinkerTomGivesNewHolotape{Impressed} Oh, man, you were actually there. Inside the belly of the beast.TinkerTom: No time for that, though. Let's set you up to contact Patriot.A
242NPCMTinkerTom: Oh, man, you were actually there. Inside the belly of the beast.{Happy} No time for that, though. Let's set you up to contact Patriot.A1a
243{Friendly} I got here one genuine Tinker Tom special. Just load her up onto a holotape, plug her in any Institute terminal and execute.A1b


244RR302_0700_AtPoliceStation{Nervous, failing to hide it} You ready to grab the vertibird? The police station is going to be a tough nut to crack.Player Default: Let's go.A
245{Deeply uneasy, feels naked / Nervous} Man. How do you live up here?TinkerTom: There's a million ways we could be monitored right now. By the Brotherhood, or... you know.A
246Player Default: All right, all right. Let me know when you are.{Finding some resolve / Worried} Prepping that vertibird for take off is going to take me a few minutes.A1a
247{Make this clear - this is the player's next goal / Worried} So first we got to clear the Police Station of hostiles.TinkerTom: I can't believe I'm doing this.A1b
248TinkerTom: So first we got to clear the Police Station of hostiles.{To himself, nervous / Nervous} I can't believe I'm doing this.A1a
249TinkerTom: So first we got to clear the Police Station of hostiles.{Grim, unsteady / Sad} For Glory.B1a
250Player Default: I'm not quite ready yet.{Nervous} All right, all right. Let me know when you are.TinkerTom: Prepping that vertibird for take off is going to take me a few minutes.X1a
251Player Default: Any other intel on the police station?{Apologetic} Expect turrets and reinforcements inside. That's all I got - this mission was thrown together fast.TinkerTom: Prepping that vertibird for take off is going to take me a few minutes.Y1a
252NPCMTinkerTom: Man. How do you live up here?{Being paranoid, "you know" is referring to the Institute / Nervous} There's a million ways we could be monitored right now. By the Brotherhood, or... you know.Player Default: Relax, Tom, you'll be all right.A1a
253Player Default: Relax, Tom, you'll be all right.{Shaking off the nerves, takes a deep breath} Right, the whole breathing in and out. OK.TinkerTom: The police station is crawling with Brotherhood guys. At least one in Power Armor.A1a
254Player Default: Another of your paranoid fantasies.{A little defensive / Apologetic} C'mon, man, maintain positive energy.TinkerTom: The police station is crawling with Brotherhood guys. At least one in Power Armor.B1a
255Player Default: Monitored? What do you mean?{Spouting off conspiracy / Conspiratorial} The Institute's had hundreds of years to put advanced sensors, cameras, and other technology everywhere, man.Y1a
256{Hello, you bastards pretending to talk to the Institute / Conspiratorial} That rock could be miced up. Hello, you bastards. Anyway.TinkerTom: The police station is crawling with Brotherhood guys. At least one in Power Armor.Y1b
257TinkerTom: Right, the whole breathing in and out. OK.{Worried / Worried} The police station is crawling with Brotherhood guys. At least one in Power Armor.A1a
258{Can't believe the player is tough enough to do this / Worried} But, as promised, they got a vertibird on the roof. You really up for this?Player Default: Let's go.A1b
259RR302_0800_VertibirdSecure{So excited loses the nervousness for a second / Happy} We got ourselves some wheels. Or wings. Or whatever this is.TinkerTom: Here's the deal: after flight prep we take the vertibird up to the Prydwen and dock.A
260NPCMTinkerTom: We got ourselves some wheels. Or wings. Or whatever this is.{Sharing the plan, nervous} Here's the deal: after flight prep we take the vertibird up to the Prydwen and dock.TinkerTom: From the inside the blimp's vulnerable. To keep that baby afloat its got massive gasbags full of hydrogen.A1a
261TinkerTom: Here's the deal: after flight prep we take the vertibird up to the Prydwen and dock.{Gets excited when talking tech, loses nervousness} From the inside the blimp's vulnerable. To keep that baby afloat its got massive gasbags full of hydrogen.Player Default: Tell me about my role in this.A1a
262Player Default: Tell me about my role in this.{Apologetic, this is going to be very dangerous / Worried} Your job is tricky. You got to find a way to place these explosives on the gasbags.TinkerTom: Then get the hell back to our vertibird. Make it to a comfortable distance. Then it's bye-bye Prydwen.A1a
263Player Default: If this is a suicide run, count me out.{Reassuring, he's got the PC's back. A hint of a "But" in all of this. / Confident} No, man, these explosives are remote controlled. I won't set them off until we get to a safe distance.TinkerTom: The dangerous part is placing them on the gasbags in the first place. And getting out. That's all you.B1a
264Player Default: And they'll just let us land.{Knows this isn't a sure thing} There's no way they'd expect anybody to hijack one of their birds.X1a
265{Not entirely convinced} And Deacon says he can talk his way past air traffic control.TinkerTom: But, I ain't going to lie, your part is tricky. You got to find a way to place these explosives on the gasbags.X1b
266Player Default: Really, it's full of hydrogen?{Confident, science stuff is his happy place} Helium's rare as hell, only gas light enough and plentiful enough is good old number one on the periodic table. Hydrogen.Player Default: Tell me about my role in this.Y1a
267TinkerTom: Then get the hell back to our vertibird. Make it to a comfortable distance. Then it's bye-bye Prydwen.{Already focusing on his role, last bit to himself} Flight prep is going to take time. And the Brotherhood's not just going to give it to us.A1a
268So if Paladins show up keep them off me and the bird.A1b
269Player Default: Your job is tricky. You got to find a way to place these explosives on the gasbags.{Thinks it'll take a miracle, but loves the promise of the plan / Worried} Then get the hell back to our vertibird. Make it to a comfortable distance. Then it's bye-bye Prydwen.TinkerTom: Flight prep is going to take time. And the Brotherhood's not just going to give it to us.A1a
270Player Default: No, man, these explosives are remote controlled. I won't set them off until we get to a safe distance.{Here's the "Gotcha" - this part is almost suicide / Worried} The dangerous part is placing them on the gasbags in the first place. And getting out. That's all you.TinkerTom: Flight prep is going to take time. And the Brotherhood's not just going to give it to us.B1a
271Player Default: And Deacon says he can talk his way past air traffic control.But, I ain't going to lie, your part is tricky. You got to find a way to place these explosives on the gasbags.X1a
272Then get back out.TinkerTom: Flight prep is going to take time. And the Brotherhood's not just going to give it to us.X1b
273RR302_0800a_TinkerPreFlightSo... the manual said... Right.TinkerTom: Where's the master switch?A1a
274TinkerTom: So... the manual said... Right.Where's the master switch?TinkerTom: Oil pressure. Check.A1a
275TinkerTom: Where's the master switch?Oil pressure. Check.TinkerTom: Aww, shit. I'm going as fast I can in here.A1a
276TinkerTom: Oil pressure. Check.{Bad guys show up, urgency becomes high from here on} Aww, shit. I'm going as fast I can in here.TinkerTom: What's this panel even do?A1a
277TinkerTom: Aww, shit. I'm going as fast I can in here.What's this panel even do?TinkerTom: Throttle. Full open.A1a
278TinkerTom: What's this panel even do?Throttle. Full open.TinkerTom: The vertibird's good to go. Ready for take off.A1a
279TinkerTom: Throttle. Full open.{Said loudly, to carry across some distance, some triumph} The vertibird's good to go. Ready for take off.Deacon: Hey, boss, I need a word.A1a
280-{Alarmed} Company's a coming.
281{Distracted, nervous} Objective's on the roof.


282RR303_0210_ReactToAttackDesdemona: Assume defensive positions. Reinforce Glory in the tunnels. Move, move.{Reacting to a massive explosion, shouting to others} Damn! The booby trap in the escape tunnel is blown.Desdemona: The Brotherhood's here!A1a
283RR303_0600_ChurchClearedDesdemona: Fortunately, we've got a contingency plan for that. Tom, we're activating operation Red Glare.{Shock, sputtering / Worried} What? But Red Glare requires a Brotherhood vertibird.Desdemona: Then Fixer will get you one.A1a
284Desdemona: And Tom, you're going with him.{Shocked, unsteady / Surprised} Me? In the field?Desdemona: No one else can fly the damned thing. This one's for Glory, move out.A1a
285RR303_0800a_TakingOffDeacon: We're spinning. Spinning!Oh man, hold it together.TinkerTom: See? Just like falling off a log.A1a
286Deacon: Dez said you could fly this thing.Sure, sure. Read the manual cover to cover.Deacon: The manual?!A1a
287So... uh... wheels up?TinkerTom: Uhh... So... this yoke...A1a
288TinkerTom: So... uh... wheels up?Uhh... So... this yoke...Deacon: Dez said you could fly this thing.A1a
289TinkerTom: Oh man, hold it together.See? Just like falling off a log.Deacon: Dear god, we're dead.A1a
290RR303_0800c_OtherBriefingDeacon: I got you this. If you're wearing the latest in the Brotherhood's fall fashion line, it might help you place those bombs and get back in one piece.And the Brotherhood's just going to fall for that?Deacon: The Brotherhood is nothing if not arrogant. They'd never dream in a million years that an ex-farmer and a scavver could fly one of their birds.A1a
291RR303_0800d_EndChitChatDeacon: No, no, no. You're doing great, Tom, just keep her a little more steady.Yeah, yeah, I got you.A1a
292Deacon: Tom, we're getting closer to the blimp. Can you fly just a little straighter?Deacon, man, I'm trying. If you want to give it a whirl, I won't stop you.Deacon: No, no, no. You're doing great, Tom, just keep her a little more steady.A1a
293RR303_0825_ApproachPrydwenDeacon: Tom?{Panicking, takes a little while to find it, build suspense} Which button is it? Uh. There.RadioScabbard: Claymore. You're clear for approach.A1a
294RR303_1400a_DeaconEscapeDeacon: Tinker, get us out of the airport. Now.What a great idea. Why didn't I think of that?TinkerTom: Here goes nothing.A1a
295Deacon: Tinker, get us out of the airport. Now.Yeah, yeah, I got it.TinkerTom: Here goes nothing.A2a
296Deacon: Move, move, move. We're in.Right on.TinkerTom: Here goes nothing.A1a
297Deacon: What's taking you so long?There's a whole lot of mechanism for this. I'm going as fast I can.TinkerTom: Here goes nothing.A1a
298Deacon: Kick into gear, Tom.I'm trying, I'm trying.TinkerTom: Here goes nothing.A1a
299TinkerTom: What a great idea. Why didn't I think of that?All right, all right. Just got to get... to a safe distance.TinkerTom: Here goes nothing.A1a
300TinkerTom: All right, all right. Just got to get... to a safe distance.More distance, please!TinkerTom: Here goes nothing.A1a
301Deacon: We are still alive, right?We're out of the blast range now.TinkerTom: Here goes nothing.A1a
302TinkerTom: Here goes nothing.Shit.Deacon: Woah. Now that's a hell of a thing.A1a
303TinkerTom: I need a drink.Everyone get off. I got to find someplace to stash this beast.Deacon: See you back at the HQ.A1a
304TinkerTom: We're out of the blast range now.{Builds to the now, on "Now!" he sets off explosives and the Hindenberg goes BOOM. Prelude to the Michael Bay explosion} Here goes nothing.TinkerTom: Shit.A1a
305Deacon: Rest easy, Glory.{Shaky} I need a drink.TinkerTom: Everyone get off. I got to find someplace to stash this beast.A1a
306RR303_Ambient_LandedOnPrydwenDeacon: Remember: Keep that Brotherhood uniform on. Otherwise it's going to be the shortest infiltration in history.Don't take too long in there.TinkerTom: If anyone comes over here... I don't know if I can fool them.A1a
307TinkerTom: Don't take too long in there.If anyone comes over here... I don't know if I can fool them.Deacon: You got enough problems, boss, I got this end covered.A1a
308Deacon: You got enough problems, boss, I got this end covered.Good luck!A1a
309RR303_Ambient_NearlyEscaped{Yelled over a considerable distance, urgent} Over here! I don't know how much longer before we blow our cover.A1a
310{Yelled over a considerable distance, urgent, close to panic} We're taking fire! Come on!A2a
311RR303_Ambient_PostInitialAssaultDesdemona: Tom?{Rattled, but giving his report} The escape tunnel is history. No one's coming in or out that way.Desdemona: Drummer?A1a
312-{Channeling nerves into anger} I'm too damned pissed to be scared right now.A
313{Channeling nerves into anger} No, no, no, you coming into my house?A
314{Unhinged with channeled fear} Oh, you like that. Huh?
315{Solemn} Our number's not up... yet.
316{Bitter} I wish I put more traps in the catacombs.
317{Shaky} Man, we could really use your help.
318{Shocked} Oh, man.


319RRAct3Pickup_200_TomModsHolotape{Friendly} You ready to hand over the holotape? Only way we're going to find us a Patriot.Player Default: Here you go, Tom.A
320Player Default: Here you go, Tom.{Happy} We're in business.Tinker Tom: I need... Shit, I'm already done.A1a
321Player Default: I think I'll hold onto it.{Concerned} No pressure, man. Whenever you're ready.Tinker Tom: I need... Shit, I'm already done.B1a
322Player Default: I'm not certain.{Concerned} I get you. Infiltrating the Institute, man, I'd turn tail and run. But, if you want to do it I'm here with you.Tinker Tom: I need... Shit, I'm already done.X1a
323Player Default: Is this going to work?Oh, yeah, man. Definitely. Definitely. Well, maybe.Y1a
324Patriot's been sending us encrypted messages, you see. Took some doing, that Patriot's got brain, but I figured out how to duplicate it.Y1b
325So we use his own encryption to flag him down.Player Default: Here you go, Tom.Y1c
326Player Default: We're in business.{Happy} I need... Shit, I'm already done.A1a
327{Impressed} Just plug this baby into any terminal in the Institute and our man Patriot will get back to you.A1b
328Tinker Tom: I got here one genuine Tinker Tom special. Just load her up onto a holotape, plug her in any Institute terminal and execute.If the Minutemen gave you a custom holotape, that's what I'm looking for. Anything's that's survived Institute security is gold.Player Default: Here you go, Tom.A1a
329Tinker Tom: I got here one genuine Tinker Tom special. Just load her up onto a holotape, plug her in any Institute terminal and execute.If the Brotherhood gave you a custom holotape, that's what I'm looking for. Anything's that's survived Institute security is gold.Player Default: Here you go, Tom.A2a
330-Oh man, you were actually inside the Institute. That's insane. You, just you.


332I liked you, you bastard.


333RRR05_0100_QuestAcceptedDez has given me clearance to set up my atmospheric sensors.TinkerTom: Finally, I can prove that the Institute is terraforming the Commonwealth. Eat that, Carrington.A
334TinkerTom: I know, I know, I'm the crazy one, D-man. But at least I know how to tell the truth.Where was I... Oh, yeah.TinkerTom: So my sensor, I call her MILA, needs to be up high. Real high. Dez forced me to put some cameras and other low tech surveillance crap on it to watch the Freedom Trail.A1a
335Player Default: I told Dez I could count on you.{Irritated} I know, I know, I'm the crazy one, D-man. But at least I know how to tell the truth.TinkerTom: Where was I... Oh, yeah.A1a
336Player Default: Well, I had to make the sensors multifunctional to get the op cleared.{Irritated} Yeah, yeah, I'm crazy. But if you stick to your "conventional" thinking, like hell are you going to predict the Institute.TinkerTom: Where was I... Oh, yeah.B1a
337Player Default: Give me details.{Irritated} The truth only comes in one flavor and length. Something maybe you could learn, D-man.TinkerTom: Where was I... Oh, yeah.X1a
338NPCMTinkerTom: Dez has given me clearance to set up my atmospheric sensors.{Happy} Finally, I can prove that the Institute is terraforming the Commonwealth. Eat that, Carrington.Player Default: Yeah, that's really great, Tom.A1a
339Player Default: Yeah, that's really great, Tom.I told Dez I could count on you.Companion: It always pays to humor the guy that keeps making the goodies.A1a
340Player Default: I can't believe Dez approved this hare-brained scheme.{Apologetic} Well, I had to make the sensors multifunctional to get the op cleared.Companion: Because Dez, you know, isn't insane.B1a
341Player Default: Why would the Institute terraform the Commonwealth?It goes back to the Big War. Who set off the first A-bomb? The Institute did. They started the whole war to kill everyone except their own diabolical scientists.Player Default: Yeah, that's really great, Tom.Y1a
342Player Default: Why would the Institute terraform the Commonwealth?Everything, man. You see humanity didn't kick the bucket like they planned. We're still hanging on. So first step - artificial people come to infiltrate, spy, and salvage the metric tons of gizmos they need.Y2a
343And once they get all the parts they need, whammo! The big atmospheric converter inside Blake Tower starts spewing poison into the stratosphere to kill every last one of us.Player Default: Yeah, that's really great, Tom.Y2b
344TinkerTom: Where was I... Oh, yeah.So my sensor, I call her MILA, needs to be up high. Real high. Dez forced me to put some cameras and other low tech surveillance crap on it to watch the Freedom Trail.A1a
345Chuck that stuff if you need to. Like You-Know-Who couldn't spoof a conventional camera, right?Player Default: I'll take good care of MILA.A1b
346Player Default: I'll take good care of MILA.{Friendly} She's got a lot of sensitive components. So be gentle, alright?TinkerTom: I got the perfect spot picked out. Set MILA up and let that juicy data pour in.A1a
347Player Default: Just hand the stupid thing over and I'll set it up.{Concerned} Just be careful with her, alright?TinkerTom: I got the perfect spot picked out. Set MILA up and let that juicy data pour in.B1a
348Player Default: We need cameras watching the Trail?I engineered the Trail Markers and code phrase myself. So anybody comes looking for us, whammo, spotted a mile away.Y1a
349Sure, the cameras could add a little insurance. But discovering the truth about the Institute's real plan is way more important.TinkerTom: I got the perfect spot picked out. Set MILA up and let that juicy data pour in.Y1b
350Player Default: She's got a lot of sensitive components. So be gentle, alright?I got the perfect spot picked out. Set MILA up and let that juicy data pour in.A1a
351RRR05_0300_QuestComplete{Grateful} MILA's transmitting loads of information. At first glance the atmosphere appears normal, but I'm going to dive deep into the data.TinkerTom: I already lined up another place to stash one of my babies. If you got the time.A
352NPCMTinkerTom: MILA's transmitting loads of information. At first glance the atmosphere appears normal, but I'm going to dive deep into the data.{Thankful} I already lined up another place to stash one of my babies. If you got the time.A1a