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Fallout Wiki

The Thomas farm terminal entries are a series of entries found on a terminal at the Thomas farm in the Fallout 76 update Wild Appalachia.

Mr.Thomas' terminal[]

FO76WA Thomas farm (Mr

Analyze Sample[]


Beginning analysis




Analysis complete.

Substance contains compounds that suggest pharmacological applications. Presence of antibiotic and antiparasitic agents suggest possible veterinary medication.

Reminder: Chemical Drum Labels[]


Note to self - replace the worn labels on the drums. Don't want to end up spraying the wrong stuff somewhere.

Aerosolizer Maintenance[]


Refilled the Aerosolizer today. A good amount of residue builds up at the bottom of the tank.

Note to self - Collect residue samples analyze any imperfections with my formula. Testing kit's in the house.


Something's not right[]


I woke up at dawn like I usually do to get a head start on the sun. It's usual for a couple of deer to find their way into the field... but these weren't looking right. Their hides were filled with lesions and they were bleach-white. I tried scaring them off like I usually do and one of them charged me!

The deer didn't do too much damage, the crops are fine. I'm going to wrap things up and head back up to the house; see how Winston's doing this morning.



Finally - some good news! I was starting to get discouraged after tests 1 and 2 showed zero positive effects. Started feeling really bad about sticking Winston with needles for no reason. But Cure #3 shows promise. The ole' boy actually walked the rows with me today for this first time in months! Maybe this will be the one!



Got back from Winston's vet appointment today. The diagnosis is on the end table. I just can't accept it. Winston's been my best bud since Mary passed. If they don't have a cure, then I'll make one myself! I've got a VTU chemistry degree - heck - my farm's successful because I know the science of it all! I'm gonna do all I can to help him.
