Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Thomas McDevitt was a farmer from Huntersville who was taken to the West Tek research center as an unwitting test subject.


Thomas McDevitt, much like his fellow townspeople, lived in a rather impoverished area, and was overjoyed when the town "won that grant" from the government in March 2075. Unbeknownst to the town's citizens, West Tek was planning to use the town as test site for their FEV research. At McDevitt's farm, the new water lines were tied into his irrigation system around June.[1] In December of that year, West Tek began paying farmers like McDevitt for testing rights on their farms.[2]

By February 2076, West Tek had started their experiments on the townspeople and some began to fall ill. McDevitt then decided to go to their research center and see if their doctors could help.[3] He was not seen in town again.[4]

Thomas was placed in Containment Unit 04. At the time of his capture, he was 31 years old, weighed 172.6 pounds and stood at 5'11". He was subject to West Tek's experimentation with FEV, which led to the development of super mutants.[5]


Thomas McDevitt is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

