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This is a transcript for dialogue with Brother Thomas leader of the Pillars of the Community.


8DN019JoinCultAfterJoining{Irritated} What now?Player Default: I just wanted to thank you. Becoming a Pillar has changed my life.A
9{Friendly} What is it, neighbor?Player Default: I just wanted to thank you. Becoming a Pillar has changed my life.A
10Player Default: I just wanted to thank you. Becoming a Pillar has changed my life.{surprised and then with false heartiness / Happy} Oh, uh, thanks! Just keep working on level one and see if good things don't start to happen. "I deserve a better life" am I right?A1a
11Player Default: I need my stuff back. Or else.{Irritated} There wasn't really a money-back guarantee on offer. Sorry.B1a
12Player Default: I need to talk to Emogene Cabot.{encouragingly / Confident} Oh, you'll know. Good things will start to happen. You'll see. You just have to keep working on level one until they do.Y1a
13DN019JoinCultEmogene{soothingly - trying to deflect player / Apologetic} Oh, I'm sorry, but Emogene is indisposed right now. She's not seeing visitors.Player Default: Her family's worried about her.A1a
14{smoothly / Apologetic} I already told you, Emogene can't have any visitors right now.Player Default: Her family's worried about her.A2a
15Player Default: I'm a friend of the family. Maybe I can talk some sense into her.{relieved - glad to spill your guts to someone / Conspiratorial} Look... truth is, we had a little, uh, disagreement about her joining the movement. She got kind of violent.A1a
16{relieved - glad to spill your guts to someone / Concerned} So I locked her in there until I could figure out what to do with her.A1b
17{Relieved} If you're willing to take her off my hands... let me unlock the door for you and then she's all yours.A1c
18Player Default: I'm a friend of the family. Maybe I can talk some sense into her.{getting irritated / Defiant} I said she wasn't seeing anybody, including you.A2a
19Player Default: I killed the last guy who was running this scam. In case that matters to you.{this whole thing suddenly escalated past where you wanted it to go / Nervous} Uh, good to know. Let me just unlock the door for you, okay?B1a
20Player Default: I killed the last guy who was running this scam. In case that matters to you.{this whole thing suddenly escalated past where you wanted it to go / Worried} Take it easy. If you want to see her so bad, don't let me stand in your way. Here, I'll unlock the door for you.B2a
21Player Default: I killed the last guy who was running this scam. In case that matters to you.{fake hurt - you and the player aren't friends, you just met / Surprised} Wow. You went right to throwing your weight around. I thought we were friends.B3a
22{fake hurt / Concerned} If you want to see her so bad, don't let me stand in your way. Here, I'll unlock the door for you.B3b
23Player Default: I killed the last guy who was running this scam. In case that matters to you.{threat - you're about the fight the player / Angry} You picked the wrong guy to mess with, pal.B4a
24Player Default: Never mind then.{smoothly getting back to what you want to talk about / Friendly} Okay, so... where were we? Oh yes, we were discussing the first step of becoming a Pillar of the Community.X1a
25{who wouldn't want that? / Friendly} You were about to free yourself of your material possessions.Player Default: Here, this is everything I have.X1b
26Player Default: Never mind then.{Friendly} Okay.X2a
27Player Default: You're not holding her prisoner, are you?{you know how it is - women, amiright? / Confident} No. She's not a prisoner. She's just locked in her room until she calms down.CultLeader: She was acting crazy, threatening to run off. You know how women can get.Y1a
28Player Default: Her family's worried about her.{soothingly / Confident} You can tell them that she's fine.CultLeader: I already told you, Emogene can't have any visitors right now.A1a
29Player Default: I'm not leaving without seeing her.{worried that the player is being so persistent / Nervous} You can't see her. She, uh, can't come out of her room right now.CultLeader: I already told you, Emogene can't have any visitors right now.B1a
30Player Default: I just need to make sure she's okay.{smoothly / Confident} You've got my word. She's fine. She's just staying in her room right now.CultLeader: I already told you, Emogene can't have any visitors right now.X1a
31Player Default: What's she doing here? Is she a member of your movement?{fake attempt at revealing a personal secret / Conspiratorial} Actually she and I are... you know, romantically involved.CultLeader: I already told you, Emogene can't have any visitors right now.Y1a
32Player Default: You can tell them that she's fine.{man to man / Conspiratorial} Not that it's any of your business, but she and I are just having a little... relationship trouble. You know how it is.A2a
33{you know how it is, right? / Apologetic} She's not seeing anybody until she cools off.Player Default: I'm a friend of the family. Maybe I can talk some sense into her.A2b
34CultLeader: No. She's not a prisoner. She's just locked in her room until she calms down.{man to man / Conspiratorial} She was acting crazy, threatening to run off. You know how women can get.Y1a
35CultLeader: No. She's not a prisoner. She's just locked in her room until she calms down.{you remember you're talking to a woman half-way through this little anecdote / Conspiratorial} She was acting crazy, threatening to run off. No offense, but you know how women can get sometimes.Y2a
36DN019JoinCultEmogeneBribe{with a big smile - you love getting bribed / Friendly} Well, that's different.A1a
37{uncomfortable to admit that you couldn't handle her / Nervous} Truth is, we had a little, uh, disagreement about her joining the movement. She got kind of violent.A1b
38{relieved that she's now someone else's problem / Relieved} So I locked her in there until I could figure out what to do with her. For 500 caps, I'm happy to make her your problem.A1c
39{Neutral} Here, let me unlock the door for you.CultLeader: I've got to warn you. She's way stronger than she looks. Took all of us combined to even get her locked up in there.A1d
40{outraged - you doubt my honor, sir? / Stern} What kind of a person do you think I am? I'm not going to take money to let you see my woman.Player Default: I'm a friend of the family. Maybe I can talk some sense into her.A2a
41DN019JoinCultOfficeGaveItemsPlayer Default: "I deserve a better life. A better life is coming. A better life is almost here."{super friendly - you can't believe your luck in finding the most gullible sucker in the world / Friendly} That's it, neighbor. Keep it up, and remember to tell all your friends about us.A1a
42Player Default: I can't believe I gave you everything for a stupid self-help mantra.{dismissive and now bored / Concerned} You'll never get to level two with that attitude.B1a
43Player Default: I guess it can't hurt.{dismissive and now bored / Concerned} You're going to have to work on that attitude if you want to get to level two.X1a
44{trying your best to sound sincere / Friendly} So, here's level one - repeat this mantra to yourself until you truly believe it:A1a
45{Confident} I deserve a better life. A better life is coming. A better life is almost here.A1b
46{trying hard to sound sincere although you don't believe any of this / Friendly} Once you truly believe that in your innermost self, you'll be ready for level two. That's when things will really start to happen for you.Player Default: "I deserve a better life. A better life is coming. A better life is almost here."A1c
47DN019JoinCultOfficeNeutral01Player Default: Okay, fine. Here's everything I've got.{you're getting tired of putting on your "friendly" act but you're still trying / Friendly} You won't regret it, I promise. Congratulations, you're officially a Pillar of the Community.Player Default: "I deserve a better life. A better life is coming. A better life is almost here."A1a
48Player Default: I thought you said there was no obligation.{dropping the friendly act / SinisterSmile} It's possible I may have lied a little bit about that.Y1a
49{threateningly / SinisterSmile} This is the point where you hand over all your stuff so that we can stay friends.Y1b
50DN019JoinCultOfficeScene{Friendly} The first step is simple.A1a
51{Friendly} You have to learn to give up your attachment to material possessions in order to gain the ability to have true wealth, health, and happiness.A1b
52{Friendly} Just go ahead and give me everything you own, and I'll initiate you as a first level Pillar of the Community.A1c
53Player Default: Here, this is everything I have.{you can't really believe you found another sucker - momentarily befuddled by the player's gullibility / Surprised} Oh, you're really going to...A1a
54{getting a bit bored with your friendly act / Friendly} Uh... welcome! You've made a brave step into a bright future. You're now officially a Pillar of the Community.Player Default: "I deserve a better life. A better life is coming. A better life is almost here."A1b
55Player Default: You must think I'm an idiot.{dropping the friendly act like the mask it is / Sarcastic} Well you came in here, didn't you?B1a
56{dropping the friendly act / SinisterSmile} Now, you've got two choices. Give me everything you've got. Or... we take it anyway.Player Default: Okay, fine. Here's everything I've got.B1b
57Player Default: You've got to be kidding. You want me to give you everything I have?{keeping up the friendly act / Friendly} The first step is the hardest, neighbor.X1a
58{Friendly} But it's the only way to cast off your old life and start on the road towards your future health, wealth, and happiness.X1b
59{Happy} Don't you think that's worth a small temporary sacrifice?Player Default: Okay, fine. Here's everything I've got.X1c
60Player Default: I'm actually just looking for Emogene Cabot.{Friendly} You're still stuck in old thinking. You're still clinging to your old life.Y1a
61{Friendly} But that's what you came here to give up. And the first step is to shed yourself of your material possessions.Player Default: Here, this is everything I have.Y1b
62{with a grim smile - you're about to attack the player / SinisterSmile} Did I say "no obligation"? I was kind of lying about that.A1a
63{threateningly - you're about to attack the player / Stern} No, no. Too late to back out now.A2a
64Player Default: Okay, fine. Here's everything I've got.{bored and relieved you can stop your salesman routine / Happy} Good choice. Congratulations, you're officially a Pillar of the Community.A1a
65{not angry, just bored and tired of putting on your nice act / Tired} Now get the fuck out of my office.A1b
66Player Default: Okay, fine. Here's everything I've got.{still keeping up the friendly act / Happy} Good choice. Congratulations, you're officially a Pillar of the Community.Player Default: "I deserve a better life. A better life is coming. A better life is almost here."A2a
67Player Default: I'm walking out of here. Your choice what you want to do about it.{considering if you're going to kill the player or not / Tired} Ah... you're not worth the trouble. Plenty of easier marks. Get out of here before I change my mind.B1a
68Player Default: I'm walking out of here. Your choice what you want to do about it.{dropping the friendly act like the mask it is - you're about to attack the player / SinisterSmile} That's not how this works.B2a
69Player Default: You can't seriously think I'm handing over all my stuff.{dropping the friendly act - this is you being honest about what you actually do / SinisterSmile} The world is full of suckers, pal. Just look outside. Every one of them handed over everything they owned in return for... hmm, well. Hope?X1a
70{Sarcastic} Sure it's false hope, but hey. It was worth it to them.X1b
71{SinisterSmile} You can tell yourself whatever you want, but you're leaving here naked or horizontal. Your choice.X1c
72Player Default: What if I've changed my mind and don't want to join anymore?{dropping the friendly facade a bit / Stern} No, sorry, I'm afraid we're past that point. You really do need to give me everything. Now.Y1a
73DN019JoinCultOpenDoorOh right. I was supposed to be letting you in to see Emogene.CultLeader: I've got to warn you. She's way stronger than she looks. Took all of us combined to even get her locked up in there.A
74NPCMDN019CultLeader: Oh right. I was supposed to be letting you in to see Emogene.{Worried} I've got to warn you. She's way stronger than she looks. Took all of us combined to even get her locked up in there.CultLeader: All yours, pal.A1a
75CultLeader: I've got to warn you. She's way stronger than she looks. Took all of us combined to even get her locked up in there.{you've dropped the friendly act / Irritated} All yours, pal.A1a
76CultLeader: I've got to warn you. She's way stronger than she looks. Took all of us combined to even get her locked up in there.{still doing your friendly act / Friendly} She's all yours, neighbor.A2a
77DN019JoinCultQuestionsPlayer Default: I don't have any more questions.{Friendly} Good. Then I hope you're ready to take your first step into your new life as one of the Pillars of the Community.Player Default: Yes I am.B1a
78Player Default: What do I have to do to join your movement?{Happy} That's the beauty of it, neighbor! You don't have to do anything - except have a willing spirit and open your heart to the possibilities!CultLeader: Anything else you're wondering about before we get started?X1a
79Player Default: What if I change my mind after I join?{Friendly} There's absolutely no obligation! But trust me, once you see how your life is transformed, you won't want to leave.Y1a
80{Happy} Believe it or not, we have never had a single Pillar leave after joining. There's not many groups like ours that could make that claim, are there?CultLeader: Anything else you're wondering about before we get started?Y1b
81Player Default: Maybe you've wondered, "Why can't life be like that again?" Well, neighbor, I'm here to tell you that it can be!{Friendly} Anything else you're wondering about before we get started?Player Default: What's your movement all about?A1a
82DN019JoinCultScene{Friendly} I haven't forgotten that you wanted to find out what our group is all about.CultLeader: We call ourselves the Pillars of the Community. We're a pretty new movement so you may not have heard of us.A
83{Friendly} Welcome, neighbor! We're always glad to see a new face around here.CultLeader: Step right this way and I'll be happy to tell you all about our movement and how you can be a part of it.A
84Player Default: Sounds good.{Happy} Well that's just fantastic! I know you're going to fit right in around here.A1a
85Player Default: The last guy who gave me this sales pitch ended up dead.{Nervous} Then I'll just let you be on your way. I'm not looking for any trouble with you.CultLeader: What do you say? Ready to take that first step into a new life?B1a
86Player Default: The last guy who gave me this sales pitch ended up dead.{car salesman smooth - "giving away", not selling! / Happy} I'm not selling anything, neighbor, I'm giving away the secrets of long life, happiness, and prosperity. Giving them away!CultLeader: What do you say? Ready to take that first step into a new life?B2a
87Player Default: I'm not looking for a sales pitch.{Happy} A sales pitch is the last thing I would ever give you.CultLeader: I'm not selling anything, neighbor, I'm giving away the secrets of long life, happiness, and prosperity. Giving them away!X1a
88Player Default: I'm looking for Emogene Cabot.{Happy} I'm glad you asked.CultLeader: Our mission is nothing less than to transform the entire Commonwealth, one life at a time.Y1a
89CultLeader: But we're growing fast all across the Commonwealth, and you can be part of this exciting future.{how can you resist this friendly offer? / Happy} Step right this way and I'll be happy to tell you all about our movement and how you can be a part of it.Player Default: Sounds good.A1a
90Player Default: I'm glad you asked.{presenting a golden vision - irresistable, right? / Confident} Our mission is nothing less than to transform the entire Commonwealth, one life at a time.Y1a
91{Question} Maybe you've seen pictures or heard stories about what life was like back before the Great War.Y1b
92{it can be! / Happy} Maybe you've wondered, "Why can't life be like that again?" Well, neighbor, I'm here to tell you that it can be!CultLeader: What do you say? Ready to take that first step into a new life?Y1c
93CultLeader: I'm not selling anything, neighbor, I'm giving away the secrets of long life, happiness, and prosperity. Giving them away!{Friendly} What do you say? Ready to take that first step into a new life?Player Default: Yes I am.A1a
94Player Default: Yes I am.{Happy} All right, then! Fantastic! You won't regret it, I promise you.A1a
95{Conspiratorial} We haven't had a single Pillar leave the movement since we started.A1b
96Player Default: Not a chance.{car salesman smooth - no threat here / Apologetic} Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I really can't take no for an answer, though.B1a
97{you just HAVE to learn more / Confident} Once you find out all the benefits of being one of the Pillars, I think you'll see where I'm coming from.B1b
98Player Default: I'm not sure.{Friendly} Of course - how could you be sure until you'd experienced it for yourself?X1a
99{Happy} Just follow me and we'll get you started on a trial basis. I'm sure once you've seen what we have to offer, you'll be glad you gave it a chance.X1b
100Player Default: I have some more questions first.{Friendly} Of course you do. And I'm here to answer them. Shoot!Player Default: What's your movement all about?Y1a
101NPCMDN019CultLeader: Welcome, neighbor! We're always glad to see a new face around here.{sincere - not really "conspiratorial" but more "between you and me, friend" feel / Conspiratorial} Tell me something. You ever feel like this whole world is broken? Do you ever wonder why things can't be the way they were in the good old days?Player Default: Sounds good.A1a
102Player Default: The whole world is broken.{car salesman smooth / Confident} That's what I used to think. Until I found a way to make a difference. To transform my life, and maybe everyone else's, too.Player Default: Sounds good.A1a
103Player Default: I've got more important things to worry about.{car salesman smooth / Confident} I doubt that, neighbor. What could be more important than transforming your life, and maybe the whole world along with it?Player Default: Sounds good.B1a
104Player Default: I don't have time for this.{car salesman smooth / Confident} You should make time for something this important, neighbor. Something that could change your life, and maybe the whole Commonwealth.Player Default: Sounds good.X1a
105Player Default: I'm looking for Emogene Cabot.{car salesman smooth / Friendly} Because if you are that kind of person, you've come to the right place, neighbor.Player Default: Sounds good.Y1a
106Player Default: That's what I used to think. Until I found a way to make a difference. To transform my life, and maybe everyone else's, too.{car salesman smooth / Friendly} We call ourselves the Pillars of the Community. We're a pretty new movement so you may not have heard of us.A1a
107{you totally should join / Happy} But we're growing fast all across the Commonwealth, and you can be part of this exciting future.Player Default: Sounds good.A1b
108DN019JoinCultToOfficeSceneThere you are. Just a few things to take care of before you're an official Pillar of the Community.CultLeader: Alrighty! I hope you're as excited as I am. This is one of my favorite parts of the job, getting to welcome new members into our movement.A
109{Friendly} Right this way, neighbor.CultLeader: Alrighty! I hope you're as excited as I am. This is one of my favorite parts of the job, getting to welcome new members into our movement.A2a
110{Friendly} Don't be shy, just follow me.CultLeader: Alrighty! I hope you're as excited as I am. This is one of my favorite parts of the job, getting to welcome new members into our movement.A3a
111{Happy} Don't worry, I don't bite!CultLeader: Alrighty! I hope you're as excited as I am. This is one of my favorite parts of the job, getting to welcome new members into our movement.A4a
112{Happy} I'm always excited to welcome a new member into our fold.CultLeader: Alrighty! I hope you're as excited as I am. This is one of my favorite parts of the job, getting to welcome new members into our movement.A5a
113{Happy} Alrighty! I hope you're as excited as I am. This is one of my favorite parts of the job, getting to welcome new members into our movement.A1a
114-We don't have anything to talk about.A