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This is a transcript for dialogue with Thirsty refugee.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 Good as new! Fussfungles are back on the menu. 00645DE8 Cheers to that! You've been a real life saver. Happy/Grateful. Eager to go get a drink
2 Let's cut to the chase. What do you need me to do? 00645DE1 I'm craving a Fussfungle and there's only one robot here that knows how to make it.
3 00645D9A 00645DF3 If you get the ol' boy working again let me know!
4 You need me to fix a bartender robot. Okay, where can I find it? 00645DE3 I'm grateful. Really I am!
5 Still working on it. Where did you say that robot was again? 00645DDE You're looking for a robot dressed like a bartender.
6 Nope. You're going to have to find someone else. 00645DE6 Damn. Well do let me know if you change your mind. Casual disappointment. It's not a big deal but they're still looking for help.
7 00645D9E 00645DE0 Problem is, the barkeep snapped a gumband or busted a doohickey and the damn thing is out of service. Telling a story as part of the "sales pitch" to get the player invested in helping them. A bit of exaggerated disappointment and dismay.
8 Go on. 00645DEA Back before I escaped The Pitt there was only one thing I looked forward to after a long shift and that was drowning my pains away with a Fussfungle. Telling a story as part of the "sales pitch" to get the player invested in helping them. A Fussfungle is a cocktail.
9 When I escaped I figured I'd have to leave it all behind n'at, so imagine my joy findin' that one of the fancy robot barkeeps here knew the recipe! Telling a story as part of the "sales pitch" to get the player invested in helping them. A Fussfungle is a cocktail.
10 I'm afraid to ask but what's a Fussfungle? 00645DE2 Only the sweetest thing you ever tasted! Talking about favorite drink, trying to sell the player on the concept.
11 Now, I don't know exactly what's in one but it's got whiskey and there's this sickly sweet flavor tying the whole thing together. Talking about favorite drink, trying to sell the player on the concept.
12 In a place like The Pitt it was a little taste of heaven that could also knock your clodhoppers clean off if you weren't careful. Talking about favorite drink, trying to sell the player on the concept.
13 I haven't found anything quite like it in Appalachia and it's the only thing that can quench this thirst of mine. Talking about favorite drink, trying to sell the player on the concept.
14 00645DA1 00645DF4 The robot is standing idle over by the Clinic.
15 00645DF5 It was delivering a drink to the Rec Room and then suddenly just stopped.
16 00645DF6 It's just been standing over there in the Lobby.
17 00645DF7 It was delivering a drink over to the Responders H.Q. and I guess it overheated or something.
18 00645DF8 It broke down taking drink orders from the crew on the first floor of the west wing.
19 00645DF9 It was grabbing drink orders from the crew on the second floor of the west wing and then kind of just stopped doing anything at all.
20 00645DFA Poor, busted fella is just standing around upstairs on the third floor of the west wing.
21 00645DFB The robot was working in the Kitchen and then it just ...wasn't. Working that is.
22 00645DFC It broke down in the Common Room. They moved it over to the side but you can't miss it.
23 0064E6FE It's actually just over there. You can't miss it.
24 00645DA3 00645DDD I could really use that drink, if you know what I mean. Really craving that drink but trying to keep a positive attitude up
25 00645DA4 00645DEB You'll find it near the Clinic.
26 00645DEC It's standing upstairs on the third floor of the west wing.
27 00645DED It's standing over on the second floor of the west wing.
28 00645DEE You'll find it downstairs, on the first floor of the west wing.
29 00645DEF You'll find it all the way over in the Rec Room.
30 00645DF0 It's standing off to the side in the Common Room.
31 00645DF1 The robot is standing around idle in the Lobby.
32 00645DF2 The robot broke down in the Kitchen.
33 What seems to be the problem? 00645DDF You ever had a favorite drink? Something you get a craving for that nothing else can satisfy? Headed into their "sales pitch" to get the player to help them out.
34 Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Why do you ask? 00645DE9 Tell me, have you ever had a favorite drink? One you just get a craving for and nothing else will satisfy? Headed into their "sales pitch" to get the player to help them out
35 00645DA8 00645DE7 Don't mean to be nebby but you got the looks of someone who knows their way around robots, am I right? "Nebby" is slang for nosey/meddlesome. Friendly and looking to convince someone to help them out.
36 00645DA9 00645DB6 I'm not trying to complain, 'cause the beer here is real decent, but if I had my druthers I'd be kicking back with a Fussfungle. Self pep talk. Trying to keep own spirits up but craving a drink
37 Just my luck that the only robot who knows how to make it is broken. Maybe I can find someone who knows a thing or two about repairing robots? Annoyed. Muttering to self.
38 00645DAA 00645DAF God, but I've got a hankerin' for a Fussfungle! Why'd that robot got to go and break down? Muttering to self. Craving an alcoholic drink.
39 Now don't have a hizzy. Someone will surely come along and fix it any moment now. Giving self a pep talk. Trying to stay cool despite really wanting a drink
40 00645DAB 00645DE4 Hey, c'mere!
41 00645DE5 There you are! You get that robot barkeep up and running again?
42 0064E6FB Cheers again, friend!
43 00656B09
45 0064E6F7 0064E6FC It's actually just over there. You can't miss it.
46 I think I may have already spotted your broken robot. 0064E6FA Oh, yeah? Well, just in case, let me give you a little reminder.
47 Purified water. 0064ED12 Very practical. And a little boring, but who am I to judge? humored enthusiasm. Not trying to be mean at all
48 Nuka-Cola. 0064ED10 Still the number one choice of refreshment among the wasteland's survivors! Spoken like a mock advertisement
49 Hard liquor. 0064ED11 Tastes like heaven, burns like hell! humored enthusiasm
50 Wine. 0064ED0E More wine, less whining, am I right? humored enthusiasm
51 Beer. 0064ED14 Only thing better than a beer is another one! humored enthusiasm
52 A favorite drink? You bet I do! 0064ED16 I'm all ears!
53 All fixed. Time to pay up. 0064ED17 All business, hey? Take this and thanks for the help. I'm going to get myself a drink. Happy / Grateful. Eager to get that drink.