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The Red Rocket Misunderstanding is a scenario for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. It was introduced to demonstrate the game's AI mode.

Story Introduction[]

After the guys decided to pack the stash inside the metal carcass of a Red Rocket set piece, we started the slow climb to the abandoned diner, where we would catch a breath before moving on. As we waded across the muddy hillside and the junkyard, we saw smoke coming from the diner.

"Super Mutants! They're here!"

The biggest of them held up a massive sledgehammer — his sight fixed on the Red Rocket, probably thinking we were carrying a powerful weapon.

"Whether he thinks it's an actual rocket or not, we gotta get our stash home. Raise your weapons!"
— Unknown survivor.


Army Lists[]

Side Force Number Heroic? Carrying
Super mutants Brute 1 Yes Sledgehammer
Super mutant 2 No Board; Bolt-action pipe rifle
Mutant hound 2 No Mutant hound bite
Survivors Sole Survivor 1 Yes Hunting rifle; baseball bat
Dogmeat 1 No Dog bite
Settlers 2 No Laser rifle
Tech 1 No Combat shotgun


  • Battlefield size: 2 feet x 2 feet (60 cm x 60 cm).
  • Terrain: Player's preference, with a structure representing the diner.

Place terrain of your preference on the board, with a structure representing the diner, located Yellow from the corner of the board. Then, place all AI Markers at exactly Orange from the base of the diner, with a distance of at least Yellow between each other. Then, deploy all Survivor models in the opposite corner of the board, within an area of Blue x Blue, as shown on the map. After all models are in place, use a piece of terrain of more or less Yellow length to represent the Red Rocket. Place that piece within your deployment zone.

Scenario rules[]

Game Duration: 4 rounds


The objective for the Super Mutants is to take apart (destroy) the Red Rocket. The Survivors need to move the Red Rocket past the diner and into base contact with the opposite corner.

Additional rules[]

  • The Red Rocket has 10 HP and an armor value of 1 for all damage types (unaffected by rads).
  • The Red Rocket can be targeted for a ranged attack or hit in melee if in base contact with it (does not count as an engagement).
  • A model within Orange of the Red Rocket can use an Action to make a Strength Test, with success pushing the Red Rocket Yellow.

Victory conditions[]

Side Victory Condition Reward
Super Mutants Victory The Red Rocket is destroyed. Super mutants win 150 caps.
Survivors Major victory The Red Rocket is taken off the board after moving into contact with the opposite edge. Survivors win 150 caps.
Survivors Minor victory The Red Rocket has at least 4 HP left at the end of round 4. Survivors win 70 caps.

External links[]
