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This is a transcript for dialogue with The Motherlode (robot).


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
22 0040E413 0040E450 Great. Thanks.
24 0040E415 0040E449 What would you like me to say, Doctor?
26 0040E417 0040E44C Confirmed. Failsafe handoff must initiate. Doctor Penelope Hornwright, do you acknowledge and accept?
28 0040E419 0040E446 Senior Executive Daniel Hornwright is not detected. Please provide a location for discovery and retrieval.
30 0040E41B 0040E43F Default audio device "Saferoom Loudspeaker" is active and hardwired connection has been established.
32 0040E41D 0040E44F Breach complete.
33 0040E420 0040E45C Searching registered locations logs for recent signal detection.
57 00549722 0054972C User detected. Connecting... Same file as 00068152_1
58 0054B14E 0054B151 Failsafe procedure is complete. Debug mode is now enabled. Doctor, please evaluate all secondary user changes before submitting.
73 0054DD10 0054DD11 Motherlode.
77 0055C58A 0055C5A6 Area clearance detected. Initiating breach procedure. All workers, please evacuate to a safe distance immediately. Same file as 002C3EA0_1
85 0055C596 0055C59A Recent signal detected at Hornwright Estate Saferoom. Proceed to the location to complete failsafe procedure.
86 0055C597 0055C5A0 Primary transponder signal not found. Senior Executive Daniel Hornwright not found. Failsafe procedure initiated.
87 0055C598 0055C599 Connection established. Debug process initiated. Attempting to make contact with primary transponder signal.
114 0058BD6B 0058BD6F Hornwright Estate and Safe Room access cards are required for entrance. Motherlode follows.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
12 0041CB76 0041CB7E Motherlode... is ready. Mother... will grind... will crush... will shatter... Motherlode set to be Aggressive
13 0055DE4D Motherlode... is ready. Motherlode... will puncture... will breach...
14 0055DE4E Motherlode... is ready. Motherlode... will mitigate... will temper...
36 0041FF31 0041FF5F Vault wall detected. Mother... talks...
93 0055F1B7 0041FF73 Motherlode... has overheated directives... bypassing safety checks. Motherlode requests... user purpose.
94 0055DE49 Motherlode... has purpose... user's purpose. Motherlode... requests causal reply. causal, not casual. Easy to confuse the two.
95 0055DE4A Motherlode... has affinity... with objective. Motherlode... requests user clarification.
115 0058B9B2 0058B9B3 User... Motherlode... talk.
116 00590519 0059051F Motherlode... rejects user... Motherlode would... break user... but compliance... is required.
117 0059051B 00590521 Motherlode predicts... termination... Motherlode accepts... user input.
118 0059051D 00590520 Motherlode calculates... Motherlode will not survive... the breach.

See also[]
