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This is a transcript for dialogue with The Emissary.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0061F49E 0061F4C2 Carol, memo to the bosses. They have arrived in Appalachia. Speaking into tape recorder.
2 0061F4C3 Carol, find out when Venus will be at its zenith. Speaking into tape recorder.
3 0061F4C4 Why are they here now? Must re-assess the plan to accommodate this setback. Speaking to himself under his breath.
4 006208B9 The witness is nearby. Intel acquisition and negation will begin momentarily. Speaking quietly into a tape recorder.
5 006208BA Initial contact force numbers currently unknown. Epsilon Protocol will commence. Speaking into tape recorder.
6 006208BB Results positive for Zetanium. Sample acquired for further consideration. Speaking into tape recorder.
7 006208BC Radiation readings higher than anticipated. Speculate locals have gained access to the region's nuclear armaments. Speaking into tape recorder.
8 0062131A What planet do we have to invade to get a decent slice of pizza. Speaking to self.
9 0061F49F 0061F4B4 Hello neighbor, rather agreeable weather we're having, no?
10 0061F4B5 Oh, neighbor, it's... so good to see you... again.
11 0061F4B6 Ah, neighbor. I was expecting your presence.
12 0061F4A0 0061F4A8 Peculiar things happen when the moonlight reflects off of the swamp gases in this region.
13 0061F4A9 Many may not know that when the Andromeda galaxy reaches its peak brilliance the new age of humanity will begin.
14 0061F4AA Sometimes, when stars are aligned, the human mind begins to play tricks on itself. Such an unpredictable piece of machinery.
15 0061F4AB Sometimes, the radiation lingering in the air causes us to see things that are not really there.
16 0061F4AC I believe you may have met... our neighbors to the north. Such a ferocious, primitive bunch.
17 0062131B This area's original inhabitants used to believe in a giant moth creature. What a preposterous notion.
18 0061F4A1 0061F4A4 Neighbor, before you go. Please, cast your gaze this way.
19 0061F4A2 0061F4B7 If you would be so kind as to look this way.
20 0061F4B8 Please, hush now, this day dream will soon be over.
21 0061F4BA I beg your understanding. Please, just close your eyes.
22 0061F4A3 0061F4AE You have not been a witness to anything... unusual lately... have you?
23 0061F4AF If I told you I believed in men from Mars, would you believe me? Where have you observed them?
24 0061F4B0 When was the last time you laid supine in a field and gazed at the celestial bodies in the sky?
25 0061F4B1 Have you seen the Mysterious Guidestones? Quite majestic, are they not? Some might say, otherworldly...
26 0061F4B2 Do you happen to know the way to Flatwoods? I'm meeting with... our friend there.
27 006208B8 Have you ever seen stray gamma radiation streak across the sky? Quite a sight to witness, I assure you.
28 00621319 0062131F What is wrong, neighbor? Are you suddenly aware of your surroundings?
29 00621320 Are you well, neighbor? You appear as though you have seen a ghost.
30 00621321 Neighbor, it looks as though you would like to utter something but cannot speak.
31 00621322 Who said anything about aliens? I certainly did not.
32 00621323 You'll soon find out that death is just another doorway.
33 00621324 Some believe that admitting to seeing things that aren't there can be dangerous. I too, believe them.