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Fallout Wiki

The Coop terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals at the Coop in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.

Keith Cooper's terminal[]

On a desk in the master suite, underneath the throne.

Keith Cooper's Terminal


Welcome back your Lordship

Welcome text

Keith Cooper's eyes only!!


Note: This terminal is found on a desk in the master suite, underneath the throne.

A Better Leader[]


It's been a few years since I've had a terminal. Hell, it's been a few years since I had to write my own entries. My old E601 Series took care of that for me. Oh how I miss the luxuries, and moreso the assistants.

Before the war, I was Keith Cooper, the wealthy CEO of Granite Wolf Insurance. Every desire I had in life, I made it happen. I realized just how... cooperative people could be if given the right... motivation. And that's exactly where I found myself last year.

After the last survivors I was with served me no more benefit, I found a group of nomads run by a friendly leader named Chris. He was a decent guy, and led a decent group. Trouble for him was, the good times were over. People like him wouldn't last-and I made sure of it. He and I were out on a little hunting excursion when there was a little... accident. Let's just say he didn't make it back to camp with me. Lucky for everyone else, I was there to step into old Chris's place as leader. I could be a better leader in fact. I could help these idiots.
And they could repay me the favor-I mean, what else are people for?

The End of Terry[]


So there I was, having a wonderful time with two beautiful ladies when Terry came in and started causing a scene. He was unhappy with his and James' wives who were in my room relaxing, a few cocktails in hand and me around their arms. It's not my fault he was born a loser, when I was instead born a winner! He couldn't take the fact they wanted to be with me!

Anyways, he starts shouting, getting angry, and causing a scene when the rest of the peasants came in to see what was going on. So I bluffed them! I said "Terry here has been trying to tear our little family apart! He wants to see everything we've all worked for crumble. He wants to hurt ME, the one who wants to help all of YOU". I couldn't believe my fuckin' eyes. Within moments, they all had Terry by different limbs and were pulling him apart! When his arms popped off! Man! I haven't laughed that hard in years! Justice really is sweet.

A Loyal Family[]


After last week's little Terry incident, I confirmed to myself that these idiots will already do damn near anything I say. It used to take weeks or months to gain people's trust before they started doing whatever I said. It's easier than the damn Salem Witch Trials these days! Someone causes me trouble? Boom, shot to bits. Another eats a tasty meal that should have gone to me? Smoked alive in the pit!

The peasants have been begging to do anything I say. So I put them to work! The men do the labor, and the ladies help me out with my requests. Someone doesn't like it? They're clearly trying to destroy our family.

However, Biff was upset with me the other night. A real shame, because he's the most useful to me. Big strong guy who manages to intimidate people before we have to kill them instead. Well he wasn't too happy with how I've been "taking advantage" of people. Luckily all I had to do was remind him how easily I could make everyone turn and kill his family, and he fell back in line. I can destroy his entire world whenever I want to. I will make anyone's life Hell if they get in my way.

Garbage Day[]


I was starting to get bored with who was left out of the original group, so I gave a little speech I had been preparing. Essentially, I told everyone that who all was left was clearly the best of the best, but we needed to find more members to join our thriving family. They should go out and find new members and bring them to me. If they didn't want to be a part of the winning team, then they clearly wanted to destroy us. Into the pit they went! Made convincing a lot easier. This all worked surprisingly well, however the real fruit was the resources we were getting.

The Crater Raiders[]


My scouts ran into an interesting group yesterday. They call themselves the Crater Raiders. Apparently they are doing pretty well for themselves, and that means a nice piece of the pie for myself if I can get in. I'll be meeting with a few of their leaders in three days to discuss deals. I dabbled a bit in the drug business before the world went to shit, so I have a few things I can bring to the table. Shouldn't be long until I'm the one calling the shots.

This Meg bitch is going to be the biggest obstacle for me though. From what I hear, she doesn't seem like the type to take orders from others. I'm sure I can find ways to make her budge. After all, I'm ALWAYS right.

Merging with the Group[]


Things are not running as smoothly as I had originally hoped. Many people have made the right decision to respect me due to my charming personality and good looks, but others seem to be suspicious of my intentions. My group of idiots have shuffled into the Crater Raiders well, but I however haven't been given the leadership role I deserve.

I should be able to convince people that the other leaders are not worthy. It might take some time, but these idiots should soon see that Meg is too useless and weak to be in charge. It should be me!

They're either with me, or against me.
