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Fallout Wiki

The Burning Mine terminal entries are a series of terminal entries relating to The Burning Mine that were cut from Fallout 76.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
===AMS Auto-Miner Console===

The following body is conditional



The following body is conditional


Welcome, AMS Administrator [INVALID].

Error: Network Not Found[]


The expected network of "AMS_AutoMinerNetwork01" could not be found.
The attempted connection of "JustWorkDammit01" was not successful.
Please contact an AMS Service Representative.

Personal Files[]


Reminder: AMS strictly forbids use of company terminals for personal use.



Took me damn-near a half-year, but I finally finished lugging these Auto-Miner pods from the AMS warehouse.

I ended up tearing my left arm off trying to get the last one into position. Reminds me of when I moved in my first apartment in Beckley and refused Pa's help with the refrigerator.

I broke a finger getting that thing up the stairs, but at least I did it on my own...

And unlike my fragile, fleshy digits of yesteryear, I can just get a whole new arm now! Assuming I can find one, that is.

Real glad Pa wasn't around to see the bombs. Miss ya, old man.



Day in day out, watching the fellas dig away. I'm needing to run maintain on the boys at least once a week now; the blasted heat is starting to really give their cooling units a run for their money. If I didn't know better, I'd swear I saw sweat dripping down poor Alan's chassis the other day.

Oh, I may not have mentioned: I gave them names a while ago. Alan, Benny, Carlos. I'd been calling them A, B and C for so long, it kind of made sense.

And the fact that those also happen to be the names of my exes? Well, you pointed it out, not me.



The heat is getting worse the deeper we dig. I've been meaning to stop, maybe even move to a new mine, but then a few moments later the thought has completely left my mind... Wonder what's going on there, yeah?

Anyway, the guys keep going into a "safe mode" when the temperature gets too steamy: which is another thing I keep forgetting about.

I'll yell out, "Benny! Bring me an ice-cold Nuka-Cola!"

And then I'll remember it's way too hot to have any ice-cold Nukes lying around.

And then I'll remember the Auto-Miners can't respond to those kinds of voice commands.

And then I'll remember that I don't actually have a mouth to drink with anyway.

And THEN I'll remember the Miners are stuck in Safe-Mode...

But... Here's hoping this whole "fiery mine of death" thing blows over sometime soon so we can get back to work.
