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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vance.


GREETING GREETING Happy 50 Always a pleasure. What can I do for you? 1
GREETING Neutral 50 I trust your talk with young Ian went well. 2
Happy 50 I am quite interested in learning the results of your discussion. Did he come to a decision? 3
GREETING Disgust 50 I hear that you decided to speak to Ian regardless of my warnings. 4
Happy 50 Be that as it may, I am still interested in what you conversed about. Did he come to a decision? 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome to our home. 6
Neutral 50 My people call me Vance. I lead this group of weary travelers and outcasts who need a home. 7
Neutral 50 And to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? 8
GREETING Neutral 50 You wish to speak to me again? 9
GREETING Happy 50 Always a pleasure to receive you in Meresti. What brings you down here today? 10
MS09Bailout Let me ask you something else. Neutral 50 Certainly. 11
MS09FinTLContribute I've brought some bloodpacks to contribute. Neutral 50 I can only offer my thanks. My people are getting accustomed to using these as a substitute for live prey. 12
Neutral 50 As compensation for your effort, allow me to at least give you something in return. 13
I've brought some bloodpacks to contribute. Happy 50 Again, many thanks. Here is your compensation. 14
MS09FinTLHowAreThings How are things going now? Neutral 50 Very well, actually. Our truce with Arefu is coming to fruition. I've begun teaching my people to live off of the donated bloodpacks. 15
Neutral 50 The transition has been difficult, but we will manage. 16
Happy 50 You've certainly done us a great service, and I can't thank you enough. 17
How are things going now? Neutral 50 As well as can be expected. I've had a bit of trouble keeping my people away from Arefu, but a deal is a deal and I will adhere to it. 18
Neutral 50 We stay away from them, they don't send anyone else after us. The perfect stalemate I suppose. 19
I have a proposal for you from Vance, the Family's leader.
Arefu has accepted your proposal, Vance. Happy 80 Excellent! I knew you would serve as an ambassador for us in good faith. 20
Happy 50 I will dispatch Alan to Arefu immediately to help serve as their guardian and honor my end of the agreement. 21
Happy 50 Your efforts surpass those of the average human. In fact, I feel almost like you are a member of our flock. 22
Happy 70 If you ever wish to learn our ways, you have but to ask. 23
Arefu has accepted your proposal, Vance. Happy 80 Excellent! I knew you would serve as an ambassador for us in good faith. 24
Happy 50 Your efforts surpass those of the average human. In fact, I feel almost like you are a member of our flock. 25
Happy 70 If you ever wish to learn our ways, you have but to ask. 26
MS09FinTLTeachVampire Can you teach me the ways of the Vampire? Neutral 50 To be a vampire is a life commitment. It is not achieved by my words, it is something you earn by your own will and sincere meditation. 27
Sad 50 Sadly, I cannot fully make you one of us, but I can teach you how the life blood of others brings us regenerative powers. 28
Neutral 50 Since your body lacks the way to extract blood as we do, you must find alternative sources for your nourishment. 29
Neutral 50 Drink deep of the blood, allow not a drop to spill. Feel the warmth as it spreads inside you. 30
Neutral 50 You are becoming one with the life force of another. They lend a part of themselves to you. For a brief moment, you are two entities becoming one. 31
Neutral 50 Allow the feelings to course through your body as you partake of the blood... feel it empower you and make you stronger. 32
Neutral 50 Once you have done this deed, only then will you know what it is like to be a vampire. 33
Can you teach me the ways of the Vampire? Neutral 50 There is no more I can teach you. 34
Neutral 50 Use what little I have given you well, and carry that knowledge with honor. 35
Please, help me understand your Laws.
I think I finally understand what you people are. Neutral 50 Indeed? Tell me what you've learned from the Laws. What do you think we are? 36
I don't understand what you people are. Neutral 50 We are the remnants of society, cast aside like the picked bones of a hunter's feast. 37
Neutral 50 Men of science would call us cannibals, eaters of human flesh. Society labels us as monsters, demons and the unclean. 38
Neutral 50 I've brought my flock here to shelter under the sun-baked sand of the Wasteland to keep them safe and teach them my ways. 39
So, are you ready to explain to me just what you people are? Neutral 50 No, I can see it in your eyes. You do not yet possess that spark of realization. Continue speaking to my people. 40
I'm looking for Ian West. Have you seen him?
Now that I have a better understanding of the Family, may I speak to Ian? Disgust 70 I had always assumed if a human happened upon our home, it would be for the purpose of our extermination. 41
Happy 70 It appears my fears were ill-placed. It is a pleasant surprise to meet someone as amenable as yourself. 42
Neutral 50 Very well. I will allow you to speak to Ian. Perhaps you can help him come to grips with his greatest enemy. Himself. 43
Please allow me to speak to Ian. Neutral 50 I believe I was very clear when I said you are not welcome to see him. 44
I've been searching for a young man named Ian West. Neutral 50 Ah yes, my newest charge. What would you want with him? 45
MS09TLWhatisMeresti What is this place? Neutral 50 You are standing inside Meresti, the home of the Family. This is our sanctuary from the outside world. 46
Happy 50 It is a refuge for those society labels as outcasts. 47
MS09TLWhoAreFamily Tell me about the Family. Neutral 60 The Family has become our moniker because that is exactly what we are... related by blood. 48
Disgust 60 Even if all of us look different on the outside, we all had the same vice infesting our insides. 49
Happy 50 But now, through my teachings, these subjugated people have come together and formed a bond stronger than mere friendship. 50
MS09VanceArefuProposal01 Arefu donates bloodpacks, and you leave the town alone. Neutral 50 Agreed. Please, take this proposal to Arefu. Speak with them and then return to me with their decision. 51
Happy 50 I thank you for showing me that your kind can be trusted after all. It is a lesson I will not forget. 52
Neutral 50 Now, what of young Ian? Tell me his decision. 53
MS09VanceArefuProposal02 Arefu donates bloodpacks, and in exchange, you protect them. Neutral 50 Agreed. Please, take this proposal to Arefu. Speak with them and then return to me with their decision. 54
Neutral 50 I thank you for showing me that your kind can be trusted after all. It is a lesson I will not forget. 55
Neutral 50 Now, what of young Ian? Tell me his decision. 56
MS09VanceArefuProposal03 Arefu will sell you bloodpacks, and you'll leave the town alone. Happy 50 Although I appreciate what you are trying to do, please realize that we have no money or goods to speak of. 57
Neutral 50 What little money Karl makes with his shop goes to buying weapons and ammunition to protect ourselves. 58
Sad 50 I am very sorry, but perhaps you can make a better offer? 59
MS09VanceEndgameCT01IanGoes Ian's decided to leave the Family. Sad 50 It saddens me to lose one of my flock, but I believe everyone has to follow their own path. 60
Happy 50 All I was attempting to do was guide him. Now it seems that responsibility has fallen upon you. I hope you will be more successful. 61
Neutral 50 Please, I want you to take this. Consider it as an apology to you for all the hardships you had to endure finding this place. 62
Happy 70 Goodbye, human. Our time together has been rather... educational. 63
MS09VanceEndgameCT01IanStays Ian's decided to stay with the Family. Neutral 50 When you first arrived I was suspicious of your intentions. I can see now it was an error in judgement. 64
Neutral 50 I can assure you Ian will be well cared for and safe with the Family. 65
Neutral 50 Please, I want you to take this. Consider it as an apology to you for all the hardships you had to endure finding this place. 66
Happy 50 Goodbye, human. Our time together has been rather... educational. 67
MS09VanceEndgameCT02 Before I talk about Ian, there's still the matter of Arefu to discuss... Happy 50 As long as you maintain this level of civility, please proceed. 68
MS09VanceEndgameCT03 Wait! What about Arefu? You can't just prey on them anytime you're hungry! Surprise 70 You wish to arrive at some sort of a bargain? 69
MS09VanceEndgameCT04 How did you know Ian was trying to decide to stay or leave? Happy 50 My fine friend, that poor soul has been wrestling with the same question every new member of the Family asks himself when they arrive. 70
Happy 50 Do I belong here, or should I depart? 71
Happy 50 All I ask is that they spend the time to reflect before deciding in solitude. 72
MS09VanceEndgameCT05 How can I convince you to stop preying on Arefu? Happy 50 No convincing is necessary. I must say your visit is a pleasant change from what I am accustomed to when dealing with humans. 73
Neutral 50 In light of this, I promise you that no further harm will befall you or Arefu. Of that you have my solemn oath. 74
Happy 50 Now, what of young Ian? Tell me his decision. 75
MS09VanceEndgameCT06Intelligence There must be an alternative source of blood you can survive on. Neutral 50 Many years ago, I survived by drinking from fresh bloodpacks I recovered from hospital ruins. 76
Neutral 50 The problem with your idea is that these bloodpacks are scarce. 77
Neutral 50 What do you propose? 78
MS09VanceEndgameCT07Medicine I believe that blood preserved in bloodpacks could provide what you need. Neutral 50 Many years ago, I survived by drinking from fresh bloodpacks I recovered from hospital ruins. 79
Neutral 50 The problem was that these bloodpacks were scarce. 80
Neutral 50 What do you propose? 81
MS09VanceEndgameCT08SC Give those people a chance! They're defenseless. Sad 50 I suppose we could stop our raids on Arefu in light of this situation, but that just forces us to prey on others. 82
Neutral 50 Unless... Many years ago, I survived by drinking from preserved bloodpacks I recovered from hospital ruins. 83
Neutral 50 The problem was that these bloodpacks are scarce. 84
MS09VanceEndgameCT09 If you keep attacking Arefu, they'll keep fighting back until everyone is dead. Happy 50 Well put. I must say your visit is a pleasant change from what I am accustomed to when dealing with humans. 85
Neutral 50 In light of this, I promise you that no further harm will befall you or Arefu. Of that you have my solemn oath. 86
Neutral 50 Now, what of young Ian? Tell me his decision. 87
MS09VanceEndgameCT10 I'm not sure I should be the one telling you this. Happy 60 If you fear reprisal from the Family regarding his decision, know that I would never hold it against you. 88
Happy 50 And as for Ian having you speak in his place, I find his trust sufficient enough to accept what you say as truth. 89
MS09VanceEndgameCT11Research Vampires can drink any kind of human blood... even from bloodpacks. Neutral 50 Curious. Many years ago, I survived by drinking from fresh bloodpacks I recovered from hospital ruins. 90
Neutral 50 The problem was that these bloodpacks were scarce. 91
Neutral 50 What do you propose? 92
MS09VanceIntroCT01 This place is very different from any of the other settlements I've seen. Disgust 70 What you see before you is the last bastion of hope for the downtrodden and misunderstood. 93
Disgust 50 It is a sanctuary for the oppressed and a beacon of faith for the tyrannized. 94
MS09VanceIntroCT02 What is this place? Disgust 70 What you see before you is the last bastion of hope for the downtrodden and misunderstood. 95
Disgust 50 It is a sanctuary for the oppressed and a beacon of faith for the tyrannized. 96
MS09VanceIntroCT03 I think I've stumbled across the world's first underground insane asylum! Disgust 90 Your words echo the very reason this place was established. 97
Neutral 50 What you see before you is the last bastion of hope for the downtrodden and misunderstood. 98
Neutral 50 It is a sanctuary for the oppressed and a beacon of faith for the tyrannized. 99
MS09VanceIntroCT04 <Allow Vance to continue.> Disgust 60 We are the remnants of society, cast aside like the clean-picked bones of a hunter's feast. 100
Neutral 50 I led my flock beneath the sun-baked sands of the Wasteland to keep them safe and teach them my ways. 101
Sad 60 Men of science would call us cannibals, eaters of human flesh. Society labels us as monsters, demons and the unclean. 102
MS09VanceIntroCT05 Excuse me, but what does all that mean? Disgust 60 What does it mean? Allow me to simplify it for you since you are obviously of limited intellect. 103
Neutral 50 I led my flock beneath the sun-baked sands of the Wasteland to keep them safe and teach them my ways. 104
Sad 60 Men of science would call us cannibals, eaters of human flesh. Society labels us as monsters, demons and the unclean. 105
MS09VanceIntroCT06 Whoa, whoa... slow down there. I left my thesaurus at home. Disgust 60 What does it mean? Allow me to simplify it for you since you are obviously of limited intellect. 106
Neutral 50 I led my flock beneath the sun-baked sands of the Wasteland to keep them safe and teach them my ways. 107
Sad 60 Men of science would call us cannibals, eaters of human flesh. Society labels us as monsters, demons and the unclean. 108
MS09VanceIntroCT07 Your ways? So you're reforming these people? Neutral 50 Ah! Your words illustrate why the hardships persist for my people. Reforming implies something is wrong with them and needs to be eliminated. 109
Happy 60 I think of my teachings as more of an improvement, a way to transcend our cannibalistic nature. 110
MS09VanceIntroCT08 What do you mean? Neutral 50 Humans call for our extermination or reform. Reforming implies something is wrong with us and needs to be eliminated. 111
Happy 60 I think of my teachings as more of an improvement, a way to transcend our cannibalistic nature. 112
MS09VanceIntroCT09 Wow, you're a real humanitarian. Disgust 80 I find your choice of words quite droll, but that is what I have come to expect from your kind. 113
Neutral 50 People like you call for our extermination or reform. Reforming implies something is wrong with us and needs to be eliminated. 114
Neutral 50 I think of my teachings as more of an improvement, a way to transcend our cannibalistic nature. 115
MS09VanceIntroCT10 If I accept that you're no longer cannibals, what do I call you? Happy 70 Your open mindedness is very rare for a human. I find that fascinating. 116
Neutral 50 Allow me to bolster your insight with a lesson in objectivity. I say we are no longer cannibal, only consuming the blood of our prey. 117
Neutral 50 What would that make us in your eyes? 118
MS09VanceIntroCT11 Your people eat human flesh, Vance. That's sick! Disgust 50 That is correct my arrogant friend, but you are missing the grand picture I'm afraid. 119
Neutral 50 Let me counter that ignorance with a lesson in objectivity. I say we are no longer cannibal, only consuming the blood of our prey. 120
Neutral 50 What would that make us in your eyes? 121
MS09VanceIntroCT12 A cannibal by any other name is still a cannibal. Surprise 50 That is completely untrue. Your difficulty grasping the concept that change is possible in my people perplexes me. Let me try a different approach. 122
Happy 50 Let me counter that ignorance with a lesson in objectivity. I say we are no longer cannibal, only consuming the blood of our prey. 123
Neutral 50 What would that make us in your eyes? 124
MS09VanceIntroCT13 Enough talk! I'm here to wipe your kind out! Anger 70 I would choose your next words VERY carefully if I were in your place. 125
Disgust 70 Your self-applauding notions are the sole reason we are down here in hiding like Mole Rats. 126
Disgust 70 I will warn you only once. Do NOT test me. I have no qualms about having your blood running down my throat. 127
You just try it, psycho, and I'll splatter your brains all over that wall! Anger 70 Your words hold no fear with me, human. 128
Anger 90 Now I think it is time to demonstrate the true power of the Family. Tremble fool... tremble and face the wrath of the vampire! 129
MS09VanceIntroDirectCT01SC None of this talk is necessary. I know exactly what you are. Happy 80 You amaze me. Never have I met a human with the gift of cognition that you possess. 130
Neutral 50 Tell me then, what are we? 131
MS09VanceIntroDirectCT02Intelligence This isn't rocket science. I know exactly what you are. Happy 80 You amaze me. Never have I met a human with the gift of cognition that you possess. 132
Neutral 50 Tell me then, what are we? 133
MS09VanceLookingIanCT00 I have a letter for him. From his sister... Surprise 60 Then a part of his human family still remains? Even more of a reason he needs to remain in isolation. 134
Neutral 50 Ian is at a critical moment in his life right now. After all that occurred in Arefu, he is scared and confused. 135
Neutral 50 It would be ill advised for me to allow you to speak to him while he decides what he wants to do. 136
MS09VanceLookingIanCT02 Ian shouldn't be here. He has family that misses him. Neutral 50 WE are his family. If he were to leave, how can you be certain he would not feel the same way about us? 137
Neutral 50 Ian is at a critical moment in his life right now. After all that occurred in Arefu, he is scared and confused. 138
Neutral 50 It would be ill advised for me to allow you to speak to him while he decides what he wants to do. 139
MS09VanceLookingIanCT03 You people murdered his parents! Neutral 50 Murder is a very strong word, my friend. Do you consider it murder when a hunter stalks his prey in order to put food on the table? 140
Neutral 50 The Family must do what it can to survive, and Ian provided us the way. 141
Neutral 50 Ian is at a critical moment in his life right now. After all that occurred in Arefu, he is scared and confused. 142
MS09VanceLookingIanCT04 I don't have time for chit-chat. Tell me where Ian is. Now! Disgust 50 Sigh. Short temper. So typical of a human. 143
Anger 70 One more outburst like that, and I think I am going to have you removed from our home... permanently. 144
Enough talk, psycho. Tell me where Ian is or so help me... Anger 50 Is there no end to your hostility? Your kind have never accepted us. So be it. 145
Anger 80 All you rely on is violence to further your means. If that is what you seek, I will be happy to provide it! 146
MS09VanceLookingIanCT05 Wait a minute... What happened to him? Neutral 50 Ian's hunger for flesh overwhelmed him... it drove him to kill his parents. 147
Neutral 50 Because of my intervention that night he stopped just short of being lost forever to his cravings for flesh. 148
MS09VanceLookingIanCT06 Damn it, Vance! What did you do to him? Neutral 50 Do to him? Nothing. Ian's hunger for flesh overwhelmed him... it drove him to kill his parents. 149
Neutral 50 Because of my intervention that night he stopped just short of being lost forever to his cravings for flesh. 150
MS09VanceLookingIanCT07 Are you telling me that Ian is a cannibal? Anger 50 I am telling you he will no longer be labeled as such. He has become one of us... a member of the Family. 151
Neutral 50 The hunger that drives us must be kept in check. It is one of the most difficult things to teach. 152
Sad 50 Ian lost control because no one was around to guide him. His own family was alien to him. 153
MS09VanceLookingIanCT08 I find this all very hard to believe. Fear 50 The hunger that drives us must be kept in check. It is one of the most difficult things to teach. 154
Neutral 50 Ian lost control because no one was around to guide him. His own family was alien to him. 155
Neutral 50 He had a moment of weakness, and it was fatal. 156
MS09VanceLookingIanCT09SC This letter is all Ian has left of his old life. Allow me to give it to him. Happy 80 Your words impress me, human. Perhaps I misjudged you when we first met. 157
Neutral 50 If you wish to speak to Ian, you are free to do so. Here is the code to the area in which he is meditating. 158
MS09VanceLookingIanCT10Perk Look, I'm one of you. So I understand your feelings. I just want to talk to Ian. Sad 50 Indeed. Perhaps my sense of caring for Ian has overwhelmed my sense of duty to the Family and all others like us. 159
Neutral 50 Forgive my mistake. If you wish to speak to Ian, you're free to do so. 160
Neutral 50 Here is the code to the area in which he is meditating. 161
MS09VanceLookingIanCT11 Please, you must let me speak to him! Neutral 50 No, it would not be right to disturb him in this time of meditation. I am sorry but I cannot allow it. 162
MS09VanceLookingIanCT12 Let me see Ian, you filthy liar! Neutral 50 I can sympathize with your anger, human. Many find cannibalism shocking, especially in the young. 163
Neutral 50 But understand that I cannot allow you to see him during his time of reflection. 164
MS09VanceVampireDoneCT01 You're vampires. Or at least you follow their fictional traditions. Neutral 50 Do you think I believe I can turn into a bat and fly away? Of course not. Do I cast my image in a mirror? Absolutely. 165
Neutral 50 Now ask me if I believe these individuals from every corner of the Wasteland need me to give them a sense of purpose and identity. 166
Neutral 50 I have shown these people the ways of the vampire. I've provided them shelter, organization and a sense of belonging. 167
MS09VanceVampireDoneCT02 If I said vampires, and you said I was right, we'd both be crazy. Neutral 50 Do you think I believe I can turn into a bat and fly away? Of course not. Do I cast my image in a mirror? Absolutely. 168
Neutral 50 Now ask me if I believe these individuals from every corner of the Wasteland need me to give them a sense of purpose and identity. 169
Neutral 50 I have shown these people the ways of the vampire. I've provided them shelter, organization and a sense of belonging. 170
MS09VanceVampireDoneCT03 I still say you're cannibals. Neutral 50 It saddens me to think that your failure to understand us could be my fault. If that is the case, allow me to enlighten you. 171
Neutral 50 We call ourselves vampires; a brotherhood that honorably stretches back thousands of years. 172
MS09VanceVampireDoneCT04 I think you're a collective of seriously messed up freaks. Sad 50 I can see that you have no understanding of what I have accomplished here. 173
Disgust 50 I tire of debating with those who are so narrow-minded. 174
MS09VanceVampireDoneCT05 You do this by teaching them that they're mythical beings? Disgust 50 Now you disappoint me. You need to open your mind and think for a moment before you pass judgment. 175
Neutral 50 I have reined in their cravings and taught them to eat not of the flesh, but to drink of the blood. 176
Neutral 50 Most importantly, they have a Family. A place where their quirks are tolerated and understood. 177
MS09VanceVampireDoneCT06 What you're doing here is brainwashing them, plain and simple. Neutral 50 Yes. In a way, I am brainwashing them. I am eliminating their fears, their inhibitions and their shame. 178
Neutral 50 I have reined in their cravings and taught them to eat not of the flesh, but to drink of the blood. 179
Neutral 50 Most importantly, they have a Family. A place where their quirks are tolerated and understood. 180
MS09VanceVampireDoneCT07 Come on, Vance! You're on a power trip... you mess with their minds! Anger 50 Yes. In a way, I am brainwashing them. I am eliminating their fears, their inhibitions and their shame. 181
Neutral 50 I have reined in their cravings and taught them to eat not of the flesh, but to drink of the blood. 182
Neutral 50 Most importantly, they have a Family. A place where their quirks are tolerated and understood. 183
MS09VanceVampireTalkCT01 I have no idea. Neutral 50 Then that is a mystery you will have to solve on your own. 184
Happy 50 In ceremony, each member of the Family must speak one of the Laws... it is theirs to remember and to enforce. 185
Happy 50 Perhaps from these Laws you can discover what we are. Return to me when you are ready. 186
MS09VanceVampireTalkCT02 I don't have time for games, Vance. Neutral 50 That is where you are mistaken, my friend. Time is a commodity more abundant than any other in this world. 187
Neutral 50 In ceremony, each member of the Family must speak one of the Laws... it is theirs to remember and to enforce. 188
Neutral 50 Perhaps from these Laws you can discover what we are. Return to me when you are ready. 189
MS09VanceVampireTalkCT03 I think you're a bunch of creepy weirdos. Neutral 50 Names like that have no meaning here... your insults are a wasted effort. 190
Neutral 50 In ceremony, each member of the Family must speak one of the Laws... it is theirs to remember and to enforce. 191
Neutral 50 Perhaps from these Laws you can discover what we are. Return to me when you are ready. 192
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 50 I am afraid that the knowledge required to appreciate our true nature is far above your level of comprehension. 193
SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 In light of your candor, all I can promise is that Arefu will no longer be a target of the Family. Beyond that, I make no such other promises. 194
SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 No, it would not be right to disturb him in this time of meditation. I am sorry but I cannot allow it. 195


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Come back to us anytime. The Family considers you a friend. 196
I have to go now. Neutral 50 You are free to roam the common area of our home as our guest. 197
I have to go now. Neutral 50 I'm certain our paths will cross again. 198
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Ah, you've returned. 199
HELLO Neutral 50 It appears we have a lot to speak about. 200
HELLO Neutral 50 Welcome to Meresti, human. 201
HELLO Neutral 50 You wish to speak with me? 202
HELLO Neutral 50 The Family welcomes your return with open arms. 203
HELLO Neutral 50 I was wondering if we could speak a moment. 204
MS09MerestiVanceChatter MS09MerestiVanceChatter Anger 50 I will make this as clear as possible, Karl. Never again. You disobey my laws once more and you will be out of Meresti for good! 205
MS09MerestiVanceChatter Neutral 50 How is our newest member? Is he finding his meditation time enlightening? 206
MS09MerestiVanceChatter Sad 50 I wonder if the Family will really work. Sometimes with all the troubles we have, it seems impossible to hold it together. 207
MS09MerestiVanceChatter Happy 50 I think you need to ease up with your flirting. It is becoming very distracting to the men as they adapt to things down here. 208
MS09MerestiVanceChatter Happy 50 I just wanted to tell you I feel you have progressed quite well in adopting our laws. You should be proud. 209
MS09MerestiVanceChatterReply MS09MerestiVanceChatterReply Anger 50 That is not how the Family operates, and you know it! Now do not test my patience on this subject. 210
MS09MerestiVanceChatterReply Happy 50 Understandable. Give him time, Justin. Change is a very difficult thing to adapt to. 211
MS09MerestiVanceChatterReply Disgust 50 Implying that you wish to sleep with everyone here is not what I call boosting morale. Now, please. Keep it to one at a time. 212
MS09MerestiVanceChatterReply Happy 50 You always have a knack for making me feel better. 213
MS09MerestiVanceChatterReply Neutral 50 No need to thank me, Alan. You have achieved this level of enlightenment all on your own, I was merely a guide. 214
MS09VanceSpeech MS09VanceSpeech Anger 90 We are the Family and together we will stand united! 215
MS09VanceSpeech Anger 90 We will organize, we will prepare, we will teach you to cope with your differences and we will keep you alive. 216
MS09VanceSpeech Anger 90 Well rest easy now, my brothers and sisters. It's time to stop all of the running, all of the hiding and all of the denying. 217
MS09VanceSpeech Anger 90 We can not allow the humans to hunt us down and kill us like dogs! We must show them we are a force to be reckoned with! 218
MS09VanceSpeech Anger 90 The adaptation we were given wasn't meant to be ignored or persecuted. It's our way of survival. 219
MS09VanceSpeech Anger 90 I submit to you that we are the victims of evolution; the next step in mankind's acclimation to this hellish existence. 220
MS09VanceSpeech Anger 90 Are we THAT different from those who hunt for meat to survive or from those who kill for territory? Of course not. 221
MS09VanceSpeech Anger 90 Every one of us has been branded with these insults at some point in our lives. But why? 222
MS09VanceSpeech Anger 90 Monsters! Villains! Criminals! Animals! {pause between each} 223