Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Texas Rangers were a pre-War law enforcement agency created in 1823 to protect the borders of the state of Texas, in the United States.


Although dissolved after the Civil War, it was reformed and became a part of the Texas Department of Public Safety in 1935.[1] The Desert Rangers considered them part of their heritage, with Tycho explaining that the Desert Rangers were inspired by their focus on making the world better by honing their combat and survival skills.[2]


The Texas Rangers are mentioned only in Fallout.


  1. Texas Ranger Division on Wikipedia
  2. The Vault Dweller: "{1001}{}{Rangers}"
    Tycho: "{1101}{}{We Rangers hail from back east, what used to be called Nevada. Our heritage stretches back to the days of the Texas Rangers. We learn survival and combat skills in order to go out into the world and have a chance of surviving and making things better.}"
    (Tycho's dialogue)