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Fallout Wiki

Team quotes, sometimes referred to as funny credits, are a list of interesting quotes from the developers of Fallout 2 that can be accessed at any time by shift-clicking the Credits button.

Fallout 2[]


@Quotes from the Fallout 2 team:
(Press ESC if you don't want to see some raw language)

Wanna see my tool?
- Nick

I saw where you stuck it.
- Scotty

I ain't never had nothing that big.
- T. Ray

Do you want to touch and feel the real thing?
- Courtney

Most people don't have a 22 inch hole.
- Tim

I am not going to do the prostitute today.
- Tim

I can't help it! There are two holes down here
and it won't fit in one of them!
- Scotty

Can you keep track of how many times you have sex in the engine?
- Chris A.

There's nothing wrong with Barney...I can't believe I just said that!
- Chris T.

If you want, I'll go whip out my 19-inch.
- Jesse

I stick lots of things in my mouth I probably shouldn't.
- Scotty

I'm beginning to feel that marketing people are the bane of the
universe. I used to think it was lawyers.
- Anonymous

It didn't strike me as odd that you were making duck noises. It
struck me as odd that I *didn't* find it odd that you were making
duck noises.
- Fred H.

I haven't touched it all morning!
- Tom F.
Then you're gonna get spanked!
- Fred H.

Let me guess, you need a kleenex again?
- Rob H.

That thing has an unpleasantness about it that is not readily apparent.
Bring in the others...I wish to taste of their unsavoriness as well.
- Matt N.

Yes, I am a loser.
- Scotty

I'm sorry, my computer is going to be "meowing" for the next
five minutes.
- Jesse

How did I do that? I made it bigger!
- Nick

I'm kinda anal about this... I'm anal about everything...
- Scotty

There's a big difference between Thanksgiving and Burger King.
- Mark H.

It's a good idea not to do anything wrong.
- Scotty

I got a sheep. What can I do with a sheep?
- Scotty

I think Chris A. has sex...stuff.
- Rob H.

Jesse flashes people every day...
- Rob H.

Scotty, you're better than a random fractal.
- Anonymous

I LOVE sheep!
- Greg B.

I stick other things in my mouth as well...
- Feargus

I'm not really interested in going...unless we're gonna do a
lot of penetration.
- Dave
Yeah, you should see the tape...
- Fred

Sleeping is *way* better than moving.
- Nick

You look up SUCK and you'll see my name, address and previous
- John D.

  • I* think it's worth a dollar for 3 days of day-dreaming.

- Fred

We have to put the whores in, so the player has someone to
wake up next to, if they don't sleep with Jenny.
- Matt

Are there any scripts you can have sex with?
- Tom

I was aiming it at his crotch and it kept going off.
- Jesse

I'll never get away from that, nor from the panties.
- Nick

I can't get Jenny to talk after having sex with her.
- Nick

Well, I can always cut his nose off and look...
- Jesse

I...I...I have no one to be bitter against.
- Nick

I hearby establish that Wednesday is cock day.
- Feargus

Man, are *you* white.
- T-Ray

I got 2 kisses and some other things.
- Fred H.

I'd rather see that than a WonderBra (tm) convention.
- Tom

Size doesn't matter to me.
- Rob H.

Please create on me.
- Matt N.

I had Darren tonight, and I wanted to make sure that if
anything went wrong I could bring it back.
- Scotty

If you want to see Godzilla's penis, go into Tom F.'s
- John D.

Everytime you touch that keyboard, it's like you're
touching me.
- Chris A.

Gary's here, but he's not around.
- Scotty

Well, that's just what he said. I don't know if that's
the case, since he's English and not to be trusted. Of
course, *I* am English.
- Feargus

I meant "snatch" in the sense of "to pilfer."
- Chris A.

Jesse's more of an expert on how drugs work.
- Nick

I have no idea where I am going to stuff them.
- Feargus

I'm not hungry, but I should eat because I don't have
any food at home.
- Nick

What is your obsession with Dilbert and nudity?
- Evan C.

User error! User Error! I proved you don't know how
to use a stapler! Now stay away from my tape
- Scotty

Ow! Not my hairy arm!
- Scotty

You put the 'b' in subtle.
- Colin

Because it's my ass. You *all* share my ass!
- Feargus

I'm sunburned so bad it's not even funny, and I just
touched myself!
- John D.

Did you see Tom with the sheep last night? He was a
God! I never saw anyone handle sheep so well.
- Jesse

Nick is tough and wiry...like bad jerky.
- Chris A.

What is it about a product cycle that makes me want
to cry?
- Chris A.

You want him 'puppetized'?
- Rob H.

That almost looks like my tickle-tickle wiggle-wiggle
- Jeremey B.

I don't have time for your diction.
- Chris A.

Keep singing, Nick...Jess...Who *are* you?
- Gary

Cancer, stay away from my penis!
- Tom F.

I blame your grandparents for even having your
- Tom F.

I feel a lot better about the project when I'm in
- Scotty

How am I going to get my head out of there?
- Scotty

Hatch: An advanced formula for pain.
- Scotty

I was pretty good with sheep from the beginning.
- Dave

I couldn't find my ferret this morning, that's why
I was late.
- Gary

Scotty -- He's our dongle.
- Chris A.

Why is yours so much bigger than mine? Oh, it's
zoomed in.
- Jesse

Clothes I can do without!
- Zeb

What is the deal with the homing, exploding
- Greg B.

Here's your scissors. Take them before I stab
Colin with them.
- Tom F.

See, I even censor myself!

Like I said last night, it has nothing to do
with being limber.
- Fred H.

I don't need to see dismembered naked women.
Well...never mind.
- Greg B.

I'm doing the president tonight.
- Fred H.

I'm slow...'cause I don't know what I'm doing!
- Gary P.

I can come by and slap it in for you...
- Eric Pribish

At the first sign of trouble I'm going to run
for cover like a little girl.
- Fred H.

If it has the right data, then it will just
automatically work!
- Jesse R.

I'm going to show you what it's like to be
stabbed in the eye and die.
- Nick K.

I love the way you tighten when you laugh.
- Matt N.

Do you just pump it to shoot?
- Dave H.

My brain was removed completely intact.
- Dave H.

Dan has a martian that's much cleaner.
- Nick K.

Explain to me how eating a gallon of
boogers is a philosophical question.
- John D.

Is it possible to make drugs have

  • serious* side-effects?

- Nick K.

I don't see this as a problem. The rats
go "squee".
- Matt N.
The cows go "moo", the dogs go "arf, arf".
- Chris J. (The REAL one)

I was amazed at how small I could get it.
- Scotty
It's still the biggest one we got. We
might be able to handle it.
- Fred

Nick's right, sleeping *is* way better
than moving.
- Jesse R.

Ooooh, can I choke the dragon?
- Dave H.

I'd like to pop her with a sunbolt.
- Dave H.

Did you get your little thingy to do it?
- Feargus

Would you like half a glass of Demo?
- Scotty
They're talking about juicing Mark's cat.
That can't be good.
- Jesse R.

I seem to be doing better as a woman.
- Chad A.

Yeah, *I'll* make it sore.
- Scotty

Don't give Sulik flares, cause he'll
chuck them like the President's seed.
- Dany M.

I was whacking Big Jesus, and I have
something to show you.
- Chris A.

I'll talk to Chad, he's married Sulik
many times.
- Nick K.

We're not dealing with rocket scientists
here. We're dealing with computer game
- Chris A.

I say we delete it all and start over.
- Chris H.

I can't imitate Nick's voice. I'm too
- Rodney S.

I think that goes beyond the normal
attraction most men have for sticky notes.
- Greg B.

I'm going to go fuck Rob Right now. He
deserves it.
No, you don't understand, he helped me so
much there. He did the trunk thing.
- Dan S.

I'm going to flash them first, then I will
use the wand.
- Dave H.

Uh-oh. They're making squirrel noises
- Feargus

What is the sound a naked squirrel makes?
- Dan S.

You wouldn't give me a happy face for
Gecko, so I gave myself one.
- Nick K.

I hate that when you people stab me in
the eye with a fork.
- Fred H.

I like to look. It's fascinating to me.
- Dave H.

I wanna be a queen.
- Doug A.

Yeah, that's why the bounty hunters
turned into fruit tables, too.
- Jesse R.

Your dad sure has a sweet ass.
- Tom F.

Go outside, there's a rat on the street.
It's a cheat rat.
- Tom F.

Excuse while I squeek a bit until we get
warmed up.
- Dan S.

Go now or forever hold Ed's penis.
- Tom F.

The first time I tried it, I was on my
back all day.
- Chris H.

We are going to be on display like
- Dave H.

Not only can I do art, but I'm a
professional stripper on the side.
- Scotty

I'm hungry 'cause I'm a pig.
- Fred H.

I'm kinda bummed I'm not in the quote
- Captain Victory

Have you seen my crack? It's right there.
It's huge.
- Dave H.

Even if this code was working right, it would
still be broken.
- Chris H.

I'm never going to mention bodily functions again.
- Matt N.

Still missing two balls?
- Dave H.

I just saw a brahmin poop!
- Ed H.

I'm a marsupial by night.
- Tom F.
I need to inspect your pouch.
- Matt N.

Rat soccer; games QA plays.
- Jesse R.

Yeah, well don't believe everything you read in
the design docs.
- Chris A.

He was walking around and all of a sudden he
was nude.
- Jesse R.

Do you mind if I piss in your wastebasket?
- Greg B.

Now you're absolutely sure there's no sex
going on here, right?
- Chris A.

Get your fingers out of my box!
- Jeremy B.

Let me stick this in and then I'll show it to
- Scotty

Oops, the orgy has been broken up.
- Tom F.

The closer we get to shipping, the more like
Jim Morrison you get.
- Gary P.

Yes, I agree, the frog *does* look more
sophisticated with only one pineapple.
- Jesse R.

Could you look at the cowardly brahmin AI
packet when you get the chance? It's
fighting back with me.
- Tom F.

Have you played with explosives yet today,
- Dennis P.

I feel like one of those fish that has the
leeches all over it.

Why is yours in such good condition? Is it
'cause you never use it?
- Jesse R.
