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Fallout Wiki

We lost the Tar Walkers. And the Crazy Horns. We did our best, but we made mistakes. We paid for them, but they paid more.Daniel

The Tar Walkers were a peaceful tribe in Utah.


The Tar Walkers were a tribe that received help from the New Canaanite missionaries. Like the Crazy Horns, the Tar Walkers prospered until prospectors started exploiting their naivete and were finally wiped out by the slavers and raiders. The New Canaan missionaries did what they could to prevent the extinction of the Tar Walkers and the Crazy Horns, but were unsuccessful and the two tribes serve as examples of what improper assistance achieves.[1]


The Tar Walkers are mentioned in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.


  1. The Courier: "Has this happened before, the White Legs attacking other tribes?"
    Daniel: "Yes. But not just White Legs. Raiders too. Prospectors. Slavers. Anyone who thinks they can exploit the ignorant and the innocent. We lost the Tar Walkers. And the Crazy Horns. We did our best, but we made mistakes. We paid for them, but they paid more. I'd like to get out from under that debt someday. Until then, it's enough to stop ourselves from getting deeper in the hole."
    (Daniel's dialogue)