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This is a transcript for dialogue with Tally Lang.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
4 005C70CF 005C7162 Hey! Yeah, you. You who I need to talk to around here? About the guns?
9 005D7F2D What's up? Can't get enough of me?
13 005D7F31 Maybe some other time, huh? I'm busy.
32 005C70F4 005C715B Hey, whatever. None of your business anyway.
33 005C70F6 005C7143 Who, me? Nah. Nah nah nah nah. Cool as a cryo grenade, me. Definitely.
34 005C70F8 005C712C I just told you, dummy. Tally Lang. Just another chick trying to make it in the Wasteland, you know?
35 005C70FA 005C7148 Shin? He the scary guy with the stick up his butt? All right, shoot.
36 005C70FC 005C7131 You don't look like one of these Brotherhood yahoos. Name's Tally Lang, what's your deal?
37 005C70FD 005C714E As you will, then.
68 005C96AE 005C975B Yeah, that's right. Big shiny guns!
69 All the talk in the area is about these Brotherhood folks with their high-tech toys, and I thought, "Tally, you gotta get some of that!"
70 For self-defense, of course! Just so me and some of my poor, innocent friends can protect ourselves from all the nasty folks out there.
71 005C96B0 005C9732 Oh, I'm just a poor country girl, you know? Parents died ages ago, so it's just me and a few friends trying to make our way in the world.
72 It's pretty scary out there. Just a bunch of orphans helping each other out. We're practically just kids. Had to grow up on our own.
73 We'd sure feel a lot safer with some of those high-tech guns these Brotherhood have to scare off all the maniacs out there.
74 005C96B2 005C9763 What? Me? A raider? No no no no no! Little ol' me? Don't be silly. Lying. Whaaaaaaaat?
75 005C96B4 005C9739 Hey, you callin' me a liar? I'll...I mean, I already told you. My friends and I need 'em for self-defense. We'll pay good caps. Temper flaring, then remembering to keep up the act.
76 005C96B6 005C9768 Hey, ix-nay on the Ater-Cray!
77 You trying to blow this for me? Listen, my gang could really use those guns, so don't screw this up for me. stage whisper
78 If anybody asks, just pretend like you bought the act, okay?
79 005C96B8 005C973F Yeah, yeah, whatever.
215 005DD1CC 005DD1EB Normally, I'd stick you with the other hopefuls until we decide whether you're worthy.
216 But if you're serious about joining us, you've got good timing.
217 There's something you could do for me that would help the order and demonstrate your qualities as a candidate.
220 005DD1CE 005DD1EC If you mean that, then you are right. But if that's sarcasm, I recommend you stow it. Immediately.
227 005DD1DA 005DD1DE Why not? Hit me.
228 005DD1DB 005DD1E2 Hey, I get it. Promises backfire all the time. Well, go get 'im, tiger!
229 005DD1DC 005DD1E6 Very well, what did you wish to know?


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
3 005C9AA3 005CB479 Uh, yes, duh!
4 Nevermind. Not like I'm gonna force it out of you with all these tin soldiers clanking around.
7 005C9AAA 005CB47E Seems like you don't entirely suck, unlike these dopes. Nice change of pace. Stay frosty out there.
8 005CB47F Fat lot of good you were. We could've had some fun.
9 Too bad. You can go now.
13 005C9AAE 005CB473 Aw, man, why'd you do a thing like that? You just gotta ruin this for me? I never did nothing to you!
14 I mean, uh, not that I am a Raider. That's nuts. Stupid that you think that.
15 If I was a Raider, I'd probably be mad about this. You'd be looking over your shoulder for me and my friends. Lucky for you I'm not. Now scram.
16 005CB474 What? You trying to run a con here? I was here first!
17 Ah, forget it. This was a real Hail Mary anyway, and you already got farther inside than I did.
18 Don't think I'll forget this, though. If my gang ever catches you, we might have a little talk. Now get out of my sight. You make me sick.
24 005C9AB5 005CB46F What's the word from the big bad Brotherhood, huh?
25 You butter them up for me and my friends? Lots of PEW PEW PEW for Tally? Lasers and plasma and all that?
26 005C9AB7 005CB480 Aw, nuts. Sweet of you to try, but it was always a long shot.
27 I guess my friends and I will just have to go stick with boring old regular guns. For defense.
28 005CB481 That sucks. Good on you for giving it a try, though. Raider solidarity, yeah!
29 Ah, well. Gotta take the wild swing every now and then to keep things interesting. Me and the gang'll just have to settle for the usual firepower.
30 Thanks, though. If we see you out in the Wasteland, we might even not shoot ya! No promises, though. Girl's gotta make a living.
33 005C9ABB 005CB475 Fine. Whatever. I didn't want to talk anyway.
39 005C9AC3 005CB47B What? Why wouldn't you want to help a poor, defenseless orphan? And her orphan friends!
40 You'd really leave me unequipped to the face all the dangers out there? What a brute!
60 005C9AD2 005CB48A Got something for little ol' me?
61 005CB48B I think we've said everything we need to, yeah? Good.
62 005CB48C Hope you've got better luck than I did. See ya around.
63 005CB48D Hope you got eyes in the back of your head.
76 005C9AD3 005C9B00 Look what the radroach dragged in.
77 005C9B01 You lookin' at somethin'? lightly aggressive
78 005C9B02 Hey, hey, here comes trouble. I hope. playful
82 005CFA62 005CFA64 Buncha stiffs around here.
83 005CFA65 This place is kind of a dump.
84 005CFA66 This better be worth it.
85 005CFA67 What the heck does "Ad Victoriam" even mean?
86 005CFA68 Imagine the stuff you could smash in that power armor! to herself, wishfully
87 005CFA69 I don't know what a "gauss" is, but if there's a gun that shoots those, I want it.
88 005CFA6A Bored. Bored bored bored. Booooooored. sing-song
89 005CFA6B Gotta get out of here soon. This was a waste of time.
93 005CFAF3 Wonder if this'll be enough to see those Raiders gone.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
4 005F5A4E 005FA0A4 Hey! Is somebody there?
5 005FA1F2 Damn, good thing you showed up when you did.
13 00605FD8 Yeah?
14 00605FD9 Can we get on with it? I got things to do.
17 00605FDC Where'd you go?
40 005FA082 006036C3 I guess this makes up for the shit you pulled at Fort Atlas.
41 005FA085 005FA1ED I can fix that, but you've got to agree to help first.
42 I can make it worth your while.
43 005FA086 005FA1EF All yours.
44 You got this far, so I'm guessing the way you came is clear.
45 Thanks again. Maybe we won't even shoot you if we see you again! keep this light - it's a threat but said like you're joking
46 No promises. flirting, but also a threat
48 005FA088 005FA1F4 Har dee har har.
49 Let's get serious, and make it quick. I can help you, and you can help me.
52 005FA08A 005FA1F0 I've been trying to get us out of here since we've been locked in.
53 Just found a Vault security keycard; it should open all the doors in this place.
54 You help us and it's yours.
55 005FA096 005FA0A0 Oh, great! Just what we need.
56 Hey, wait a second, I recognize that voice!
57 005FA098 005FA09E Wow, you're an even worse liar than I am.
58 Wait... That voice...I know who you are!
59 005FA09A 005FA0A5 Who do you think it is, jackass? It's Tally.
60 Hold up...you're not one of mine. You sound familiar, though...
61 005FA09C 005FA0A1 Is that you, Basher?
92 005FD57B 005FA09D You're the one I talked to back at Fort Atlas!
97 006036E0 You're that clown that screwed things up for me at Fort Atlas!
153 0060363F 006036D4 Listen, we're in a bad way here. Cut off from the rest of our people, and the damn robots keep coming in waves. We need help.
154 006036D5 We're in bad shape here. The doors slammed shut and cut us off from the rest of the gang.
155 We've got robots attacking every few minutes. We need help.
156 006036D6 Can't believe you... Never mind that right now. We need help.
157 We got cut off when this place locked down, and the robots just keep coming.
158 006036D7 Why'd it have to be you? Forget it, you gotta help us.
159 We're trapped in here thanks to the lockdown, and the damn robots keep attacking.
160 00603641 006036DD The goodness of your heart? Ain't you the good guys?
161 Look, I've got something you're gonna want.
162 00603643 006036BD Now we're talking. Give me a sec to get the door open.
163 00603645 006036A8 Valdez? You got someone else out there? Should I be jealous?
164 00603647 006036E2 I told you I just found it, dummy.
165 I was about to try it out right when I heard you walk up.
166 00603649 006036C2 Nothing. Same as stopping you from shootin' us if we let you in.
167 We don't need more trouble. We just want to get out of here.
168 Help us hold off the bots, and we'll leave peacefully. For you, anyway. No promises if someone else tries to stop us.
169 0060364B 006036D1 I've got injured in here.
170 Okay, maybe I'm no sweet little orphan, but I actually like some of these idiots. I don't want to just leave them for dead.
171 C'mon, c'mon! I can hear more coming! We got a deal?
173 0060364D 006036A1 No shooting, boys, they're on our side! Attenuated, as if not facing the intercom - shouting at people behind her
176 0060364F 006036BA Can't believe the Brotherhood bailed us out. Well, a deal's a deal. The keycard's yours.
177 00603651 006036A6 As always, with you. All right, I guess I owe you that much. What's up? kind of a tired "I can't believe we're still doing this" vibe
178 00603652 006036DF What are you doing? Shocked and confused, and a little bit scared. Not of the fight to come, but by the bloodthirstiness of the player.
179 00603653 006036BF This didn't have to go like this. Get 'em, boys!
275 00603699 006036B8 Ah, crap! Here they come again!
341 00605BE3 00605BEF Can't get enough of me, can you?
342 00605BE4 00605BEC Not my problem?
343 Hey, don't look at me like that. We'd be dead if you hadn't shown up. If they're not, they soon will be.
344 I try to get these guys here to mount a rescue, they'll ice me themselves.
345 Heh. Ice. Get it? Ice.
346 00605BE5 00605BF0 Yeah, I figured. Them's the breaks. I'm sure they tried to kill you, too. You won. It happens.
347 What, too heartless? You don't lead a gang with feeeeeeelings, man. absolute mockery/derision here
348 I'll be honest...the only ones I actually liked are in here with me, anyway. sotto voce after the ellipsis
349 00605BE6 00605BE9 Duh! We're looting the joint!
350 One of our people trailed those Hellcat idiots back here. A Vault's gotta be full of good stuff. Guns! Bombs! Food! And...
351 Okay, this one turned out to be some kind of nightmare freakshow, but you can't blame us for trying.
352 00605BE7 00605BF2 Yeah, well, turns out you don't know me all that well.
353 I've been running this gang for ages. I like the excitement. Don't act like you've got no blood on your hands.
354 You ain't better'n me.
355 00605BE8 00605BED With it? This is MY gang!
356 I can't believe you bought that bullshit I told you at Fort Atlas. I'm not even a good liar.
360 00606C50 00606C57 Son of a bitch...
361 00606C51 00606C56 Whooo! That got the blood pumpin'!
362 00606C52 00606C58 Mow 'em down, boys!
363 00606C59 Suck on this, tinheads!
364 00606C53 00606C61 I'm gonna dance on your grave!
365 00606C62 Oh, you're gonna pay!
366 00606C63 I'm gonna make this hurt.
367 00606C64 Big mistake, asshole!
368 00606C65 Whassa matter, can't hit a girl?
369 00606C54 00606C67 Shit!
370 00606C68 Fuck!
371 00606C69 Aggh! God damn it!
372 00606C6A Ow!
373 00606C6B Damn that hurts!
374 00606C55 00606C5B Suck on this!
375 00606C5C Pew! Pew!
376 00606C5D Ahahahaha!
377 00606C5E Eat hot death!
378 00606C5F Die! Die! Die!