Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


This + Firelance + Pyromaniac + Ghoul Ecology (bugged perk) = HOLY SHIT! 23:37, 20 July 2009 (UTC)

I'm hoping that the Ghould Ecology perk will be fixed with Mothership Zeta :P but even so this is still going to overpower some already very powerful weapons. -- 23:58, 20 July 2009 (UTC)

Uhh actually you guys are idiots the ghoul ecology perk is not bugged it is actually superior defender that causes weapons to do 5 extra damage each shot while standing still, causing some weapons to have a large increase in Damage.

your wrong, superior defender and ghoul ecology both add 5. and sign your posts. Vault 77 Dweller 03:48, 23 July 2009 (UTC)
Auto Axpert but for alien weapons... Nuff' said PhayzeShift 17:39, 24 July 2009 (UTC)
Go read the Ghoul Ecology perk page before you jump to conclusions. It has already been found that the Ghoul Ecology perk conditions are incorrect in the GECK causing it to work on ALL enemies. -- 00:09, 26 July 2009 (UTC)

Gonna be bugged?[]

Things that seem awesome always get bugged with the DLC,and this seems awesome,so i bet that it will cause rick astley to appear and shoot gnomes from his arse. Mr.Wolf 11:15, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

I don't understand this "firing range" bit.[]

We just kill stuff? That's it? I don't understand how that works. Nitty 17:10, 3 August 2009 (UTC)

It's an actual firing range...you activate some controls and raiders start pouring out. After every kill you hear a little blip. After a certain number of blips, you get the perk. Shoot at a couple of things, not sure if it matters...my guardian drone pretty much got it for me.
Also, the firing range was not infinite for me, it stopped after albino radscorpions. I'm level 30...maybe it keeps going if you're below? --Skeeter Valentine 18:01, 5 August 2009 (UTC)
I'm an idiot, it keeps going, my game bugged out evidently. A radscorpion somehow got up to the control area, which completely freaked me out. So watch out! --Skeeter Valentine 18:04, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

Plik's Safari[]

didn't we practically just do this in point lookout?--Wastelander6969 18:27, 3 August 2009 (UTC)

The differences with this are that you don't have to pay for it, and you don't really have to kill any of the enemies. You can just let them kill each other and you'll still get the perk.--Moltenfungus 05:25, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

Actually, you don't have to pay Plik for anything concerning the perk. His journal is right in the open. Nitty 05:27, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

They're sort of similer. They both have a unique weapon and a perk with them, and you have to do some little battle with some enemies that's just for fun had has nothing really to do with the story.--Moltenfungus 05:32, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

Ahh... so Xenotech and the Destablizer are to Point Lookout's Ghoul Ecology and Dismemberer (same basic idea) as the Gauss Rifle is to General Chase's Overcoat (awesome, but bugged, seriously reducing the awesome). Nitty 05:35, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

Thank god for scotland,barely any bugs with the gauss rifle.And proper overcoat. The Second Wolf Brother. 11:35, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

Yeah but you all wear kilts and see how far you can throw big rocks so it balances out. Haha just playing (: ~Unholy

I'm from Scottish descent(you would all be embarrassed of me, though. I'm very skinny and weak.) I like the fact that the FULL AUTO alien weapon is right nearby. You don't get a fully automatic axe with the safari(unless you take an autoaxe with you but to me those aren't actually axes). JerichoRCDF 20:49, December 4, 2009 (UTC)

Can you get it after you have completed the questline?[]

I completed the Mothership Zeta questline and I know some of the ship's sections are now inaccessible, so can you get to the weapons lab? The only teleportation matrix that I can find on the bridge goes to the engineering core... Not sure where the weapons lab is. Sorry to tell you but the weapons lab is one of the first places you go to after the spacewalk. In my first playthrough I missed the unique dissintegrator the buttercup toy and the perk I didn't realize where I was since nobody added anything to the wiki yet. PS sorry for the run-on sentence and any miss-spellings I'm using an I-phone-- 11:39, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

Has anyone figured a way to go down to the range? there are like tens maybe hundreds of dead raiders and i want their gear. :P

As far as i can tell there's no way back into those areas of the ship. All doors are INACCESSABLE and teleporters shut down. I missed the perk and all unique weapons on my first playthrough as well. If you want the buttercup toy one appears on a table in the makeshift living quarters in the Engineering Core which you can get back to.--Rouge sheep 00:05, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

Moved from article - Needs to be settled and reworded[]

  • Whether or not the player kills the creatures transported is actually irrelevant. If whatever units are summoned kill themselves off, the perk is still granted. It doesn't seem relevant whether the player kills the enemies using alien weapons, either; using any gun to kill them seems to work just fine.
    • It does seem to make a difference on the PC version. The game sounds an error tone whenever the player uses a non-alien weapon, and upon switching to the proper weapon type it sounds the correct tone. Getting the enemies to kill each other doesn't seem to even count. (Unconfirmed; this author simply watched the enemies kill each other and get the perk on the PC version.)
      • Update: According to the toolset, the player is granted this perk if he either hits the spawned enemies using alien weaponry specified in the Xenotech list OR if he does not hit enemies AT ALL (just watches them fight each other). The perk is not granted if the player uses non-alien weaponry. The perk is granted after 15 creatures have spawned. However, if the player hits any of the spawned creatures with non-alien weaponry, the number of spawned creatures is reset to 0 (you basically have to begin anew). So the easiest way to earn this perk is just go into sneak mode and watch the fight.
  • The shooting range is also a great way to get easy EXP because of the healing tunnel, powerful weaponry nearby and the fact that the enemies are infinite.
Author(s) of the above, please sort out fact from fiction and rewrite into clear information. The article page is not a forum for back-and-forth discussion. Thanks.--Gothemasticator 03:46, December 26, 2009 (UTC)

all i get is brahmin[]

i keep on reloading the save but both switches give me brahmin so i can't get the perk, can anybody help

-same here, I only get brahmin

On both separate ranges? TheShotgunShogun 00:01, October 20, 2011 (UTC)

Perk requirements incorrect?[]

The page says it is required to at least kill one of every of the four groups. However, I killed about 10 raiders (and a brahmin) and got the perk anyway. I didn't control a drone at that moment. Does anyone else experience this? ~ Scribe Aurora talk 20:05, January 5, 2013 (UTC)

That was my experience as well (XBox360 GOTY version). -- Mike 22:59, March 9, 2013 (UTC)

I'm trying to figure out what the exact requirements are, but the entry for this perk doesn't have any listed. Perhaps it's a scripted event that triggers this perk.
~ Scribe Aurora talk 10:13, March 10, 2013 (UTC)

I've found out what the requirements are. The player has to kill 10 enemies spawned from the portals with an alien weapon. When the player kills an enemy with an alien weapon, a variable increases with 1, and a new enemy will spawn. When the player kills an enemy with another weapon, the variable will return to 0 and the quest (yes, in the code it is seen as a quest) will go inactive, waiting for the player to press the button again.
When the alien dies, the code checks if the player killed it. If that's the case, check if it was either with an alien or a non-alien weapon. If the player didn't kill it, nothing happens.
I'll change the requirements right away.
~ Scribe Aurora talk 10:31, March 10, 2013 (UTC)
