Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Can you rate an article 20 stars? This is brilliant.BSMaker 01:57, 28 January 2009 (UTC)

Obtaining the Winterized Commando Hat[]

The articles states that the hat received by the sandbags is the winterized version but every time I played through Anchorage, it has always been a regular one with near infinite health. Should this be changed? Insincerity 18:27, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

You're right, it's a regular one. Changed it. -- Porter21 (talk) 18:59, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Don't appeared in my inventory[]

Sorry for my bad english, I'm French. I use the console for spawn Hat and Uniform but is not appeard in my inventory, can-you help me please ? thanks in advance ! Itachou 22:13, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

Did you put the correct numbers for the "xx" at the beginning (usually it should be "01", i.e. 01003F3A for the simulation suit)? Otherwise, be aware that suit and hat show up as "Chinese Jumpsuit" and "Chinese Commando Hat" in the inventory. -- Porter21 (talk) 23:04, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

Hi Porter21 and thanks for your help. Yes, I enter in the console " player.additem 0100C189 1 " and " player.additem 01003F3A 1 " the console confirm the code is good but, in my inventory, nothing appear. All the same, I have the weight of the object as if it were in my inventory Itachou 23:12, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

Ah, just remembered that the items are marked as non-playable which means they are not listed in the Pip-Boy although technically being in your inventory. Try player.equipitem 0100C189 and player.equipitem 01003F3A, that should equip them. -- Porter21 (talk) 23:31, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

Ok, its works, Thanks Porter21. I enter in the console " player.additem 0100C189 1 " and " player.equipitem 0100C189 ". Strange is use this soluce for this item. Another, for example General Jingwei's Uniform, works just in use the code " player.additem ", and the Icon in the PipBoy works and I can use as a regular items, normal ? Its you doing the same thing to you ? Itachou 18:12, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, it does the same for me. There is a flag called "playable" in the G.E.C.K. which controls whether this item can be used/picked up by the player. For the jumpsuit this option is off, for General Jingwei's Uniform is on. -- Porter21 (talk) 18:18, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

Ok, I was afraid because I have the French version of this game, you reassure me. Last little things, because you are really good, if you can help for my problem to the Chimera Tanks http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Talk:Chimera I'll be really grateful, verry sorry for the trouble I'm giving you Itachou 18:28, 26 June 2009 (UTC)


You can get this on the 360 version (I don't have a PS3, so I can't confirm it) by doing a glitch. It's the obtaining section found here. [1] - Kren Varom

So the Chinese jumpsuit is marked unplayable, but when I reverse-pickpocket Winterized Combat armor onto the soldiers, they still take it off. Why won't they take off the Winterized Chinese Commando hat when I reverse-pickpocket the Winterized Combat Helmet onto them? ~ Anon.

I'm not sure how to 'reply' to this officially, so I hope I'm not doing the wrong thing here, just wanted to point out that your walkthrough is for Jingwei's outfit, rather than the standard winterized jumpsuit. 17:58, July 3, 2012 (UTC)Ojox

Obtaining Winterized Chinese Jumpsuit on xbox 360[]

Using Fallout3ve, I've been able to obtain many 'unobtainable' items for my lone wanderer on my xbox 360. I'm playing probably my last play-through for a while and am being very thorough without breaking the game by obtaining unbreakable or OP weapons. However, my predicament is as such: I really want (through F3ve) to get the Winterized Chinese Jumpsuit and the Winterized Combat Armor. The Combat Armor works, no problem, only I've discovered that the Chinese Jumpsuit is flagged 'not equip-able' and, as such, adding it to my inventory via F3ve means I cannot see it in my inventory to quip it. I'd rather not use the unbreakable Sim Version, but I don't know if that's even equip-able either. If anyone knows how I might get around this, that would be great, I want to know:

-whether the Sim Version is equip-able

-whether, if I F3ve an item which is equipped on my character (metal armor and helmet, for example) it will equip the item, since the altered item was equipped before - I don't think this will work but I'll probably try it later

-whether there is any way of obtaining any version of the Winterized Chinese Jumpsuit and Hat on the xbox 360. I've heard that you can make a save on PC and convert it to xbox format (.fos to .fxs), so I could potentially convert my xbox save to pc, console command the item, and then convert it back, however,m even if I can equip it once, I assume I'll never be able to re-equip it if I remove it?

Many thanks for reading this, and I'm aware no one's commented on this board in three years so I'm not really expecting an answer, but here's hoping someone sees this,

Thanks, 17:46, July 3, 2012 (UTC)Ojox

It's Impossible To Get It Without Mods

I put the combat armor on a trooper, went all the way back to HQ, came back and he was wearing it, and also still the balaclava hat. The "Chinese Jumpsuit" was not even in his inventory, only his assault rifle sinc I took away his ammo.

Shame, at least we can get Jingwei's!
