Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Finding Wild Bill[]

Not sure if this was a one-off quirk in my game, but it turns out that Bill had either fallen through the floor or drifted through the neighbouring wall so he was no longer accessible. For the benefit of any other PC owners who have difficulty finding him, the usual moveto sequence should solve your problem, i.e.

prid xx00a7cf
moveto player

where xx is whatever ThePitt.esm is in your load order (01 in mine, but others may differ - just count upwards from Fallout3.esm, which is 00). Not a novel solution, but since I spent an hour or two trying to find him before conceding defeat I thought it was worth mentioning! --Vometia 19:46, September 23, 2009 (UTC)

This has happened to me on the PS3 version, do you guys know of anyway that might get me through the floor or wall and down to where Wild Bill is?

  • Another PS3 user here who's had Wild Bill disappear on him. The Ingots are where they're supposed to be, but Bill (and more importantly, his gun) are nowhere to be found. Seems to be a common (or at least KNOWN problem), so I'm sticking it under the Bugs section in the article. Vometia, I'm also robbing your fix for the PC version >.>Zakrael 23:33, October 2, 2009 (UTC)


Same problem for ps3 here aswell! but this time no ingots either!!!! so i cant get the tribal power armor!!!! might try opening up a old save or just keep coming back and see if that works or maybe re-talking to milly or whoever it was who was on about wild bill. - Andy8299

He's not in my game either (PS3), but I *luckily* still found the ingots!!! 02:26, October 11, 2009 (UTC)

I've found a fix for this glitch, may post a video on how to retrieve this weapon, expect this on the weekend when my plan resets. I'll post a link on this page when I successfully upload the vid.

The discussion page for the "Find Wild Bill" quest has this link to a video showing how to get to Bill and the ingots. Also, for those who loot him through the invisible barrier as demonstrated in the video, you may not get the dialog option to inform Milly that you found him. My guess is the barrier prevents you from "finding" Bill even though you looted his corpse and read the note. I rectified this by going back to Bill, dragging his corpse up against the barrier, saving, and then fast-traveling back to Milly to see if the dialog option appeared. Amazingly, it worked! Chung Shui 05:04, March 2, 2010 (UTC)
