Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Mask and Suit.[]

Does anyone know where to get the mask and costume without killing the members? (i'm an idolised serial killer cannibal on there and i would like to stay that way XD ) and is it possible to become a member?

Killing faction members while remaining undetected ([Hidden], [Caution] but not [Danger]) will not cause a loss of reputation, as no one can realistically know the courier was responsible. Mictlantecuhtli 16:08, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
I believe you can acquire a White Glove outfit and mask as part of the Beyond The Beef Quest, though, I don't know exactly how. Nymphonomicon 06:11, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

You can get a formal outfit on Chauncey corpse, and 2 masks and outfits (and a ceremonial cane) on the assassins sent to kill you when you discover the corpse of the previous inquirer (or Crusoe) in his room. In fact you have to kill the assassins as they attack you first. There is no loss of reputation here. Yes, Marjorie can make you a member of the white glove society but it has little impact in the game, as far as I know--Croquignol 15:24, November 20, 2010 (UTC)

Battle of Hoover dam?[]

The article is abit unclear whether the white gloves fight at hoover dam (if allied with legion). I doubt it but can anyone confirm anything? --Robdog2k10 20:02, April 5, 2011 (UTC)

"Random guests"[]

"Once reformed cannibals, some of them now wish to return to cannibalism by abducting random casino patrons"

The guests abducted are not at "random" but methodically picked based on circumstance and prestigious value.

Marjorie states that the wife-to-be got cold feet and ran off. (Circumstance)

Mortimer states that Carlyle St. Clair would be a good meal based on his position in society. (Prestigious Value)

Having just completed Beyond the Beef for the umpteenth time, I would be safe in saying that they select targets in a more precise fashion. -- 12:39, April 18, 2011 (UTC) Boldt Corderman

Article is currently more about the Hotel than the Society[]

The current article says a lot about the Ultra-Luxe hotel and not nearly enough about the society, its members, and its agenda/goals. While the Hotel and the Society are inextricably intertwined, I think further content edits should link to the Ultra-Luxe article rather than repeat the content presented there.

Aggressive behavior.[]

Well I managed to mess up while trying to get to Mortimer for the "Beyond the Beef" quest. I stole a key to the white glove society only area since he wouldn't come out of it. I unlocked the door and went in and came back out after staying hidden... Apparently that didn't keep them from noticing I was in. Lucky as I am, I manage to have Mortimer start walking out off the area right after I entered the second time not one minute later. To this day I cannot go into the casino with having all the white gloves coming after me and getting themselves promptly slaughtered. Only one person died when they became aggressive and that was a uhhh cashier or whatever. I didn't kill him myself, but Rex did chew him up and spit him out. It did nothing to my reputation with them.

Is there any way I can reset this aggressiveness or am I going to have to vilify myself with them?

Original Name?[]

In the game we learn the original names of the Chairman (Boot Riders) and the Omertas (Slither Kin), but is the original name of the White Glove Society ever mentioned? 15:45, August 4, 2011 (UTC)


No, Vault, you CANNOT help Mortimer return the Society to cannibalism, AND join them as an honorary member. I have just spent the last four hours trying every possible combination of actions from every single point in the quest. It is IMPOSSIBLE. The related note has been corrected. Please do not change it back. It is WRONG. The End.--Mister Twist 13:12, October 29, 2011 (UTC)

Pre-Release Name: Sawneys, origins[]

This may be a reference to Sawney Bean, a mythical 16th-century Scottish cannibal who was said to have killed eaten over 1000 people together with his family. It's speculation but I'm certain this is a reference to him, he's one of the most famous cannibals in the world.

Has anyone else noticed a similarity between the White Glove Society and the Ghoul Resturant from Tokyo Ghoul? I mean, one, they both wear masks, two, they are both cannibals, and three, Rotface says that the White Glove Society used to be an "all ghoul gang".

Similarities with the Ghoul Restaurant[]

Has anyone else noticed a similarity between the White Glove Society and the Ghoul Resturant from Tokyo Ghoul? I mean, one, they both wear masks, two, they are both cannibals, and three, Rotface says that the White Glove Society used to be an "all ghoul gang".

New Vegas came out a year before Tokyo Ghoul. Raymond1922 (talk) 15:08, August 27, 2019 (UTC)