Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Hey guys, does anyone know which areas lead to this area? I want to know, because I have no found it, and am afraid the ship may lock it. Jetholt (Jetty) 06:32, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

Death range[]

While playing around in the weapons lab i come across the shooting range, I press the button and 5 albino radscorpians spawn killing the raiders instantly. For fun I pressed the button again and 4 more albinos spawn, pretty soon the entire range is filled with albinos climbing all over each other.

I'm sure this is rare but in my game (360) an albino managed to glitch it's way up to the top floor after it wiped out the raiders. Needless to say I was kind of shocked to suddenly die while shooting cows.

yeah, happened to me too. an albino spawned in the left teleport thingy and started to float in the air. then it disappeared.i ignored it and a few minutes later the albino was right next to me. well at least i didn't die :)

AHHHH IT'S CHASING ME RIGHT NOW!!! HELP!!!! *FLEES* No, seriously. I spawned WAAAAY too many. Like 2 dozen. At least one got up.

Also, as a side note, spawning too many makes the X-Box 360 run slower and may cause it to glitch. --AleximMose 01:50, 9 August 2009 (UTC)

GOD DAMN IT! I killed it, but before I could enter the Pip-Boy to heal, its poison killed me. ARGH!!!--AleximMose 01:53, 9 August 2009 (UTC)

Death Ray and Bridge Objectives Unexpectedly Completed in Weapons Lab[]

While in the middle of shooting a standard Drone Cannon at Albino Radscorpions in the test range I received text announcements that I'd disabled the deathray and had reached the bridge. This glitch occurred again with the Drone Cannon Ex-B as show:

Weapons Lab glitch

Each time I'd just received the Xenotech perk a few seconds earlier, I was wearing Chinese Stealth Arm and a Guardian Drone was to my right assisting me. --Phiont 21:30, 6 August 2009 (UTC)

Loot the Range[]

Hey, so does anyone know if it's possible to loot the range? Cause there's a lot of really good loot down there and if you could get down it would be very nice lol, maybe i'm just being greedy cause you get loads of junk during the course of the DLC

^I don't know what year you posted this for some reason, but I wish someone would have answered you. I still have this game, and certain critical kills at the Shooting Range reveal a doorway. I just wish I knew what hall that door leads to. 21:26, December 8, 2011 (UTC)

You can actually find the doorway easily but its blocked off and cannot be accessed.-- 23:26, July 18, 2013 (UTC)

It IS possible to loot the range successfully and live to tell the tale. (The note on this page about not being able to enter the range is wrong.) I just did it, but it's tricky. You need to use the Unarmed-teleportation bug/feature. Here's how: (1) Use your Drone control device to activate and befriend the Guardian drone nearby. (2) Push the switch to activate the shooting range. Your drone friend will probably start to shoot and/or get shot. That's okay but don't let it die. (3) Wait until an enemy gets really close to you. When he's quite close but not occluded by the railing, target him with bare hands in V.A.T.S. If he's positioned just right, you'll get a non-zero hit chance. Take it, and you'll teleport a few feet into the range. (4) Kill and loot as quickly as you can. (5) Your only ticket out is your trusty drone friend. Get next to the ledge, jump up, and target him in V.A.T.S. with bare hands. Once you get a non-zero hit chance, take it. You'll miss, but you'll find yourself back outside the range, loot in hand. This last step is the tricky part because the drone has a tendency to wander off or glitch into an alternate dimension in an effort to follow you into the range. If that happens, you're stuck there. Leaving one enemy alive to occupy it might help. Happy looting! --ImmaculateKill (talk) 06:01, October 7, 2013 (UTC)

Weapons Range[]

There's more than just the radscorpions and raiders that come out of the teleporters in the fortified range.

Random chance of:

Raiders, Albino Radscorpion, Sentry Bot, Deathclaw,

It looks like the list may be level dependant and there may be more things that could appear. (L30 when I was in Zeta) 17:16, October 25, 2009 (UTC)

Shooting range weapons[]

Is there a conclusive list of weapons? I think weapons like Paulson's Revolver(Which rocks btw :D) are not included but is a Zeta addon weapon. GunInEveryHome 06:40, November 8, 2009 (UTC)


Whenever I play the shooting range, I can never get any albino radscorpions to appear. I am a level 25 (although I become level 26 very quickly after playing the range a little) on the X360. I would like to know why no radscorpions ever spawn.

About the samurai guy[]

From Notes: If you have given Toshiro Kago his sword, he will be found somewhere in this level surrounded by dead aliens.

well he doesn't, he only appears in the Living Quarters, I don't think this line belongs here-- 07:00, May 2, 2014 (UTC)TheDicSoupcan
