Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Alternate discription[]

I have a different discription. it is as follows:

Author:Moria Brown Expert Researcher: [Player name]

This sturdy guidebook contains a wealth of knowledge for any wasteland wanderer.

The pages are studded with good advice about survival and overcoming its denizens, only slightly hindered by impractical suggestions about high-mined ideals suck as "rebuilding humanity."

Its straight-forward and no-nonsense style makes this a very useful field guide, despite its minor flaws.

Table Book or Carry-along?[]

Any point in keeping this in my inventory or is it just a house decoration type thing? -Q

I'm using mine as a house decoration. It's a big cool looking book. It does make strange metal sounds though when I move it around and bang it into stuff. Wierd.

I put it on the table in my Mr. Handy's room (because that little room is a bit boring).V.A.T.S. addict 19:58, 12 August 2009 (UTC)

its just a decoration, but the thing is huge! its almost three times the size of any other book -- 09:59, September 6, 2009 (UTC)

How to get discription[]

Sorry to post anon, but I was curious how it is that we read these descriptions? (360, specifically, please) Thanks in advance -R

... ooops, answering my own question here for those that come after. Description is in Notes.


Matching descriptions with optional quests completed[]

It would be nice if someone could match all these descriptions with what optional (if any) quests were completed. I completed all 9 of them, yet there's still descriptions that sound better than the one I have.

Random Encounters[]

I recently ran into a male wastelander at the WKML Broadcast Station. He had killed a Mirelurk and had a copy of the Guide on him. I pickpocketed it and came back a few days later. It respawned in his inventory. This seems to be exploitable and I've edited the main as such. I remember running into a wastelander in another game of mine in a different location though. Any input on where the random encounters for these are or how many total "Guide Fans" there are? I also think I should reverse pickpocket some Tesla Armor on that guy, so I can keep stealing books from him. Imagine a safehouse table covered with 20 Survival Guides!! VATS 16:03, July 1, 2010 (UTC)

B.S. book[]

I went through and counted all the optional objectives I didn't do, 2 of them. One being the "hack the RobCo" (I accidently hit x instead of circle on my controller and it locked me out.) The other being "7 mole rats" (in the tunnel there was only about 4 left alive, and none would attack me in the wasteland so I said screw it) and I still got the B.S. "moderate guidebook contains little...detailed focus in some areas....simply confusing in others...questionable content." I also used the Intellegence on all answers. Anybody mind explaining why?

"tone of your replies"[]

moar detailz plz.

what responses are required to get one of the 5 versions? ie how do I choose the one I want?

Article overhaul[]

Does anyone else feel that this article is extremely redundant, and lacking the information people actually come here for? In reality, the description is constructed of 4 sections that change depending on how many chapters are complete and the kind of answers you gave Moira, but the page lists every possible iteration of the description, so each line is present several times. I can't imagine what a reader would be seeking that would make this format useful; I just wanted to see what changed in each section, but the current layout requires you to read every entry to determine if there's even a change in a certain section. I can only guess that this text was taken from game files, or found by repeated trials, which is an editor-side method of gathering information and not relevant to the player.

I've already rewritten the article purely using information given here, which I think organizes it more helpfully (organizes everything by section, then by what leads to which description). I've also included a small piece that describes how the description is derived in a little more detail, since it is slightly different from the Survival Expert perk (decided based on optional objectives completed in each chapter, instead of by the total completed). If there are no objections, I'll change the article tomorrow. Feel free to revert if this organization scheme is no good. LeDaea (talk) 15:55, September 24, 2012 (UTC)
