Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I know not of wiki editing, but seems to me this is a ted nugent reference to Wang Dang Sweet Putang and Wango Tango

Can not find Cerulean Robotics[]

The mapmarker points me to a door that goes from Freeside to Freeside just outside Silver rush. Is this a bug or something? I have the latest patch.

I get back there and the door is labeled "Ruined Store (Requires Key)". Where's the key?? Thecrystalcrow 19:15, October 24, 2010 (UTC)
Ignore the map markers, they're completely wrong for some reason. That's the wrong door, you need to ignore that one and keep following the road through a little gap which bends round to the left. Follow the instructions in the notes on the Wang Dang Atomic Tango page.
--Godge92 19:22, October 24, 2010 (UTC)
Got it, thanks. :) Thecrystalcrow 19:30, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

I'm consolidating the directions to CR on its page and noting that in the quest walkthrough. JonCollins 00:27, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

Unlimited exp bug[]

I found a way to gain an unlimited amount of exp after compleating the quest.First,obviously you need to complete the quest by choosing to hire Santiago and NOT Old Ben.once compleating the quest go back and talk to Old Ben,you will gain the option to hire him to work at the Atomic Wrangler through a speech check (50 speech or the Confirmed Bachelor perk required).Once done Ben will start walking to the Atomic Wrangler and sit at the reception desk,however since youve already finnished the quest you will NOT have the option to tell james Garret that youve recruited him,allowing you to continue convincing Old Ben to work at the Atomic Wrangler as much as you would like granting an easy,unlimited amount of exp217.208.165.14 16:46, October 28, 2010 (UTC)

The speech options grants 50 exp,the Confirmed Bachelor option grants 15 exp less,(35)but causes Ben to give a shorter resonse,and the speech option ends the conversation the perk doesnt.I did this on the PS3 version of the game,dunno if it works on any other consoles.

Obtaining holotape[]

Can you obtain the holotape before visiting Cerulean Robotics? If so, that step should be moved earlier in the walkthrough as it's somewhat time consuming to travel there. JonCollins 01:16, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

It can be obtained anytime after you have started the quest.Ragedaoneanlonely 22:11, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

Science requirement for the Sexbot[]

I have 50 science, like it says, but there's no option to program the sexbot. I remember being able to do it, but I had much higher science skill at the time. The requirement must be higher than 50. This is on PC, latest patch.

You have to have the quest, and I think you have to talk to the guy at mick and ralph's.

There is a terminal you have to hack (that is where the Science req comes from). Then you can upload the sexbot programming. 19:07, April 21, 2013 (UTC)

Real Ghoul Cowboy[]

Funny thing to say, but this game contains an actual Real Ghoul Cowboy, and it is a legendary vaquero Raul Alfonso Tejada. He was pretty famous in his early years, too. Who knows, maybe his fame inspired the mysterious clientele with bizarre tastes?

Making Raul accept this job would be a real waste of a useful companion and repairman. Also, it would be a shame to see a character with a real and profound back story be turned into a prostitute. Still, though, it would be a good option for evil characters... Cornelius Plautus 03:14, July 29, 2011 (UTC)

Also, allowing Raul to take the job would please the client more. James mentions they wanted a male... -- 14:00, August 2, 2012 (UTC)

fallout it awesome

Missing options[]

Just been to Mike and Ralphes and put an order in for the holotape. Waited a while and went back and asked if it was ready, it wasnt so I waited a little longer and now when I go and talk to him there is no option for me to collect it meaning I can't get the holotape needed to complete the quest. I could save up Science magazines but for a side quest seems a little pointless!

unlimited bottle caps glitch[]

after completeing wang dang atomic tango if u purchase a room at the atomic wrangler and hire fisto's services after he is finished approche him and crouch till u see pickpocket. pickpocket him but instead of pickpocketing he will say greetings fisto is programmed to please. select the maybe later choice and it will say 10 bottle caps added... you can do this unlimeted times... good luck....

Possible nod to the community?[]

This quest quite probably was a nod to gay fans who criticized Fallout 3 for having a little bit of anti-gay content. I noticed this post on IGN, from 2009 (more than a year before release of New Vegas):


Of special note is this post:

"I'm glad one of you homos finally took a stand against this grand injustice.

Lets take a gander at what else Bethesda frowns upon.

1. Bethesda condemns non-ghoul on ghoul action. I can't even find that damned fabled ghoul brothel.

2. Where are the sex robots!? What kind of bleak future doesn't have sex robots?

3. There are what two prostitutes? Silver and Nova? and one of them are retired? That's a damned monopoly!"

Normally, I'd say you were imagining things, but that is rather odd that all three of those get answered in the next game... -- 13:59, August 2, 2012 (UTC)

More bugs[]

I recruited Santiago as the suave talker, but as soon as I recruited him, I got the quest for Debt Collector again. At least, it just told me to turn in some 380 caps, even though I have already turned all that in. 06:51, September 21, 2012 (UTC)radDoc

Can't complete the quest[]

I've done everything except tell the Garrets about Fisto. Every time I try to enter the Atomic Wrangler I get a black screen and a game freeze. Anyone know what's up with this? I've reloaded numerous times, tried fast-travelling elsewhere on the map and then back to Freeside, making a different quest active, still every time I try to enter the Atomic Wrangler it's game over. Help? 23:02, February 3, 2014 (UTC)
