Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Anyone else think this is a Metal Gear solid reference, or am I reading too much into it? The Nightstalkers are half snake after all. Just seems like a silly name 11:17, December 30, 2010 (UTC)


Multiple encounters[]

I'm finishing up a mod that required me to look through every cell in the game. While in this cell, I found something not mentioned on the page. It seems there are multiple encounters that will happen here. I haven't tested it in-game, so I won't post it on the page, but from looking it over, I'm pretty sure this script will run. To get the next encounters, first kill all the night stalkers in the cave and wait three days. There will be another group of night stalkers. Kill all of them, then return one day after that. The area will have a group of four death claws. The deathclaws do not respawn, so their death should be the end of any fighting in this cave. I'm a little busy with my mod so I can't check this in the game, but again, I see no reason for this script not to be running. If someone could confirm that this does happen, please add it to the page.--SushiSquid 07:15, August 26, 2011 (UTC)
