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Fallout Wiki

First! Oh, and I have a question about the perk as well. *clears throat* If you take Voracious Reader. will you be able to use it to make "True Police Stories" magazines? That's the ones that increase critical strike chance. all my current characters have less than 7 Int and I don't feel like starting a new one for the sole purpose of finding out. FieryWrath 17:37, September 24, 2011 (UTC)

  • Yeah, you can. This perk may be more useful than it looks.--BSMaker 17:55, September 24, 2011 (UTC)
    • True Police Stories might end up being the only reason to take this perk. With 7 INT and Comprehension (taken anyway to boost the crit chance mag) you could max your skills by lvl 50, making the other skill mags redundant. --FourWayDiablo(talk) 12:40, September 28, 2011 (UTC)

Good Perk for those who took the Logan's Loophole trait & it seems that this would synergize well with the Comprehension Perk 10:48, September 28, 2011 (UTC)

Seems like this might make for a quick revenue source too. Damaged books go for 1 cap and Wonder Glue is 10 caps. One of each to make a skill magazine, that sells for 20 caps, and at 0 weight.--Taipanpenguin 23:24, September 28, 2011 (UTC)

Seriously? A whole 9 caps profit? You cant get this until level 22 and if you’re still that hard up for caps you’ve obviously been doing something wrong. You can kill 1 Fiend and make an easy 100-400 caps (depending on what weapon they’re carrying) and you’re going to dick around at a workbench converting books and wonder glue to make a lousy 9 caps? ReapTheChaos 21:36, October 6, 2011 (UTC)
Skill Mag's sell for different prices. For instance, Today's Physician is valued at 500 caps so using this perk as a revenue source is valid. (Philbert) 09:02, October 29, 2015 (UTC)

Cannot copy skill magazines, please someone help![]

Not working....I cannot get this feature to work. I pick up the burnt book or such and it turns to a blank magazine but then I go to the workbench and there is not option to copy a skill magazine I have in my inventory. I even used all the magazines I had already collected and found a new one. Still nothing. I have the ones for the Skill books just no magazine. When you go into the workbench, what is the option called? Is it the name of the magazine or what? ````Tamjce

More use out of this[]

It's a convenient perk, that help you convert all the damaged books into one type of items. instead of ten types, now you have one type. Instead of moving less than 6 copies of 10 types, now you just move 50-60 copies of that item. Verrry convenient, though you may not realize it.

For maximum use, I addperk it at the beginning. Limit your magazine-making until level 22 if you want, but no way am I gonna click click click through them again.Laclongquan (talk) 13:33, April 15, 2013 (UTC)

Voracious Reader has only 1 benefit, with old world blues, practically unlimited +10 critical chance skill books. Since it needs a 7 intelligence to get in the first place, you will max out your skill points without needing the ability to make extra skill books at higher levels. But still, almost endless +10 critical books is like having a double strength FINESS perk when ever you want to read one. Good to pick up only for that option.
