Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

That's. Fucking. Awesome.

That suit is in really good condition for being 200 years old, lol. SpellChecker 02:09, 5 May 2009 (UTC)

I'm disappointed that the slavers don't freak out when you put it on. That would have been cool.--A Pickering 21:56, January 9, 2010 (UTC)

I am scared[]

I took the Vault 77 Jumpsuit and now Im paranoid out of my mind. I cant sleep, I cant eat. Everytime I go in game I worry that because I have this damn Jumpsuit that the Vault 77 Dweller will appear with puppets in hand and attack me. In Paradise Falls I was worried that he would appear to seek vengence upon me.

Anyone else a bit freaked out when taking the Jumpsuit?

No, because there is no Puppet Man in the game. SpellChecker 02:09, 5 May 2009 (UTC)

NOT REALLY. I have the Lincoln's repeater. And that will keep me safe from anything. And how shall he find me when I am hiding in Vault 112.

Because he's RIGHT HERE READING THIS! Puppet Man

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUPPET MAN!!!!!! DIE! DIE! DIE! YOU BLOND, PUPPET WIELDING PHYCOPATH!! ................Ha Ha Ha Ha .....JK...... - FalloutFreek

Ive got the jumpsuit and der is something about it which just doesnt make me feel safe. Im going 2 put it in a crate at the bottom of some river or sumin and leave it der...... I hope it doesnt find its way bak 2 me :S - Chiefsean16

I am not pretending here but I did what I said I would do in my last message, which is above, and the Vault 77 Jumpsuit came back to me! It was a few months ago in 2009, I forgot to tell everyone until I found this page again today. The damned Jumpsuit was on my player's couch! I went upstairs to get my character some sleep and when I came back down it was there! I actually screamed when I saw it, then I hid upstairs from it for about 10 minutes. Then I came back down, put it in my inventory and ran out of Megaton and went to Raven Rock, climbed up to the top where the Vertibirds are, you know glitch? I dropped it and fast travelled back to Megaton and I havn't seen it since. Chiefsean16 23:26, April 13, 2010 (UTC)

I put it on Charon and he died. I was freaking out. Or maybe it was Dogmeat taking revenge on me after I killed him. The Unknown User 20:44, November 28, 2010 (UTC)


After I was standing there for a few minutes in the barracks after I put on the vault 77 jumpsuit Jotun actually starts freaking out and tells you that you better leave; that you better get out of here; that he's not warning you again. And was equipping and unequipping his supersledge, but never actually attacked. I took it off and rezoned and he still did it though a couple times, but not constantly like he was before. on the PS3. Maybe it's just glitchy cuz eventually he attacked me and everyone went hostile and I let them kill me then I reloaded the game before I got the suit and went to get it and the other slavers killed him for me since he went hostile. This was after I picked up the suit, but I didn't put it on this second time.


WTF, why do people in vault 112 wear vault 77 suits??? Tezzla Cannon 17:42, April 9, 2010 (UTC)

Someone should check this out, as the note was added by this guy, and I don't know if it can be trusted. --Anon (Talk) 17:53, April 9, 2010 (UTC)

If anyone here who plays on PC and is reading this, please check this out and move them out of thier loungers to you with the console and see. Tezzla Cannon 17:57, April 9, 2010

They do, I always thought it was rather odd, until I read the Puppet man Story. and it's still odd, if not moreso. 4sostrander 22:42, April 22, 2010 (UTC)

Vault 112 residents wearing this suit ?[]

Can someone show me a picture of the vault 112 residents wearing a vault 77 suit ? I looked closely at the model in the GECK to see them wearing wault 112 suits, and again, in the GECK the only vault 77 suit is the one located in paradise falls. This false information was also in the vault 112 article, I made an edit to remove it (with screenshots of the residents) until someone can prove it is true. Well, as I still have the screenshot page on the screen here it is :Vault 112 resident . I may be wrong and don't want to remove a correct information but as I am able to see the residents wearing the right suit, I'd like to see a screenshot showing them wearing the wrong one, not only a rumor about it Croquignol 18:01, May 19, 2010 (UTC)

I removed the article note. As far as I can see, your screenshots end the argument. Someone has been pulling our legs.--Gothemasticator 18:14, May 19, 2010 (UTC)

In the hands of Slavers for 200 years![]

Has anyone else thought it strange that the slavers have had this suit along with the note saying to destroy it for basically 200 years but in all of that time none of them ever actually bothered to destroy it? -- 10:43, March 27, 2011 (UTC)

Don`t steal this item if Clover is a follower.[]


  • Tested extensively to see if this comment on Suit 77 ,Prima Official Game Guide P128 is true.
  • With either very good or very evil Karma stealing this suit with Cover as a follower has no effect. Neither has wearing it. Unlike stealing a bottle of Slaver Whiskey which does elicit an immediate negative response. --1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 07:14, June 11, 2013 (UTC)