Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Possible bug[]

So I had a full Sancuary by the time I ran into him. I convinced him to go there, but obviously he couldn't fit. I sent one of the settlers to another settlement but he still didn't show up. I traveled back to the hotel and he wasn't there either, so it's looking to me like he's flat out disappeared. Could someone confirm this is a bug or otherwise can someone inform me of where he is now?Seraphimneeded (talk) 12:31, November 22, 2015 (UTC)

And, go figure, as soon as I post this he shows up. Looks like he has a delayed arrival in this instance. Seraphimneeded (talk) 12:33, November 22, 2015 (UTC)

How long was it from the point you told him to go to Sanctuary until he actually arrived? ~Anon

When I sent him to Sanctuary he never showed up there. So I entered "player.moveto 00031fb4" and I found him DEAD on the road between Starlight Drive In and Rotten Landfill. ~Mafjora

When I met the Vault-Tec Rep in Goodneighbor, I felt really, really bad for him. So, I tied up some loose ends in Goodneighbor, then went out to escort him to Sancuary. He got jumped and killed by a robot before I could reach him. I reloaded, and reloaded. Each time the poor man was killed by a singe hit from a crazy robot, only a block or two away from Goodneighbor. So, it is not necessarily a bug, he justs dies on his way to or from places.~Momasaur


His post war outfit is Dirty Fedora and Dirty Trench Coat. The Dirty Trench Coat is bugged. It uses VTSalesman_d texture instead of VTSalesmanPostWar_d. Luvere (talk) 04:02, November 28, 2015 (UTC)

  • Its only bugged on male characters, shows up correctly on females. Still hasn't been fixed in the latest patch... 01:00, Febuary 08, 2016 (UTC)


Every time I try to sell him stuff it starts with "hey since you're here how about a job.." or whatever, then he talks for half a minute ending with "..supposed to win a pack of steak knives", all of it outside of the dialogue, so I can't skip it, until I'm allowed to talk to him again and access his trading interface. 17:30, February 18, 2016 (UTC)

Possible bug fix[]

Found it on Reddit here: [1] and it worked for me on PC.They don't mention what platform, but it may work on any because of the type of thing it is. I got him to Sanctuary, but then he would only say the 'steak knives' and 'look at us' dialog, no interactivity at all. I told him to move to Red Rocket from Sanctuary, then before he actually walked away, re-assigned him to the emporium and it worked, and then I got the 'do you want a job'dialog. --Azaram (talk) 17:24, April 16, 2016 (UTC)
