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Fallout Wiki


I think the Van Graff's are Black supremacists. There are 20-30 people connected to the Van Graff's in the Mojave Wasteland, dead (raided caravans) or alive, and none of them is white. They don't have any white employee's.

Two of the Silver Rush guards are Caucasian; baseids 0011839b and 001183a3. --Kris User Hola 18:09, November 23, 2010 (UTC)

List of all quests regarding killing Van Graffs could prove usefull.. Seems a few quests if initiated prior, could be completed or advanced at one time..

Van de Graaff[]

I think the name Van Graff is a reference to the physicist Van de Graaff, famous for the Van de Graaff generator. wikipedia article

I believe so as well. Because Nikola Tesla claimed to have made an energy weapon (or what would be considered one in Fallout) by studiyng the Van de Graaff generator. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teleforce --neko_ceko (talk) 19:06, March 12, 2013 (UTC)


I know that Gloria specifically mentions her mother during the after-action talk in the Silver Rush after the Legion double-cross, but does she ever call Tiaret by name? Nitty Tok. 17:03, December 29, 2010 (UTC)

Relationship with other factions[]

So, having two playthroughs, one a Brotherhood Paladin that helps bring the Brotherhood and NCR together and stands against everything evil, and the other Mr. House's personal enforcer, I was asking myself, how do the three main factions see the Van Graffs?

The Legion probably wants them dead. That's easy to determine because of the Van Graff's intention of backstabbing them and the Legion's hate against pretty much anyone else. But what about the others?

For my first playthrough with the Brotherhood Paladin it wasn't a difficult decision whether the Van Graffs should die, because the Brotherhood wouldn't allow the technology. But how does the NCR really see them? On the one hand, you have this criminal syndicate that hopes to eradicate all opposing caravan companies, which the NCR, by the help of Cass in Heartache by the Number, definitely want to stop. On the other hand, you have the Van Graffs kind of allying the NCR by helping them against the Legion in Birds of a Feather after killing Cass (seems contradictory at first, but then the NCR also wouldn't know about the crimes of the Van Graffs ... Or they do, and still want to use their smaller enemy to backstab a much greater threat). So which of the scenarios would the NCR favor?

In the second playthrough, I thought about what House would say about the situation with the Van Graffs, and that's also my main question. Do you think House and the Strip would prefer stopping the Van Graffs' conspiracy against the caravans in Heartache by the Number, or would he rather favor helping the Van Graffs? I'm really not sure what he could see in this syndicate. After all, House himself does not need the Van Graffs for anything, but maybe they are also somewhat helpful sitting in Freeside and selling energy weapons to the people of New Vegas. More specifically, would House and the Strip need the Van Graffs out of business, or keep them there by killing Cass and favor the backstabbing plan against the Legion? What do you think? Vladimir-Lem 12:26, June 1, 2011 (UTC)


"If the Courier helps Cass find evidence of the Van Graffs trying to kill her in the quest, Heartache by the Number, they will become hostile when Cass is nearby. If you wish to avoid hostilities, approach the Silver Rush without Cass or stealthily kill the door guard Simon."

IT DIDN'T WORK!!! I tried killing Simon stealthily but they remain hostile: When I enter the Silver Rush they continue to be hostile ... I've also tried waiting for 5 days to see if they are continued to be hostile, but they are still hostile. Also, if I go without Cass they still remain hostile... (sorry about my bad english, but I´m spanish).

What's Wrong?? is there any solution?? --Gorkagomez (talk) 21:01, July 20, 2013 (UTC)

Finishing the quest peacefully will permanently turn them hostile, even when Cass is not with you. Oh well, time to kill them all, no? --Puokkiw (talk) 11:56, May 17, 2014 (UTC)

Redundant infos[]

In the article are written few infos, each of them repeated at least two times with the very same words. I'm not english or a great wiki user, so I do not dare rebuilding the page, but somebody should do it.--Damx (talk) 14:57, November 29, 2014 (UTC)


There's this one thing that bothers me: if i recall correctly, this Gloria broad at some point had a strange remark about taking on the NCR. Well, i just fail to see how. NCR was introduced if Fallout 2 and it has been already a power to be reckoned with. And no sign of this Van Graffs anywhere. By the time of New Vegas, NCR is shown much stronger, an actual country with government, army, currency, etc; has already won(kinda) with second most badass organization in Fallout universe - brotherhood of steel and struggling against this legion, described as a "tidal wave crushing everything in its pass" or smth. And then, we have this family(?) which at the very best, will be kinda paramilitary organization, but more likely will be couple or a dozen family members and bunch of ragtag mercs or freelancers and such. So, how exactly this Van Graffs will beat NCR? --Walker

addition to notes: Hostility[]

  • If the courier kills every one at the silver rush, the van graffs worldwide will become hostile, even the one at novac, which in term can cause novac infamy should the courier kill her.
  • Killing a lot of van graff members will cause something similiar to becoming villified, even though the silver rush isn't a veying faction. This could be known as "invisible infamy" for reference.
  • Interrupting or fleeing from any meeting in the silver rush will also cause immediate invisible infamy and cause all van graffs to be hostile. (possible bug) 08:27, November 16, 2015 (UTC) editor email: SueSakamotoTakari@gmail.com
