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Fallout Wiki


On level 30 (hard mode) I came across 3 reavers, 3-4 glowing ones, 4-6 other ferals at the same time. Hardest area in Point Lookout and perhaps the entire capital wasteland. Amorality 01:26, 24 June 2009 (UTC)

You lucky person i had 6 reavers and 7 glwoing ones along with some damn swamp ghouls and normal ferals chasing me.....i was playing on very hard and only wearing a merc veteran outfit Butter 15:42, 25 June 2009 (UTC)


For me (I'm Level 24), it was about 3 sentry bots, 4-6 glowing ones, and about 12 roamers. I just arranged them into a group and just threw a few frags using Vats... worked like a charm


SplittingTheAtom 14:18, 24 June 2009 (UTC)

Needs Help![]

This page is a major point in PL, we need to move on improving it.

Also, I had 3 reavers, 2 sentry bots, 2 Mr. Gutsys, 3 Turrents, 6-10 Swampgouls, and a bunch of roamers. They seemed to come in waves...
Starting moving things around, deleting others. WTF is stuff like this doing under its description: "There is also a glowing one with a strange aura around him. He glows much brighter than the other ghouls or glowing ones". More like a glitch, but we need confirmation.

Confirm the 5 graves near the sewer exit from the Internment Camp - Various loot and weapons. PJ


Alot of the opening paragraphs are speculation, should they be included? --RedTracer7 23:50, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

I removed the third paragraph, I really don't think a bunch of captured, weapon-less commies would have rose against the well-armed men and robots of Turtledove. Nitpicker of the Wastes 23:48, 25 June 2009 (UTC)
You can find, on the Camp "Superintendent"'s terminal, that some of the prisoners were intending to escape using a drainage pipe in the morgue. The actual pipe does have a corpse in it, but I can't find any mention of a riot. (Besides the "Last Stand" look some of the Barracks have).--RedTracer7 23:51, 25 June 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, maybe after all them flashpoints showed up on the horizon, as the Hillbillies slowly picked off the outer patrols. But that sure doesn't belong in the article, as vague as it was. Nitpicker of the Wastes 23:53, 25 June 2009 (UTC)
Hmm. Grizzly put it back. Alright. But makeshift weapons? All I found was a lawn-mower blade. Nitpicker of the Wastes 23:56, 25 June 2009 (UTC)
Take a guess. 15px-Scribe.jpg Tagaziel (call!) 00:05, 26 June 2009 (UTC)
The Chinese were emo kids and tried to cut themselves with the lawnmower blade since there was no knife available? :P -- Porter21 (talk) 00:07, 26 June 2009 (UTC)
There are actually several bloodstains nearby and one skeleton draped over it... Nitpicker of the Wastes 00:08, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

While Going into hut B, i found a peice of armor not listed on the page, Something like, Wander Legend Outfit. From the pipboy look, it seems like a merc charmer gear, but when i put it on, GLITCH city. The Game was not playable as the screen collasped on itself. Even in third person few, it appears invisible on my charcter. Has anyone else found this peice? Do you have the same problem? Its not hard to find, its on the left end of the hut's room near the bunkbeds. - Devil of the South

Was it inside the footlocker? It was probably a Wasteland legend outfit. I couldn't find any armor, despite not having swept the area before. Nitpicker of the Wastes 14:35, 27 June 2009 (UTC)

It wasn't in a footlocker, just on the floor folded up. It didnt seem to have any distinguishing stats, so yah could have been the wasteland outfit, I'll double check it. - Devil of the South

Good sneaking strategy[]

I am L30 with 100 Sneak and Silent Running. I approached in sneak from the side gate with the truck in between the two gates. When I got inside the first gate and touched the inside gate the Ghouls started attacking the camp with the turrets and sentry bots responding. Neither faction noticed me as long as I was sneaking and did not shoot.

Most of the initial few waves of ghouls were cut down. A reaver killed one sentry bot and probably a turet or two as well but eventually was killed.

This left 1 turret near administration building. 1 sentry in that area. A few roamers/glowing ones on the opposite side of the camp from the admin building. In sneak I was able to work my way around and pick off the ghouls with the lever rifle. Killing the turret from a distance is pretty easy. The only enemy I had to really face was one sentry bot.

It's a trap![]

3 Sentry Bots, 3 Mr. Gutsies, 5 Reavers. This is the first time I died in F3...

Funny thing about this trap. I showed up at level 13, and there wasn't a single Sentry Bot or Turret. Just a lot of Ghouls wandering around.


No mention of the morgue and it's cremation furnace? Seems a bit odd to have such an elaborate device and no function. Or am I missing it somewhere? 14:37, 1 August 2009 (UTC)

  • I haven't found any use for it. Looks like it is just for show I suppose. --Jimimorrison 19:09, October 10, 2009 (UTC)

actually, the mourge is part of a quest where you have to take the place of a chinese spy and blow up a pre-war submarine. your reward is the backwater rifle and possible death by rads. 19:17, February 25, 2010 (UTC)

As a side note, the fire that is activated in the furnace is not a real fire. This has been tested using the flammable Bio-Gas canisters.Zackthecleptomaniac (talk) 08:54, August 23, 2013 (UTC)

Interrogation Room C?[]

Someone has listed an Interrogation Room C, but I have found no such place and it doesn't show on the Pip Boy Local Map. There was no Interrogation Room B listed so I added it. I assume it was just an error and should have been Interrogation Room B instead of C? Anyone have any input on this whether they actually know Interrogation Room C exists?--Jimimorrison 19:12, October 10, 2009 (UTC)

"Opposition" section needs work... Seriously.[]

The last half of it looks like some rambling speculation of why the ghouls are there (Huh? Pre-war ghouls?). Obviously, the fallout generated by the Great War would have reached Point Lookout, and ghoulification would have surely followed for many of the residents. Metalfrenchtoast 05:45, October 17, 2009 (UTC)

Strategy Moved from Article[]

If you want to rid the camp of all ghouls, you should wait until the ghouls have completely rid the camp of all Sentry Bots. Once they have cleared the base (if you come upon the site and wait for a few days this will happen) put on a Ghoul Mask to mark all ghouls as friendly. There should be a bunker of sorts next to Interrogation A with only one entry point. Depending on what types of ghouls are closest, you will need to cover the entry with 3-4 Frag Mines or Bottlecap mines. Go into sneak mode (if you have a stealth boy or Chinese Stealth Armor use it) and wait until you are hidden. Using an Alien Blaster or other high powered weapon, sneak attack a Feral Ghoul Reaver. All Ghouls will attack you now. Switch to a Precision Gatling Laser (if you do not have one, you can try a Gatling Laser or Eugene, DO NOT try a Minigun!) and wait until they are all in the same room with you. Start firing randomly and you'll eventually clear the area due to only one being able to attack you at once.   --Gothemasticator 19:22, October 31, 2009 (UTC)

Floor Safe under desk[]

There's an entry for the Admin office mentioning an "Invible Floor Safe under desk" (sic) but I believe it's just that you can open the wall safe while looking at the floor near the desk (the contents are the same and you are pushed forwards slightly by the safe door opening)

Jaywhoopee 23:21, August 3, 2010 (UTC)

Creature Respawns?[]

Im curious as if the robots and ghouls respawn. anyone know? Cuz I lovw atching them fight :) i made a save before getting to close to the camp and i just replay it over and over and over again. NPCs fighting is SO entertaining :D

Creature Respawns?[]

Im curious as if the robots and ghouls respawn. anyone know? Cuz I lovw atching them fight :) i made a save before getting to close to the camp and i just replay it over and over and over again. NPCs fighting is SO entertaining :D06:53, June 10, 2011 (UTC)~

The ghouls and robots don't respawn after they're all killed. Kastera (talk) 17:51, June 10, 2011 (UTC)

Minor Correction[]

The Background section currently reads: "This is indicated by a barricade in Bunkhouse B..." when, in fact, the overturned table used as a makeshift barricade is in Bunkhouse A. I'm gonna go ahead and fix it. Just picking nits. WEAPON1052 15:25, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

Notable loot[]

Please se Help:Notable loot for what is considered notable. Dbbolton 20:31, April 3, 2012 (UTC)
