Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

safe house[]

couldn't this campsite be used as a "safe house" until something better comes along? the campfire would be quite handy for making items from plants and the like. there's a bed and a few places to store extra items. any one know if it's safe to leave stuff there?

Armor case resets to area defaults. Mictlantecuhtli 12:31, October 24, 2010 (UTC)
Ill-advised location. They respawn every few days or so: fiends, burned bodies, and cazadores. The containers doesnt seem to be so, as I havent extensively checked, but nonetheless, it's dangerous to visit here carelessly. Beside it doesnt have workbenches, no water source, and nearby shops. In short, dont camp here.Laclongquan (talk) 08:42, March 8, 2013 (UTC)

Khan Death[]

I can't see why people keep saying that the corpse in the village shouldn't be here. If you look carefully in the Graphic novel, on the page that is taking in a larger scope-view of the battle, you can see a few unnamed khans in horned helmets fighting the fiends as well as the named khans and benny. Closer still, you can see that one of the unnamed khans to the right is impaled by a fiend spear and another is being taken down by a fiend with a knife in their hand. Either example could be the situation that caused the corpse we see in-game. Exosion 16:26, January 23, 2011 (UTC)

Burning Bodies[]

In my game these guys are always alive (Barely)and hostile. They respawn as well.

Burning Bodies[]

In my game these guys are always alive (Barely)and hostile. They respawn as well.

Kill the cazadores first[]


At a higher levels and after visiting the DLC BigMT it is possible to attain total resistance to cazadore poison so that by fast travel to the camp, find Fiends and Burned Bodies all alive just before the cazadores attack. No Khans appear either dead or alive. All residents register only two health bars.

By swiftly killing all the attacking Cazadores it is possible to end up with all but two burnt bodies and seven Fiends alive and jointly intent only on attacking the courier.

They are all restricted to the cell they are found in.The burnt bodies will die upon attempting to leave while the Fiends just return to the camp. Confirmed by several playthroughs from BigmT--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 13:46, November 21, 2013 (UTC)
